SEGA helping Tecmo get back into the arcade game

Tecmo used to have a healthy arcade business, but did you know they haven’t released an arcade game since 2001’s Monster Farm Jump? That is crazy and it seems that Tecmo has recently been planning on returning to the arcade business with the help of SEGA.

Part of the plan was to deliver a “flagship fighting game arcade for 800 stores in Japan from the end of the year in collaboration with Sega.” and it seems that arcade game is a port of Dead or Alive 5, which features Virtua Fighter characters.

How exactly SEGA is helping them, is unknown at the moment. Could be handling the hardware side of things.

Virtua Fighter’s Jacky Bryant added to Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate’s roster


Seems that Jacky Bryant will join his co-stars Pai Chan, Sarah Bryant Akira Yuki as a playable character in Dead or Alive 5. Only that Jacky Bryant is exclusive to Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, Famitsu announced today. Seems that SEGA and Team Ninja have warmed up to the cross over, at this point they might as well create a Dead or Alive vs Virtua Fighter title. Or is that too long of a name?

Other chracters revealed for the Ultimate edition of the game includes Momoji (Ninja Gaiden series) and Ein. Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate comes out September 5th in Japan.

Pai and Sarah don swimsuits in Dead of Alive 5 Collector’s Edition

Tecmo’s love for women in swimsuits has extended to Virtua Fighter’s guest characters Sarah Bryant and Pai Chan, as Siliconera revealed screens of SEGA’s gals in swimwear. These suits, as well as suits for the Dead or Alive women, are available in the Dead or Alive 5 Collector’s Edition of the game, which is a Gamestop exclusive available next week in the US and on September 28th in Europe as a CentreSoft exclusive.

After the break, a screen of Pai Chan in her swimsuit.


Pai Chan from Virtua Fighter announced as playable in the upcoming Dead or Alive 5

We went crazy when Virtua Fighter poster boy, Akira Yuki was announced as a playable character in Dead or Alive 5 earlier this year. But we had rumors that he wasn’t the only Virtua Fighter to join the dark side. Today we have confirmation (and screenshots) that Pai Chan will also join Akria Yuki and Sarah Bryant.

Is this the last Virtua Fighter? I hope so, even though I like cross overs, if they continue they might as well call the game Dead or Alive vs Virtua Fighter.

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Rumor: Two More Virtua Fighters to Cameo in Dead or Alive 5

Akira isn’t the only SEGA fighter looking to kick some Tecmo ass. A NeoGAF member claims to have hacked into the Dead or Alive 5 demo code and discovered alternate costume data. This data, in turn, revealed what very well could be the final roster. Given that we’re a SEGA fan site, I’ll skip the Dead or Alive characters and get to the characters we really care about, the Virtua Fighters! Sarah Bryant and Pai Chan will be joining Akira Yuki as crossover guests. Very exciting, if it proves to be true. What do you all think?

Akira and SEGA All-Stars Fighters with Dead or Alive releases September, 2012.

Swingin’ Report Show #29: Crossover Mayhem


A new week and a new episode of the Swingin’ Report Show. This week George, Sharky and Barry the Nomad talk about Akria Yuki in Dead or Alive 5, salvia and much more. So sit back, enjoy the ride. We have also fixed our RSS feed, you can follow the new one below. We are also submitting the new RSS to iTunes, you shouldn’t have to do anything if you are already subscribed. Hit the jump for the show notes.

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Akira Yuki might not be the only Virtua Fighter to crossover to Dead or Alive 5

It was announced a few days ago that Dead or Alive 5 would be adding Virtua Fighter‘s Akira Yuki to their roster. According to the latest Famitsu interview with Team Ninja boss Yousuke Hayashi, he actually had to fight for SEGA to approve Akria as a guest character. So this means that the team went out of their way to make this happen. Team Ninja isn’t the only big developer that have wanted Virtua Fighter cross-over. Namco have also talked in interviews of their desires of doing a Virtua Fighter x Tekken title.

He says since they went through all this trouble of bringing Akira on board, that he won’t be the only character announced. Yousuke Hayashi doesn’t go into details if he even means the other planned crossover characters are SEGA related at all, but we all know that DOA has a tag-teamed style gameplay. Don’t be surprise if they announce a couple of other Virtua Fighter characters to join the roster.

Oh, for Virtua Fighter fans, Yousuke Hayashi says that Akira gameplay is mostly unchanged from VF5. At least you know some combos going into Dead or Alive 5.  But guess what? Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown is set to hit PSN and XBLA arcade. That title has all the Virtua Fighter characters. That one wins.

Virtua Fighter’s Akira Yuki Playable in Dead or Alive 5

Akira Yuki of Virtua Fighter has been announced to be a guest character in Dead or Alive 5. Could this be an early sign of Virtua Fighter X DOA? Akira’s addition marks the first time that the Dead or Alive franchise has added a character from another fighting game to their roster. studio head of Team NINJA Yosuke Hayashi said, “Gamers will have an opportunity to enjoy an unforgettable battle with an esteemed competitor in Akira Yuki set in the Dead or Alive environment. This year will prove to be an amazing one for our loyal fighting fans as we are delivering a fantastic fighting game that can only been experienced in Dead or Alive 5.”

This SEGA fanboy says: Hayashi failed to note that an even more fantastic fighting game known as Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown is set for release this year.

Expect DOA5 to release this year to the XBOX 360 and Playstation 3. Once you buy VF5: Final Showdown, you are allowed to purchase DOA5.