That’s right! According to Major Nelson, the XBLA HD version of Guardian Heroes drops tomorrow (that’s Wednesday 8/31) at the low price of 800points! ($10 USD) Considering how much a Saturn copy goes for on E-Bay, that’s a steal! Now it’s time for me, George, Aki, Sharky and the rest to fight over who gets to review it.
UPDATE: Major Nelson messed up. It’s not coming out today. Sorry. (:-(
wow! any idea if its the same case for europe?? By the way my gamertag is westhamhaz if you need anymore people to play co-op with
I have to resubscribe to Gold first. I let mine lag since I don’t use my 360 much. For some reason, four other Arcade titles are also coming tomorrow so GH has some competition.
too many dotsit should be 3 maximum.
fire this editor immadietly.
LOL There’s no set rules on dramatic pause dots.
Any idea if this is the same story and gameplay as the original? I heard of this game and would love a chance to play the remake. Guess I’m out ten bucks.
Crud! Major Nelson just tweeted that it will not come out tomorrow…
out of pure curiosity, why is this a 360 exclusive? Is there a reason?
Can you put a link to e source?
\ /
“the” source.
It’s not coming today:!/majornelson/statuses/108641520957145088