Contest: Win a 3D Fantasy Zone II download code for Nintendo 3DS


Thanks to our friends at SEGA, we’re giving away copies of 3D Fantasy Zone II for Nintendo 3DS to fans on all of our social networks! The contest is open to fans in the Americas and EU, and we are giving away codes on the following networks:

  • Twitter – Follow SEGAbits and retweet the dedicated contest tweet – 3 Americas and 3 EU codes will be awarded
  • Facebook – Like SEGAbits and share the dedicated contest post, remember to leave a comment on the dedicated contest post telling us your region – 3 Americas and 3 EU codes will be awarded
  • Instagram – Follow SEGAbits and leave a comment telling us your region – 2 Americas and 2 EU codes will be awarded
  • (you’re already here!) – Leave a comment below telling us your favorite thing about SEGA’s 3D Classics series and tell us your region, use a valid email address when leaving your comment (fill in the email field, do not post your email in the comment field) – 1 Americas and 1 EU code will be awarded

Fans can enter on any network, and there is no limit to how many networks you enter on. The more networks, the more chances you have to win! Contest ends Friday, May 8th


48 responses to “Contest: Win a 3D Fantasy Zone II download code for Nintendo 3DS

  1. 47drift says:

    My favorite thing about the SEGA 3D Classics series is how the games are being optimized to be the best versions of the games to date. It’s fantastic to know that not only can I play OutRun on a portable and in 3D, but that it also runs better than even the original arcade machine.

  2. Blizniak says:

    3D classics let me discover great games I missed out on back in the day. (EU)

  3. Thurstan says:

    3d classics bring my favourite old games to life in a new way that makes them even cooler

  4. Thurstan says:

    Oh and in the UK !

  5. Marina says:

    My favorite thing about the 3D Classics are the huge amount of options to make them more like the arcade cabinets, like the gyro tilting in super hang-on

  6. daniel says:

    Cus its CLASSIC! Duhhh

  7. Playing old sprite based games in 3D is like a 90’s child dream come true by making the best version of a game even better! (My region is EU.)

  8. DCGX says:

    My favorite thing about the 3D classics are much like the above posters. Mainly these aren’t just quick ports with a little 3D thrown in. The amount of options is amazing, and they really try to use the 3D to full effect. Besides Nintendo I can’t think of a developer that puts so much effort in taking advantage of the system features.

    My region is USA. Thanks!

  9. Ian says:

    Best thing about 3D classics is to relive all those great old school games again on new systems and make new awesome memories.

  10. Philipp K. says:

    My favourite thing about the 3D Classics Series is that it gives me a chance to play Classic Games that are perfect for portable gaming, because they’re quick to pick up and play, but still give a great challenge! The added 3D Effect really make the colors and atmosphere really leap off the screen! Thats about all i can say about it, really…

  11. Philipp K. says:

    Oh, and my region is Europe, btw

  12. Josh says:

    My favorite thing about the 3D classics? Well, really there are several and they all kinda roll into one. Being able to support the company that made my childhood awesome by legally purchasing these classic games off the eshop instead of paying crazy prices from collectors/resellers is definitely the best part. But not only that, they are lovingly rebuilt instead of being straight up ports, made to run as perfectly as they can utilizing the 3DS power and adding the beautiful 3D makes them all must gets!

  13. Dominic Savoy says:

    I love the Sega 3D series too much! One reason why, though, is because they bring back memories of childhood! (Other than the fact that 99.9999999999% of them are the best games ever!) My region is North America.

  14. bertodecosta says:

    I saw it the Facebook that you’re being noticed by SEGA-senpai, hahaha….. Ahem… Good job, btw. Carry on.

  15. David Adams says:

    My favorite thing about Sega’s 3D Classics series is that it’s an easy, inexpensive way to get ahold of classic Sega games that I haven’t played yet.

    Anyway, if I win, I’m gonna need a USA code, please.

  16. Anthony says:

    [North America]
    My favorite thing about the 3D Sega Classics series is the fact that it’s being emulated twice at the same time in order to use the stereoscopic 3D.

  17. nigell says:

    the classic games will be aways witin our reach, that’s great, sega doing their best games for the most popular handheld we can have atm, nice memories, great games, fun fun fun.
    also, i’m from Brazil, S.america.

  18. Gabriel says:

    I love the attention to detail in the Sega 3D Classics. It’s the kind of effort you never see in other retro rereleases… In a way, it’s a sort of “Criterion Collection” edition of these classic games…

    (North America)

  19. Vincenzo says:

    My favorite thing about the 3D Classics series is how beautifully M2 handled making new content packed versions of genesis games with all the added features. Breathing new life into classics, on the go no less! I’m a big fan of M2’s ports 😀 (Monster World IV being my favorite)

  20. Pasquale tebano says:

    My favorite part about the sega 3D classics is it allows me to relive my childhood on the go. North America.

