Official Nintendo Magazine teases sidekick character for Sonic 4: Ep 2

UK’s Official Nintendo Magazine has put up a preview for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2. The preview was posted over in the Sonic Stadium forums, no scans as of right now. They did say that one of’ Sonic’s old side kicks will come back, most likely being Tails. But they also said this:

“Other than that, we’d expect more of the same from Episode II. More loops, more speed, more proper old-school Sonic physics and more awesome fake Mega Drive music complete with rubbish drum samples. Just the way we like it.”

Hard for me to take a magazine seriously that thought the first game had ‘proper old-school Sonic physics’. It didn’t. Unless they meant this new one had ‘more proper’ old-school physics, but I doubt that. Word for word preview after the jump.

[Via: TSSZnews]

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II
Format: WiiWare

Well, that went pretty well, didn’t it? After months of waiting, fingers crossed, hoping that they wouldn’t mess it up yet again, Sonic Team finally came up trumps and delivered a side-scrolling Sonic game that more or less captured the spirit of the fantastic Mega Drive originals. Don’t forget Sonic 4 is an episodic game though, so rather than lying back and soaking up all the praise, the chaps and chapettes at Sonic Team are currently beavering away at putting together the second instalment.

What can we expect this time around? Well, it’s been hinted that while Sonic was the only playable character in the first game, he may be joined by one of his many buddies for his second outing. This is no cause for concern, there’s no need to start screaming “Cream the Rabbit is coming back! Why, Satan, why?” because, given the retro stylings of the first episode, the chances are that your pal is likely to be a long-time Sonic favourite like Tails or, at a push, Knuckles.

Other than that, we’d expect more of the same from Episode II. More loops, more speed, more proper old-school Sonic physics and more awesome fake Mega Drive music complete with rubbish drum samples. Just the way we like it.

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5 responses to “Official Nintendo Magazine teases sidekick character for Sonic 4: Ep 2

  1. Cool to see news of the sequel!

    Why not credit the SSMB member rather than the awful TSSZ? They didn't report squat.

  2. George says:

    I gave credit, but I gave the via link to TSSZ because I got the news from there. It is only fair.

  3. Sharky says:

    I second Barrys notion on this one…


    *doesn't debate Sonic 4 physics*

  4. nuckles87 says:

    Third Barry's notion. Didn't TSSZ leave SEGAnerds uncredited back when you guys where working there?

    In any case, not really news either way. It only tells us stuff that we already know and speculates on the rest.

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