If you are unlucky person, such as yours truly, then you will probably have to wait until August 29th to play Sonic Mania. That’s right, Sonic Mania on PC has been delayed until August 29th, all other console versions will launch on August 15th as normal. I guess I will have to purchase the game on consoles, digitally, to play it without it getting spoiled. I’m pretty sure SEGA and the people working on Sonic Mania didn’t want to delay it, its just how game development go.
The news was given out during the Sonic the Hedgehog live stream over at Twitch. Another bit of news was that 26 copies of the Sonic Mania Collectors Edition will be signed by Takashi Iizuka and Kazuyuki Hoshino of Sonic Team. Good luck with that one. Aaron Webber did say that all Sonic Mania PC pre-orders will get Sonic the Hedgehog on steam for free, which happens to be the non-Chrisitan Whitehead remake. It sucks, its nice that they are trying to give out a free game but is it enough? Sound off in the comments, what is your thoughts on Sonic Mania being delayed only on PC?
Letter from the team, via the Sonic Twitter:
Oh noes! Well, time to be spoiled by every console players…
Are you getting the sonic mania introduction manuals that aaron mentioned? I really want one
We will, I talked to him in direct message on twitter and we shall announce a giveaway very soon. Check back, there will be multiple ways to win one!
Sucks. For me tho, since that collectors edition isn’t releasing in Japan, I imported the PC version so it won’t be here until around that time anyway. That is, if it’s even going to ship before then… If not that means I have to wait even longer lol….
That said, I’m probably gonna double dip if the physical switch version turns out to be true.
Honestly this does annoy me since I’m PC-only and the 15th would’ve been right in the middle of summer break for the schools I teach at, but I don’t hold it against the developers personally. I’m sure they’re way more upset than I am about it.
Out of all versions I’m surprised it would be PC that would get the delay since I’m almost certain that it would be the developers’ source platform considering their pedigree. Maybe they forgot to clear all of their in-jokes out of the code, haha.