Arc System Works’ Limited Edition Guilty Gear Xrd Pad Looks…Familiar


Arc System Works announced a limited edition bundle for the Playstation 4 version of Guilty Gear Xrd. Priced at ¥10,778, the bundle includes a Vocal Collection CD, the above pictured controller, and another surprise to be announced at a later date. The controller actually works with both the PS4 and PS3 versions of Guilty Gear Xrd, but will only be sold with the limited edition of the Playstation 4 game.

The controller is noticeably similar to the Sega Genesis controller. It is compact, and features no control sticks unlike the Dualshock 3 and 4 – only a D-Pad. There are six buttons on the right, which sort of fits since Guilty Gear traditionally features a five button system and having those five buttons adjacent to each other could be essential to some players. The overall shape of the Xrd Pad is strikingly similar to the Genesis controller as well.

You often hear of special arcade sticks for fighting games being designed and not pads, though some pads were made for the first iteration of Street Fighter 4. Nevertheless, it’s an unexpected move and the resemblance is uncanny. What do you think?

Credit goes to SegmentNext for the image and initial comparison.

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4 responses to “Arc System Works’ Limited Edition Guilty Gear Xrd Pad Looks…Familiar

  1. Arcade says:

    The Street Fighter 4 pads mentioned in the article also use the general shape and layout of Genesis controller, and any resemblance is most likely intentional; just like how many fighting game players are used to using the arcade stick type of controller, many cut their teeth on home ports of Street Fighter 2, and more than usually the Genesis version due to the six buttons on the front being enough for all three strengths of punches and kicks used in the game without having to use the shoulder buttons (which can be a little awkward without some adjustment).
    That all said, this is a very nice looking controller, but too bad it only comes with the PS4 special edition. You’d think they’d make a bundle for PS3 too since the controller works for it.

  2. Nirmugen says:

    I think is more accurate to the Saturn Controller….

  3. nuckles87 says:

    Genesis? I was thinking Saturn. That’s generally regarded as the be-all, end all best pad for fighters, second only to the arcade joystick.

  4. ROJM says:

    This is a Saturn controller…and why not since that system is considered the home of the arcade fighters ports.
    Obviously Sega would get a cut from this controller due to patents but who knows since they still own GUILTY GEAR in a silent capacity….They may have let Arc pay a minor fee..

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