Head over to ESRB.com and click on publisher, put in SEGA then search. Bam! Right in your face, undeniable truth. I guess we might see this at E3 after all.
I thought it would have been some sort of exclusive to Microsoft, but I’m wrong. The ESRB listing says its for Windows PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. Sorry Wii.
[Source: ESRB]
So as I thought, DX will cost extra as DLC. Hey, if the game itself is only $10 and DX is an extra $5, I'll buy it!
How does the original Adventure get mild violence but DX gets flat out violence?
I'm guessing the different ratings is because the original Dreamcast version had the rating "Mild Animated Violence" and the Gamecube DX version had just "Violence".
Anyway, does the PC version means Steam? :3
If it does, I want it.
Well at least there is a choice of which game you want.
I would probably get the DC original.