Sonic the Hedgehog 3 theatrical trailer FINALLY premieres

The moment everyone has been waiting for has finally come. Paramount Pictures has at last unleashed the movie trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog 3, the long awaited third chapter in the Sonic the Hedgehog movie universe, as well as the movie debut of everyone’s favorite edgehog, Shadow, shown above doing the famous Akira motorbike slide. He does more than slide though. He also speaks for the very first time, sounding a lot like a certain movie star we all know and love who’s quite experienced with firearms himself.

This trailer’s also the movie debut of another very well known Sonic character with an intimate connection to Shadow, which I won’t spoil. Just motorbike slide in below the break to see for yourself, then contain your excitement and your holiday spirit until Sonic the Hedgehog 3 debuts in theaters on December 20th, 2024.


What a crazy trailer that was. Now tell us below what you think of it. Will you be ready to see Sonic Movie 3 on Day One in theaters? Maybe at least some point before New Years? I know I’ll be there.


One response to “Sonic the Hedgehog 3 theatrical trailer FINALLY premieres

  1. Miles and cosmo says:

    YEESSS! I’m so excited for this Christmas! Keanu is killing it! Also…. CHAO!!!!!! Frankly I haven’t been this ecstatic for a movie since the snyder cut. As sonic would say:Ahh yeah!! This is happening!

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