According to Steam Spy, the PC version of Bayonetta has moved 114,007 units (as of writing this post) on its first week on sale. Bayonetta debuted on PC last week for the asking price of $19.99, which is quite the bargain. You also have to note, that Steam Spy gets its sell figures by counting owners of the game on public profiles and only on the Steam platform. If the game sold anywhere not using Steam or users have their profiles set to private, they won’t get counted. I would say this is a conservative estimate. The game is also been trending on Steam at #3, even a week after its release. Not bad for an eight year old port of a game. For example Yooka-Laylee, a game created as a Banjo-Kazooie spiritual successor has 63,870 units sold on its first week and Gearbox’s re-release of Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition has only moved 11,335 units.
I’m pretty sure the success of Bayonetta on Steam will lead to many more SEGA PC ports and we might finally see a glorious PC port of Vanquish. You know, its long over due, right SEGA?
What SEGA PC port do you want to see hit Steam? Let us know in the comments below.
After Burner Climax
House of the Dead 4
Virtua Fighter 5
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Ferrari are more licensable these days, so Sega should relicense and re-activate OutRun 2006 Coast 2 Coast on Steam again, for those who missed it!
That would happen after I literally just bought Outrun 2006 for Xbox yesterday (though I paid a much better price than the going rate).
Imagine how much Bayonetta 2 would sell on Steam if Nintendo ever gave up the rights.
Yeah me and a friend I made on here love the Outrun series and can’t wait for one to be released
That’s my list exactly. Just add “Jet Set Radio Future” and I’d never have to think about the original Xbox ever again.
You know George: A boy, two mirrors and some arcades.