SEGA News Bits: What to expect from SEGA in 2016

SEGA is getting ready for a whole new year, while 2015 saw a limited release of titles and had the company going through ANOTHER restructure; this year we will see some of the bigger budget SEGA games finally hitting the retail market. On this episode of SEGA News Bits, we talk about what YOU can expect from SEGA in 2016!

During the episode I talk about our article we wrote about why SEGA refusing to localize Phantasy Star Online 2 is a bad sign, you can read that here. If you like what you just saw please don’t forget to like, share and like always subscribe. We appreciate your support.


3 responses to “SEGA News Bits: What to expect from SEGA in 2016

  1. Tad says:

    Great job as always guys!

    Looking forward, I’m really hopeful for SEGA in 2016 and beyond. They seem to have got a good idea of what they need to do going forward and aren’t shy about admitting mistakes they’ve made along the way.

    Out of interest, what do you all think about the recent (and continuing) SEGA ports on PC we’re seeing and what else would you like to see being ported?

    Personally, I think it’s a great idea as it gives older titles a chance on a new audience and could also kick start an older title into a series as such.

    I’d like to see Shenmue 1 & 2 in HD and I would be interested in Yakuza funnily enough. Due to starting life on the PS2 and the gap between releases, I think Yakuza has gone under the radar for a lot of people. With a clean start on PC, it could do well.

  2. IrishNinja says:

    damn, now i wanna play Yakuza Chronicles, haha….TJ&E 3 looking great! wishing i’dve gone for the physical release on that one now, damn…also Wonder Boy is high on my 2016 list!

  3. jimi Andreas says:

    toe jam&earl looks contruction paper cheap i mean even the genesis one had an animation for walking upward,even my inexperienced ass has an upward animation for my game.

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