We’re back! SEGA Talk turns its high beams on and takes a closer look at SEGA AM3’s classic arcade and Dreamcast game Crazy Taxi. Despite its seemingly simplistic premise, Crazy Taxi offered up a lot of depth and has seen a long and successful history as a franchise with games still being released as of 2017. What are our memories of the game? What was the development history? How do the in-game cabbies compare to real life cab drivers? All this and more is talked about on SEGA Talk!
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In High school, my pals and I would head to our nearby mall for ‘toonie-Tuesday’ (a toonie is a Canadian $2 coin) at KFC then head down to the arcade to play some “Crazy”.
Most of the time would be spent watching my savant-level friend play the game, as one time, he managed to clock $105,000 on a single ‘loonie’. After an hour-long panic fueled game of Crazy Drifts and boosts, the poor guy was walking like he just fell down the stairs.