This contest is for two PS3 copies of Binary Domain and 2 limited edition Binary Domain backpacks. How do you enter? Tell us in the comment section what your favorite SEGA robot is. That simple. On Friday we will pick 2 winners.
This contest is worldwide. Please do not comment more than once. Make sure you use a valid e-mail address when commenting so we can contact you.
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CONTEST OVER: The contest is over and the two winners have been e-mailed. Thanks for entering!
Metal Sonic is my favorite Sega robot!
Metal Knuckles… always liked sidekicks more than the main characters.
Metal Sonic! Could there be another?
Thanks for the chance!
I’m not sure if it counts as a robot but Wren from Phantasy Star IV was one of the characters I always kept in my party.
My favorite Sega robot is Metal Sonic
Easy, Vectorman.
My favorite SEGA robot is Orbot.
Metal Sonic!
Hmm, probably Metal Sonic.
GOLDEN SILVER from both Gunstar Heroes and Gunstar Super Heroes…..BAD. ASS. was able to defeat him in both versions….after trying 15 gawddamn times!! Dx
Everyone knows Roboy from JSRF is the best SEGA robot.
My favorite SEGA Robot is Cain from Binary Domain.
Abadd from Panzer Dragoon Orta.
Azel from Panzer Dragoon Saga. While not 100% robotic, Azel is a self-conscious biologically engineered killing machine, sort of the evolution of the “hollow children” you face in Binary Domain.
Scooter – Alien Storm
He has that awesome Battlestar Galactica classic Cylon vibe ^___^
Back in the day… ECO35-2 or “Coton” was pretty awesome.
Im going old school and picking Demi from phantasy star 4 , shes a badass
Not sure if he’s strictly “robot” enough, but E-102 Gamma from Sonic Adventure, easily.
Dr. Zan from Streets of Rage
Vectorman is my favorite SEGA robot! Extremely underrated character/game! It was soooo awesome though! <3
Ah the amount I spent on Virtual On in the arcades when I was a kid! So yeah, all the robots from Virtual On
The dude robot from Labyrinth Zone in the first Sonic. I liked him because his name, “Burrobot”, stands for dumb bot in my language.
I’m such a child.
I would have to say Dural from the Virtua Fighter series. Not only is “she” reminiscent of T-1000 (Terminator 2), in training modes you can literally program her
-since the root of robot is the Slavic word ‘robota’, essentially drudge worker.
Dr. Eggman.
Mecha Michael Jackson from Moonwalker, and mainly just to throw out an obscure reference to prove what a (somewhat) oldskool Sega fan I am!
The MBV-707-J Temjin from Virtual On is my favorite Sega robot.
The Death Egg Robot from Sonic 3 & Knuckles because you fight it 4 times in a row, that is one huge fight!!! So epic when I finally got Hyper Sonic to fight him.
It has to be Opa Opa from the Fantasy Zone. What’s not to like about him… her… it?
“Ultimate Reporter” Evila, the robotic clone of Ulala in Space Channel 5. Because she is a true rival and the most feminine SEGA robot. And last but not least… she dances !
So hard to choose, I guess that I will go with Robot Y or Neo X depending on if you are playing Streets of Rage 3 or Bare Knuckle III, great sense of accomplishment when you beat him. I also always loved to hate the sentry robots from Streets of Rage 2 Particle, Molecule, Isotope, Uranium, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Mercury, Nitrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine.
my favorite is metal sonic from the sonic the hedgehog serie. because he is really cool!
The Black Hound.
I am not entirely sure it’s a robot, but also without ever having played, I was always fascinated by Pulseman.
My favorite sega robot would have to be E102 Gamma from Sonic Adventure. Something about his ending in the game really broke my heart and made me really like his character.
mi favorite robot is metal sonic too! great contest! wish i win
Its GOTTA be the Mags from phantasy star online. Those tiny little floating robot helpers that released a photon burst after time. Essential in any situation
Definitely Evila from Space Channel 5 :).
Definitely Roboy from JSRF!
Before there was Cain, There was Scooter from Alien Storm. A robot/scrap head that you can count on during a alien invasion.
I would say…Temjin, from ‘Cyber Troopers Virtual On’.
Vectorman all the way!!
Definitely the death egg robot!
Emerl from Sonic Battle! I loved customizing him.
Out of the robot monkeys, robot biker gang, robot ninjas and robot zombies, picking a favourite is pretty hard.