  21. Ikki says:

    I like being able to enjoy old classics on the 3ds and not just a lazy port.

  22. MICHIO says:

    My favorite thing about the 3D Classics series is that it allows me to experience these classic games in a new way. (North America)

  23. Zeta says:

    Region EU. SEGA’s 3D Classics are a testimony of an already written youth but packed with new twists and fun. My memories in a pocket, and the legacy of an age where games were made to play immediately, story-told with our own imagination and a never-ending scoring spirit, this time improved with comprehensive and accessible options for old-school players and newcomers as well.

  24. Twinny says:

    (North America) What I like about the SEGA 3D Classics is how they aren’t just simple ports; these are well-designed to capture the original feel of the games, fit for today’s enjoyment. M2 took real care into making sure each installment still showed what made each of them so enjoyable and perfectly tailored them for the Nintendo 3DS system.

  25. MowMow789 says:

    I missed out on these great classics and would love to try them out! I’m in Europe by the way. 😀

  26. What I enjoy about the Classics is that they’ve made the time and effort to make everything 1:1 instead of emulating issues and errors through an emulator. The layering system is incredible and intuitive, and adjustable too. The added features in the games are a HUGE bonus. Since I missed out on some of the originals, I want to play these classics to remember those times.

    I’m in the EU Region. ^^/

  27. Eric Wilborn says:

    3D Classics helps me relive my childhood! America, please!

  28. Roger Narayan says:

    My favorite thing about the SEGA 3D Classics series is how the games are being improved with newer and even better features than the original versions of the games to date. It’s fantastic to know that it runs better than even the original arcade machine.

    (North America)

  29. George Gouvalaris says:

    region europe.. i love SEGA 3D classics!!!

  30. SOUP says:

    I’ve loved how much care has gone into each of these classic games. My favourite had to be the ability to change the time restrictions and traffic density in Outrun.
    I’m in the North American region.

  31. Dan Ellis says:

    I enjoy the 3D Classic Series because the 3D aspect goes hand in hand with nostalgia: it’s the same great game, but now it looks like it has depth! (EU)

  32. Jumbomax says:

    What I love about the 3D Classic series is that they bring the games back to life and even though we’ve all played them a billion times we get to enjoy that amazing moment again of playing it for the first time and being amazed by something new. My region is North America.

  33. My favorite thing about Sega’s 3D classics is they have the original cabinet mode for games like Galaxy Force, Afterburner and Outrun. Since those games are some of my favorite arcade games ever that makes me very happy. It also makes me happy that since these games are available on the 3DS E-shop that younger generations and more people are learning about these awesome games. My region is North America.

  34. Beerthrow1988 says:

    Sega’s 3D Classics are some of the most top-notch “remasters” I’ve seen. Not to knock Nintendo’s releases like Kirby’s Adventure and Kid Icarus, but seriously, Shinobi III in 3D? How can you be angry?
    (Region: NA)

  35. Opa T Kong says:

    My favorite aspect of the 3D Classics series is that I’m able to play the definitive form of arcade games that pay homage to their heritage and are specifically remastered with the 3DS in mind. The sound equalizer which plays OST from the games is a sweet touch as well. North America right here!

  36. rajee says:

    I love ove SEGA 3D classics America Please

  37. Sonic76 says:

    You can play some of the best Megadrive/Genesis games optimized and in 3D!
    I’m from Europe (Spain),i will be so much glad if i can play fantasy zone remastered!

  38. Rhansley64 says:

    I like how well the 3D effect make 16-bit graphics looks surprisingly good especially with 3D Sonic The Hedgehog with the background. (Americas Region)

  39. Tanner says:

    My favorite thing is the improvements they made to them – not just straight ports. Much more effort and makes me appreciate it a lot more!

  40. Michael says:

    (Americas here)

    I love how much work M2 put into the emulation experience, from the arcade-authentic sound effects to the cheesy depth of field effect glancing into the rest of the “arcade” when the cabinet shifts. Their work on the GBA virtual console on the Wii U is fantastic as well, and I’m glad that there’s a developer that cares about preserving gaming history as much as they do.

  41. Chris Heijboer says:

    My favorite thing about the 3D classics is that they breath new life into old classics. The new features combined with the old makes them the superieur versions of the games.

  42. Christopher Williams says:

    North America:I love the Sega 3D classics because they have special features like Sonic the Hedgehog 1(3D)’s Spin Dash feature!

  43. Charles says:

    The great thing about the 3D Classics is to be able to play the games from your childhood on the go and in 3D!.

    North America

  44. Alex says:

    I like the 3D Classic’s for how they not only feel like the originals, but they add in new things. For example Sonic having a spindash in Sonic 1 was really nice to have. The 3D effect also is really good, I thought it would have been OK at best, but I was wrong it’s really good.

    North America

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