SEGAbits at E3 2018: Team Sonic Racing demo gameplay and developer interview

SEGA had a variety of games on display at this year’s E3, and probably the most interesting one (namely because we didn’t have a Japanese version to compare it to) was Team Sonic Racing. Our E3 reps got a chance to demo the game as Omega from Team Dark and Sonic of Team… well, Sonic of course. Following the demo, lead designer from Sumo Digital Richard Acherki was kind enough to take a few minutes to answer some questions we had about the upcoming game.

Yakuza 6 demo returns to the PSN Store


As we found out with the initial release of the Yakuza 6 demo back in late February that SEGA accidentally uploaded the full game for free. Sony got around to actually revoking full access to the game when users connected to the internet and pulled the ‘demo’ off the store. Sony has finally announced the return of the Yakuza 6: The Song of Life demo on the PSN store.

Like we covered before, the demo weighs in at over 36 GB because you are technically downloading the full game but its being locked down to a certain point. If you like the game, you can buy it digitally and unlock the full game, no more downloading required. Not only that, you can continue the game right where the demo leaves off. You can also check out my review for Yakuza 6, as you can see I really liked it.

Yakuza 6 full game ‘demos’ being revoked by Sony


According to users on ResetEra, if you go back online with the Yakuza 6 full game ‘demo’, which SEGA released the other day, they will revoke the license transforming it back into a demo. Of course if you want to bypass this and play the full game all you need to do is not connect to the internet.

I’m personally glad to see that the PlayStation 4 has the ability to do something like this, considering that I want the franchise to do well in the West. It would really hurt sales if thousands upon thousands of would be costumers unlocked the full game for free. Even if you got the full game and are planning on playing it early by not being connected online, I urge you to support the series by at least getting the game physically when it comes out in April!

Yakuza 6 demo pulled from PSN due to it being the full game


[Update: Have confirmed that there was no exploit, SEGA just uploaded the full game onto PSN instead of a demo. Way to go!]

Oops, if you read our story about the Yakuza 6 demo coming to PSN today and happen to be wondering why it isn’t showing up on the in-game store, now we know. According to Destructoid, the game unlocked the full version (for free) when downloaded. According to Destructoid (and SEGA) people used an exploit and according to other users on twitter it was never locked down (seems doubtful). If you didn’t know the demo weighed in at more than 36GB, of course this mean’t the demo was the full version of the game locked down as a ‘trial’. Once you purchased the full game come April, it would unlock the full game without re-downloading the data. SEGA posted on their Facebook about pulling the demo but didn’t go into detail.

This also puts into question why SEGA would delay Yakuza 6: The Song of Life from March to April, if the game is translated and playable already. Some people think that maybe SEGA had manufacturing issues with the physical copies of the game that lead them to delay it so everyone gets the game day one. Maybe they thought it would sell better if it was delayed, though this doesn’t make sense considering Sony’s God of War is also launching in April. But it seems that some people have unlocked the full game already, thanks to this exploit and are enjoying it for free. What are your thoughts? Did SEGA screw this up?

Valkyria Chronicles 4 getting Japanese PSN demo on February 26


Oh boy, SEGA is releasing these Japanese demos faster than I can keep up. Just a few days ago we got the Hokuto ga Gotoku demo on Japanese PSN, now less than a week from that one we will be getting a Valkyria Chronicles 4 demo. According to SEGA they will be unleashing the playable demo they have been showing at events in Japan. The demo releases on February 26, 2018.

According to early players, the demo allows users to play from the prologue all the way through chapter 2. It also seems that the save data can be transferred over to the full game when its released (in Japan). So if you are going to import the game, you can continue where the demo ends and not replay it from the start.

Valkyria Chronicles 4 on PlayStation 4 is launching in Japan on March 21, 2018. As for us Westerners, we get the game later in 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. I also hope SEGA releases a similar demo for all platforms, since I think it will move more copies.

Hokuto ga Gotoku demo hits Japanese PSN later today

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If you have been waiting to get your hands on Hokuto ga Gotoku, the Yakuza Studio’s take on a Fist of the North Star game, you won’t have to wait that long since the demo is launching in Japan on February 22nd! Considering how time zones work, if you live in America it should be later tonight.

If you live in America (like me) it will hit the Japanese PSN store at 5:00 pm PT/8:00 pm ET.

The demo will include

  • “Experience Hokuto Shinken” – Learn the game systems by battling Shin. Includes a battle tutorial.
  • “Experience the Story” – Play a side mission from the game. This mission will have Ken driving a buggy, fighting scoundrels, and exploring Eden.