But I’ll go with those little guys that drop the robots off from the air, so underrated
Do Virtuaroids count?
The casts from phantasy star online. The most awesome robots you’ll ever find in a videogame.
Metal Sonic
My favorite SEGA robot is Dreamcast xD
It’s some kind of awesomeness robot console!
The hashime mashite Robot of course!
It’s the first boss of Space Channel 5 part 2, which sings all of it’s attack phrases at you. This robot taught me that saying ‘nice to meet you’ is a devastating attack!
That’s a tough one. But I’d have to say E-102 Gamma from Sonic adventure. I loved his story in the game.
Vectorman for sure
Not really a robot as such, but other than Metal Sonic always liked Pepperouchau III
E-102 Gamma hands down. :c he didn’t deserve what happened to him.
Vec…tor…man …… makes ……. me …… hap…py
Ro…bot ………. talk
Ballhog from Sonic the Hedgehog.
Roboy from Jet Set Radio Future FTW!!!
R.A.X. from Eternal Champions.
His close range heavy kick was the most damaging move in the game.
“Flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap…”
Viper II from Virtual ON!
Lotta great answers here so far (Scooter…wow, that’s a good one!), but after some thought, I’m gonna go with Opa-Opa. He’s alive, sure, but he’s still a ship, so i think that counts!
He’s the only sega mascot (of sorts) i can think of that predates Alex Kidd, he’s stood the test of time (he’ll show up again in PSO 2.0, watch!), and in the end – nearly 25 year old spoilers here, people! – he had to fight his own father, long before guys like Solid Snake did! He’s a brave a little guy, and easily the best choice.
i have to say metal sonic i know it is a normal pick but the fights with him in CD and generations make it even better
no wait Vivian from Phantasy Star Portable
nice price
I’m not entering this to win, I’m entering this to have my opinion heard.
Formerly, Metal Sonic was my favourite SEGA machine, after playing Binary Domain however, Cain has now become my top favourite. Style and strength all in one.
“Bon soir, monsieur!”
When Michael Jackson changes into a robot after getting one of those falling star bonus items, you’ve got the best robot right there!
Moonwalker for the win.
E-102 Gamma!
My favourite robot is Metal Sonic, Sonic true and only rival.
Mecha Sonic in Sonic 2 !!!
Vectorman, that’s obvious!
Roboy from JSRF!!!!!..I love the jet set games and I’m so happy sega’s bringing jet grind radio to psn and xbla so people who haven’t played the game will get to play one of the best games ever!! :).
Crawlton from Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Most underestimated robot in all Sega games. (Honourable mention goes to Orbot, who has already been chosen. )
Zero Beat from Jet Set Radio Future
Roboy from the sweet Jet Set Radio Future!!
My favorite SEGA robot is Temjin (Virtual On)
Into the blue sky (8)
Metal Sonic all the way!
Metal Sonic… easy!
Metal Sonic is awesome
Gotta be OPA-OPA!! The name in itself is just so hilariously fun. Whoever came up with that deserves a hug =)
I go with Vectorman. For his time, he was amazing, and his game was actually pretty fun! One of the best titles for the Genesis and a rare gem, in my opinion.
No contest.
Vectorman – no need for any other.
Metal Sonic
Has to be the Moonwalker robot, from Michael Jackson: Moonwalker.
My favorite sega robot would have to be The Chao Robot, the one where there is a Chao driving a bigger Robot molded into a Chao, always thought it was funny! Here is a picture for those of you who do not know:
Scratch/bolt brains! Robo-chickens that fire machine guns? Hell yeah!
Mecha Jackson from Moonwalker. Best invincible mode ever!
My favourite sega robot would have to be metal sonic. He is just amazing, like an awesome shiny sonic. We should see him more in games.
Metal Sonic without a doubt!
Scooter from Alien Storm is my favorite Sega Robot!
I think it is the main character from Cyborg Justice, because he can use parts from others robots.
Metal Sonic
Wait, is Pulseman a robot? Or even owned by SEGA? Because it would definitely be him.
Otherwise, Mecha-Knuckles.
Do the space marines in Alien vs Predator Count? They were personality-less, and so much fun to take down.
Garuda from Anarchy Reigns.
Death Egg Robot *__* he appears again in sonic generations
My favorite robot would have to be Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic, all the way, ‘cross the sky!
Fei-yen Kn from Virtual On Oratorio Tangram, made me think robots could be “cute”
I’m pretty sure that is Metal Knuckles, he is damn cooler than metal Sonic..
