Guess who is directing Rise of Nightmares!

[Ueda is on the left.]

Ryuta Ueda! Who is he you ask? Just a man that worked on games like Panzer Dragoon Saga, Jet Set Radio and the first 3 Yakuza games. Pretty much classy stuff.

Not only is he directing the project, he is also writing scenarios, doing the artwork and more (so teases his facebook page).  So if you are a hardcore SEGA fan, this is a title you might want to keep a close eye on.

[Via: The Forums]

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6 responses to “Guess who is directing Rise of Nightmares!

  1. cube_b3 says:

    Great, another one from Nagoshi studio (Amusement Vision + SmileBit)!

    I thought this was supposed to be a WOW game :/

  2. Suzuki Yu says:

    @ Cube-b3

    Ryuta Ueda working with CS3 now (VC/Skies team) , he left Nagoshi's team after Yakuza 2.

    and to be honest i am more interested in this game now more than i would be if AM1 was the team behind it.

    i don't trust an off-rail Kinect game by THoTD creators while i think Ueda is a great designer and up for the challenge.

  3. George says:

    Yeah, its a CS3 game. Should keep up with the convos in the game's thread before hating on Nagoshi and his awesome tan studio.

  4. cube_b3 says:

    Fayez the news post says he works on all 3, and I read a recent interview at GamesTM which alludes him still at Amusement Vision.

    If he is making it with VC/Skies Team (WOW) it would be a WOW game, it would make sense Atsushi Seimiya, Noriyoshi Oba have left SEGA and Uchida is stuck in Shanghai. WOW would need somebody established to run the division.

  5. Suzuki Yu says:

    @ Cube_b3

    he wasn't in the credit of any game since Yakuza 2.

    in this article:
    it clearly says he is part of CS3 (VC/Skies team)


    WOW (now AM1) =/= Overworks (now CS3)

    but maybe you can find some people who worked on THoTD franchise in the past at CS3 (Overworks) since at some point WOW and Overworks were working together under the name SEGA WOW…. but that was long time ago.

  6. George says:

    I love how, Cube is OK with this game if its made by people on a team… but if its Nagoshi, it sucks. Nice.

    *thumbs up*

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