Swingin’ Report Show #47: Project X Shenmue

This week on the show Barry and George talk about the future of the Shenmue franchise, their take on its future and of course Project X Zone, which recently came out. Besides that we cover your weekly news, for more on whats on the show check the show notes after the break.

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Swingin’ Report Show #47: Project X Shenmue



  • What we have been up to.
  • What we have been playing.

SEGAbits news:

SEGA News:

Roll credits. Outro song: Project X Zone- The House of the Dead

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12 responses to “Swingin’ Report Show #47: Project X Shenmue

  1. matty says:

    Shenmue fans should follow those ‘it gets better’ campaigns; make videos about themselves on how Shenmue 3 will make their lives better.

  2. CrazyTails says:

    shenmue 3 would be great, but i feel it may not be great if it came out now. sega should be focussing on buildig a company with great devs. hiring great people, consistently make quality, build a respectable brand and then when all set, bring yu suzuki so he can manage these great people.

    about asking for it everytime. i agree yes.

  3. CrazyTails says:

    prope has btw recently just made one of the new minigames (5 dolla each) in street pass. just a heads up

    i think its funny how so many big name devs have ended at nintendo

  4. Trippled says:

    alot of the people that worked on shenmue were japanese movie director who collaborated with suzuki.

    hard to probably to get a hold of them most likely

  5. SEGA_Fan says:

    About the Shenmue campaign, there was a thread about this on the SEGA forum, dude wrote about their point of view, if you are interested… .


    • Barry the Nomad says:

      Thanks for the link! Very interesting discussion with a lot of good points raised.

      I actually quite liked the concerns Radik was bringing up.

  6. JohnnyBravo says:

    I would love something like the mass mailing to Japan to happen, I think that would be a very effective to bring awareness to Shenmue. It could happen once per month as a regular event. I would definitely be up for that.

  7. I listened to a few minutes and I had heard this one already. Did you put the old episode (the one where Barry was sick) in iTunes?

  8. I just tried to download it from the blog post and it’s episode 46. I guess everyone else that commented is watching it un Youtube, but that’s not very convenient for me.

  9. Kori-Maru says:

    PXZ is a beautiful game. So many Sega references! From Gain Ground and Outrun.

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