I always had a crush for Virtual On. So many coins spent in the arcade when i was young (old good times).
Viper 2 was my choice.
HUcast from Phantasy Star Online. When are we getting PSO2 in the States?
Gotta be Metal Sonic for me
Vectorman was the best from SEGA.
Hapsby from Phantasy Star!
Ryo Hazuki, because based on the way he acts and talks, I’m pretty sure he is secretly a robot and wouldn’t be able to pass a Turing test.
My favourite SEGA robot is Cain from Binary Domain. Not only do I believe him to be the best SEGA robot, I think he’s the best robot and the best French character in a video game ever. He maybe doesn’t count as actually being French when he’s a robot, but his adorable accent and lovable charm makes me not care.
Sonic Adventure E102 Gama
The first robot I cried for when he died. The emotions given from that small robot’s life being taken away… gets me teary eyed all the time :'(
I already finished Binary Domain, but i want the backpack :3 The Grand Lancer! When I fought it the second time I defied the orders to climb it and just repeatedly shot it’s head til it died
Binary Domain is awesome!
My favorite SEGA robot is “Mecha Sonic” from Sonic & Knuckles. He was fought in Sky Sanctuary Zone and I hope he returns in future Sonic games!
Metal Sonic *__*
Defenitly metal Sonic
I’m gonna have to go with any robot from the Phantasy Star series. I can’t pick just one!
M3TAL S0N1C )))
My favorite SEGA robot is the Metal Sonic
It has to be metal sonic who links in with my fave sega character
Shinobi Bots that spin in Binary Domain. They’re a pain to defeat. But theyre pretty cool
E-102 Gamma!
Oh man…I’ll have to go with Metal Sonic. Rockin’.
death egg robot
Def Metal Sonic!!!
Metal Sonic has always been my favorite.
Though, Scratch and Grounder are a close second if they count!
Can’t go wrong with Metal Sonic!
It would be a toss up between iDog or Temjin from Virtua On.
E-123 Omega is mine
METAL SONIC hands down!
Personally, my favorite SEGA robot would have to the Masher robot fish guy from Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
Cain from Binary Domain! He surprised the hell out of me with style and flair. Zut alors!!!
Metal Sonic for sure.
Scooter from Alien Storm. need i say more?
Ema – No question. Just wish she knew how to make sandwiches.
Metal Sonic undoubtedly
Metal Sonic!! :3
Metal Sonic (Specifically from Sonic Generations)
The KNRB-0 Argus Robot from Vanquish! Vanquish was such an awesome game:)
Before Cain…there was Roboy, VIVA JSRF!
My favorite Sega robot is Metal Sonic ,it the best
Metal Eggman! (Sonic games).
Metal Sonic for sure!
the cyborg cop, duke oda, from e-swat! old school!!
Viper 2 from Virtua On!
Favorite robot character is gamma from sonic adventures
Metal Sonic, he is just cool.
My favourite is E-102 Gamma from Sonic Adventure.
Pulseman all the way!!! Does that count? Whatever.
Metal Sonic of Sonic & Knuckles is my favourite robot, he was such a bugger.
How do I choose between all of DR. ROBOTNIK’S creations?!?! How about Scratch, the chicken robot!
E-102 Gamma
gotta love when robots turn on their creators!
Mecha Sonic from Sonic 3 & Knuckles!
Kazuma Kiryu if there’s ever going to be a MechaYakuza – What? You already made a Zombie Yakuza. ( Ryu Ga Gotoku Of The End/Dead Souls )
My favorite is Dural from Virtua Fighter
The Bonanza Bros.
EMA — or Eternal Maiden Actualization
Gonna have to go with E-102 Gamma. It wasn’t so much how awesome he was, but how surprisingly tragic and human his story wound up being from Sonic Adventure.
Vectorman. One of the 1st Sega robots I know of.
My favorite robot is Metal Knuckles :o)
Vectorman cause he defeated warhead and saved the world
oh and hes the main character of an awesome game
Catakiller from the original Sonic
Dural (Virtua Fighter 5)
Duke Oda (E-Swat) with its power armor fueled with 90’s awesomeness.
Metal sonic!
When I was a kid, I always loved to beat Metal Sonic. Now thant I’m older, Metal Sonic have a special place on my heart!
No one beats the one and only, OPA-OPA!
Michael Jackson from Moonwalker! Nothing beats out the giant robotic King of Pop who destroys everything in sight.
