SEGA announces Daytona USA for PSN and XBLA

One of SEGA’s all time arcade classics, Daytona USA, has been announced for XBLA and PSN. The title has for sometime been confirmed to be coming through the ratings board and a competition video SEGA made last week, but the company today officially confirmed that Daytona USA will be coming out with its original name to boot.

The game will be priced at $9.99 for XBLA and PSN and the publisher has confirmed that the original soundtrack will be available. Online multiplayer, racing wheel and widescreen support has all been confirmed. Click after the break to get the full press release and release dates.

SEGA of America, Inc. and SEGA Europe Ltd. today announced the triumphant return of the cherished arcade racer, Daytona USA, coming this month to home consoles. Speeding out of the past from its 1993 debut, Daytona USA will be racing onto Xbox LIVE Arcade for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, and PlayStation Network. The classic title has been tuned up and overhauled with enhanced graphics, steering wheel support and, for the first time on home consoles, online multiplayer. Daytona USA will be available as a speedy digital download in North America on October 25 for PlayStation Network ($9.99) and October 26 for Xbox LIVE Arcade for Xbox 360 (800 Microsoft Points), and in late November in Europe.
Since its arcade debut, Daytona USA has stood the test of time as one of SEGA’s top racing titles, thanks to its colorful tracks for drivers of all skill levels, breakneck-speed gameplay and competitive head-to-head multiplayer options. The game’s iconic soundtrack is instantly recognizable to SEGA and racing fans everywhere, and every detail of the original hit has been meticulously preserved, polished and presented for the ultimate version of Daytona USA.

The re-release of Daytona USA features:

•Fresh Oil and a New Coat of Paint: Experience the classic retro graphics of the original arcade hit in an enhanced,16:9 widescreen format
•Let’s Go Away: Relive your glory days of racing to the sounds of the original Daytona® USA soundtrack, also available in Karaoke Mode (admit it, you know you have been singing along anyway)
•Pedal to the Metal: Drive like a pro with included support for the Logitech GT Driving Force steering wheel controller on PS3, and all Xbox 360-supported steering wheel controllers
•Reach the Winner’s Circle: Challenge AI opponents in Arcade Mode, race the clock in Survival and Time Trial Modes, and trade paint with up to eight players in online multiplayer to place on the worldwide leaderboard

[Source: Gaming-Age]

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14 responses to “SEGA announces Daytona USA for PSN and XBLA

  1. Trippled says:


    Hell yes!!

  2. DCGX says:

    Alright, so to clarify, this is the original Arcade release and not Dreamcast release, meaning the DC tracks are not in this?

  3. George says:

    Maybe all those people on twitter that were rude to me for saying Daytona USA was coming in another article can apologize. I guess EA doesn’t own shit.

  4. Shigs says:

    Renegade Ops, Space Channel 5 part 2, Sega Bass Fishing, Guardian Heroes and Daytona USA all within about a month and a half. Sega’s been busy.

  5. Centrale says:

    So, is it a port of the Sega Racing Classic version?

  6. Shigs says:

    Yup. If it were any more authentic, it would have bad pop-up. They ought to put that in as an option. XD

  7. segaismysavior says:

    Wow… I can’t believe we’ll see a Daytona game without pop-up. The video footage looks exactly as I would want it.

  8. Kori-Maru says:

    Only two more weeks.

  9. AshleyAshes says:

    I bought my Microsoft Points today just to get ready. My favorite, most nostalgic arcade game ever. I’ll be glad to have paid Sega for it.

    …And glad not to have paid The Crystal Palace of Moncton New Brunswich token, after token, after token to have played it. |:

  10. Body PRESS says:

    I still wish that it could have been Daytona USA 2001 instead. I mean, just listen to that music… Ugh, it’s horrible when compared to the 2001 versions. =P

    But even so: Daytona! ^__^ Yay! Can’t wait.

  11. GrantX360 says:

    Can’t work out if it’s a great thing they have ported the original or a bad one. They could have re skinned it with the original game underneath. Still after all these years and 3 console versions at least we can finally say this is arcade perfect!

  12. madged1 says:

    While I may have never played this game, I gotta say it looks good.

    Plus at about 44 seconds into the video, you can see Sonic.

  13. Body PRESS says:

    The other disappointing thing about it being a direct arcade port is that it only has three stages. That’s less than half that Daytona 2001 had. x___x

    And it doesn’t even have the TOTALLY COOL theme park stage from Daytona 2, either.

  14. unknown says:

    Sonic @ 0:44

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