My favourite robot is Echo the Dolphin
Metal Sonic
After all these years I still have a soft spot for Wren from Phantasy Star IV
The Snatchers from Snatcher!
Either that or Vectorman!
Metal Sonic hands down
my favorite robot is Mecha Metal Sonic !! When metal sonic use the power of the Chaos Rings , to get into the best robot of ever MECHA METAL SONIC !!!
The EMA robot girlfriend sega invented lol
Kireek from PSO.
“Ahh… Ga… Ubwaa!”
Assault-kun from japanese Binary Domain teasers!
Mecha Robotnik.Of all things he could make and improve on, he choose a giant mech that looks exactly like him.
I think I’m gonna have to say Metal Sonic as well.. or Motobug
E-102 Gamma from Sonic Adventure of course…
I love all Sega robotic characters, but the best one for me is, without any doubt, Temjin from the Virtual on saga!
Argus in humanoid form because you can punch his face off! Love it! What’s better than punching giant robots in the face? Nothing!
Robot Y on streets of rage I waste almost 2 lives beating him and he just spins and kills lol
The Final Boss Death EGG Robot from Sonic 2. Epic hard boss when I was a youth. =}
The hollow children
I’d have to say Hapsby from the original Phantasy Star.
Metal Sonic
The Argus robot in Vanquish.
EMA, of course!
Stella from PSO ep III
It’s got to be Metal Sonic!!
My favorite robot is kiryu from yakuza
Roboy is my definite favorite. Also excited for the PSN/XBLA release
Definitely has to be Metal Sonic for me! He’s pretty badass. >:D
Probably Dr. Zan from Streets of Rage. He just beats the shit out of everyone
Michael Jackson Moonwalker Robot
epic …
Tsar Runner in Binary Domain. Such an awesome fight/design
Vectorman for sure !!!
Roboy from JSRF is the best SEGA robot!
My favorite Sega robot would have to be Mecha Sonic. Especially when you fight him in Sonic 3 + Knuckles
Apharmd, from Virtual On. So badass.
My favourite will always be e-102 Gamma. One of the most exciting and touching story modes in Sonic game history!
It’s gotta be metal sonic…
Sonic Generation FTW.
The robots from Robotnik’s mean bean machine!
The CA-214 from TransBot.
Thanks for this great contest.
Temjin, for sure.
Temjin VR-747a8 The White Knight from Virtual-On MARZ. Too cool!
Metal Sonic he is just hot stuff!!
Metal sonic
Pretty hard question, I love nearly all Eggman’s creations! And Vectorman is great too! But I’ll go with Kiki, he’s a cute monkey robot and can be a real pain in the egg sometimes!
Of course the classic SEGA CHAN!
If Dan had to face some of those in Binary Domain, he would be screwed…
Apharmd B from Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram.
Fighting robot with police batons for the win!
This one might be a bit random, but I loved Vol Opt from Phantasy Star Online (the boss of the Mines). He such an interesting boss, first appearing behind a screen and observing you while letting out several traps on you, only for the room to explode and reveal some messed up fleshy area with some giant hovering mecha with a ton of tendrils. It not only was one of the best PSO bosses in my opinion, but also had a catchy as hell music track.
robot michael jackson from moonwalker
my favorite sega robot is probably the grand lancer in binary domain. they look so cool in the demo!
Metal Sonic all the way.
Mecha Sonic (NOT Metal Sonic) from Sonic & Knuckles.
More so when he grab the Master Emerald and Becomes Super Mecha Sonic.
Metal Sonic, obviously. The original Sega robot badass since 1993!
Go sonic ! metal sonic is my favourite sega robot!
would love to find out more about binary domain.
skynet is watching
Metal Sonic of course
I know everyone has been saying this, but Metal Sonic FTW!!! No matter how many times this guy gets defeated, he always manages to rise to destroy Sonic.
My favorite SEGA Robot, is Elenor.
…and Kireek, to some extent. Love’em.
Wappy Dog.
Jet Set Radio Roboy not as famous as metal sonic but he’s my favorite
Robo X from Streets of Rage 3. He’s like a terminator… on rocket skates.
Dr. Zan from Streets of Rage 3. I like the ships from Planet Harriers too. Can we please get a port of this game? lol
The robot from Transbot / Astro Flash.
Six different hardcore entities in one robot! Beat that Transformers!
The cast of the House of the Dead 2. I mean, uhh, Motobug the Badnik.
metal sonic hands down.
My favorite Sega robot? Scooter from Alien Storm. You could always count on him to save the people and look awesome doing it.
That’s a hard one! Favorite SEGA robot…
The first robot that comes to mind is Orbot, so I’ll go with him!
My Favorite robot is the Terminator boss in the Revenge of shinobi, what an awesome killing machine that is, thank the gods for ninja magic lets do this Joe Mushashi.
The bigger metallic Sonic robot you have to defeat just before the final bossfight with Doctor Robotnik’s robot in Sonic 2, it had rocket boots and transformed into a circle saw. This was even before the blue Metal Sonic, I think that one appeared later in Sonic CD.
Come on, it has to be Metal Sonic! Sega’s iconic mascot made into a robot, how does that not top your list?
Sega Chan is my favourite Sega Robot!
Who is Sega Chan? Sega Chan is a real life robot that Sega made who would be your own personal butler. Sega Chan not only recognises your voice, but he can bring you drinks and even play your favourite music as he’s bringing you whatever you like.
Sega Chan is my favourite robot, because he is a real robot that Sega created! If you don’t believe me, go look up “Sega Chan” and be amazed!
Metal Knuckles!!
Kurohagane (黒鋼?) Nightshade!
A robotic ninja created by the Nakatomi group ordered to work with Jimushi and retrieve pieces of Akujiki.
E-123 Omega!!!! Cuz he’s badass, independent, and has his own story in Sonic Adventure. He’s the coolest robot ever. ^-^
Vectorman was my childhood favorite. I have replayed the vectorman games so many times
My favourite SEGA robot is Tails Doll, if it can be considered a robot.
I’m guessing I can’t just go totally hog wild here and pick my HUcaseal (casts for life, represent :I) from Phantasy Star Online sooo…
…My favorite is Vectorman, natch!
Roboy, cause he stands there dancing while calling you a newb.
Metal sonic. Sonic CD
Metal sonic brings me back to my early gamer stage! Some of my best memories!!:)
would Mazinkaiser from the Sega Saturn count? If not I would have to say Vectorman from Sega Genisis. ^^y
For me it is definitely the last boss of Vanquish, the red and blue twin bogeys. Such an epic fight!
Gotta be Evila from Space Channel 5
I just have this weird obsession with Hapsby from phantasy star. I named 3 fish after it haha
Is there any other robot besides metal sonic???? Kick ass design for a robot dude
Unfortunately I will have to fall into the overused character in the reply around me… xD
Metal Sonic!
E-102 Gamma from Sonic Adventure.
E102 Gamma ’cause he got a rocket launcher :3
E-123 Omega from Sonic Heroes.
Vector man. Original green balled gangster.
E-102 Gamma easily! Awesome gameplay of Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast! So many memories!
I think my favourite robot/cyborg from Sega is Dural from the Virtua Fighter series. The reason for my love for VF is because I grew up with VF ever since the first game in the arcades. I think Dural is really cool because of her story in the game being Kagemaru’s mother and getting transformed to a cyborg, only to get rescued by his son. With all kinds of martial arts move, she is easily the most difficult boss to fight against, not that the other characters in the game were easy to beat. Her appearance reminds me of T-1000 from Terminator 2, and might have influenced the character T-X from Terminator 3 (being both female and cyborg).
And also UFO catchers, if people have been to Japan or any East Asian countries, they would find this goodie that is a claw machine for plush toys and cool collectables for different anime, manga, and video game stuff. While playing the game, Sonic the Hedgehog music with either Marble Zone, Star Light Zone, Scrap Brain Zone, or the Invincible theme will play depending on what/how you do!
E-102 GAMMA :’)
Metal Sonic.
Metal sonic, because I just love the Sonic franchise!
Vectorman is my favorite SEGA robot. He should have been the main character of Disney’s WALL-E, because they both were programmed to clean up the earth. Can you imagine how much more intense that movie would have been if Vectorman had taken that tiny robot’s place? Think about it!
Kurohagane, from Nightshade, (aka Shinobi2 on the PS2) A robotic ninja who you must defeat. Shinobi and Nightshade are awesome fun ninja games, I love them both!!
The best and classic of ever Robot Y or Neo X from Street of Rage !!! i love it
At the risk of being to unoriginal, classic metal sonic.
It has been said about a 100 times, but my favorite has to be Metal Sonic!!!
Metal Sonic obviously =]
My favorite SEGA ROBOT is The MBV-707-J Temjin from Virtual On
I dont know if it technically counts but the robot suit you get in ESWAT. Two classic games!
OVIUSLY the Hollow Children from “BiNARY DOMIAN” , i played the demo every day and i get the conclusion that the Hollow Children are THE MOST AMAZING SEGA ROBOTS !!!
Because Binary Domain is so awesome, I’m going with Cain.
I’m gonna have to say Vectorman. Absolutely brilliant game, great robot main character fighting other robots. whats not to love?
Although it’s been said a few times now, I’m gong to have to go with MJ.
Mowing down hordes of the undead to ‘Another Part of Me’ with laser beams and rockets never, EVER gets boring.
E102 Gamma from Sonic Adventures no doubt.
This robot went through so much, being trained to kill, taking out his own brothers just to end up being friends with Amy.
He lost so much and gained very little.
Mecha Sonic of course
Metal Sonic has and will forever be my favorite Sega robot, the fond memories i have of me and my younger brother playing Sonic 3 on the Sega genesis just trying to beat that guy
I’d have to say E-102 Gamma. When Sonic Adventure for the first time, his story really got to me…
Metal Sonic is looking pretty awsome in Sonic 4 episode 2! This is the first time that Sonic and Tails combined their powers,to defeat evil!
On Twitter
Gotta be Metal Sonic
Obviously E-102 gamma!
That big robot gorilla from Strider.
omega is my favorite robot from sega
metal sonic, of course!
Toshihiro Nagoshi… oh wait!? That guy is human? No way…!!!
My favorite robot was those shinobi ninja robots from Binary Domain.
My favorite SEGA robot is E-102 Gamma =D
Amy Rose (Rosy the Rascal)! I dressed as her for Halloween too!
OVIUSLY Vectorman is my favorite SEGA robot. the most CLASSIC SEGA ROBOT !!
E-102 gamma
E-102 gamma FTW
My favorite robot is Vectorman it¡s awesome but also i like all the robots of Virtual On
My favorite robot or robots I should say are the dancing robots in Vanquish.
Jet Set Radios Roboy!
I would have to say mine is Vectroman.
My favorite SEGA robot? That’s obvious:
Goldman from HotD2
Never has a robot been portrayed so accurately.
Caterkiller from Sonic 1!
“I’m still cool, r-right? …Guys?”
My favorite is the Great Eggman Robo/Kyodai Eggman Mech from Sonic & Knuckles. That feeling it gives “Oh crap, I have to fight this, without rings?” was great especially when I managed to beat it as a kid.
That robot MJ turns into in Moonwalker, or Mecha-Jackson, as I call him.
Metal Sonic! Coolest robot ever!
Mine is “Cain” from “Binary Domain”,
-Hope I win
, Ali M. N
CLOCKWORK KNIGHT. oh yes, back from the junk heap. that game was ballin’. they don’t make ’em like that anymore lol
Buzz Bomber Badnik! X)
Metal Sonic… can’t beat the excitement of first defeating him as a kid, he was tough!
I know a lot of people have already said it, but I’d have to go E-102 Gamma
Cain from Binary Domain is my favorite Sega robot, mon ami!
I guess Binary Domain will have many robots to choose but i don’t know because i haven’t bought it yet
so my favorite SEGA robot is Metal Sonic!
It’s got to be the Sega Yume Neko Smile!
My fav robots are those sneaky underground ones in Labirinth Zone, Sonic 1
The Robot boss in the mountain level of Shinobi X
Break (Robot Axel) from Streets of Rage 3.
The first machine to stand against me.
18 years later I no longer fear machines in Videogames.
My favorite sega robot is Rax Coswell from Eternal champions
Let’s go with the Noise Tanks from Jet Set Radio! Because honestly graffiti robots on roller blades deserve SOME credit.
Since im a 5 years old girl , i played VECTORMAN , and on my 20 years i had my first baby , and i teach him how to play VECTORMAN , thats the reason why now on my 34 years old VECTORMAN had been my favorite SEGA ROBOT !! VECTORMAN FOREVER !!
Metal Sonic. nuff said.
It has to be Metal Sonic. How could it be any other?
Metal Sonic.
PSO’s HUcast
My fav. robot is Metal Sonic!
Easily my favourite is the Opa Opa. Sentient space ship with cute little legs and wings.
One of Sega’s best and iconic character designs.
Gotta be Metal Sonic
Opa Opa from Fantasy Zone!
Cyborg Justice! Had such cool weapons for hands.
Metal Sonic, of course!
Metal Sonic!