Hokuto ga Gotoku will hit PlayStation 4 in Japan on March 8, no release dates announced outside of Japan. Yet SEGA was (not so) quick to announce Shining Resonance Re:frain, so don’t count this game out yet.

[Via: Gematsu]

Space Channel 5 VR to get downloadable demo later this year


Space Channel 5 VR Arakata Dancing Show  isn’t a new game, it was actually shown at the Tokyo Game Show back in 2016. It is interesting is that SEGA has changed the name of the VR experince, before they called it ‘Ukiuki Viewing Show’, now its ‘Arakata Dancing Show’. The VR ‘experience’ was up for people to try out and then SEGA stopped talking about it. According to a recent tweet, gamers will be able to give the demo another go at Game Party Japan 2018, which happens to be the first official tournament held by JeSU (Japan e-Sports Union) on February 10th and 11th.

While Japanese site Panora got the official scoop that Space Channel 5 VR Arakata Dancing Show will get demos in VR stores this spring and get a download version later this year. For what I gather, the download version will be the ‘demo experience’ shown at events and not a full game. Bummer. The demo experience will still be shown off using HTC VIVE headsets and SEGA still hasn’t mentioned if they have plans on showing it off on PlayStation VR. I think this is SEGA testing the market, see if the general public still has interest in Space Channel 5 with a demo release. Hit the jump to see screenshots of the game.

Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology demo hits 3DS, DLC schedule revealed

Atlus has been on a roll promoting the upcoming remake of Radiant Historia, which was originally released on the Nintendo DS back in 2010. Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is set to offer the original game story with a ton of extra modes. Above you see the unboxing of the Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology launch edition.

But we also got a demo for the game, out now in the e-shop. The demo lets you play the start of the story and will even let you transfer saves to the full game if you pre-ordered. No reason not to give the title a shot. The 3DS e-shop is also offering a free Radiant Historia theme, for those that want to further ‘Radiant Historia-pimp out’ their 3DS. After the jump we will detail the DLC schedule for the game.

A Certain Magical Virtual-On Demo Out Now on Japanese PSN


If you have been excited to try the upcoming A Certain Magical Virtual-On for the PlayStation 4 or PlayStation Vita, the demo is now available. As for sizes of the demos, the PlayStation 4 comes in at 2.37 gigabytes and the PlayStation Vita version hits a much smaller 431.55 megabytes. The demo will feature all 13 playable Virtuaroids from the full game, include a tutorial and CPU battle mode. No online, of course.

SEGA is set to release A Certain Magical Virtual-On in Japan on February 15, 2018. SEGA West hasn’t announced any plans on localizing it. The last Virtual-On title to come West was Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram port on the Xbox 360 back in 2009, so its been awhile. I say make a Japanese PSN account, try the demo and if you like it, bother SEGA to release the game West.

Yakuza Kiwami 2 demo available now on Japanese PSN Store

The demo for SEGA’s upcoming remake of Yakuza 2, being called Yakuza Kiwami 2, is now available for you to download via the Japanese PSN store. The demo will weigh in at 9.89 gigabytes and allow users to play through some of the main game’s story. SEGA has confirmed that Yakuza Kiwami 2 demo saves will not transfer over to the full version of the game.

If you never made a Japanese PSN account, I suggest giving some YouTube guides a quick look, it isn’t hard to do. I would say its worth it just to try out some upcoming Japanese game demos. Its free, nothing to lose. Yakuza: Kiwami 2 hits Japan on December 7, no western release date has been announced as of posting. But don’t be surprised if we get an announcement sometime next year.

Sonic Forces demo hits PS4 and Nintendo Switch’s Japanese stores


SEGA has released the Sonic Forces demo in Japan on both the PlayStation 4 and the Nintendo Switch. The demo will let you play through three separate stages, one for each playable version including Modern, classic Sonic and avatar hero. Each stage is on a timer.

As for both demos, the Nintendo Switch version is 573MB in size while the PlayStation 4 version comes in at 1.9GB in size. That’s quite the difference. Will you be making a Japanese account on either consoles to try out Sonic Forces? Or will you just wait for it to be released in English?

Yakuza Kiwami 2 demo hits Japanese PSN in late November

yakuza-kiwami-2-and-fist-of-the-north-star-game-announced-fo_mhjtYakuza Kiwami 2 is coming out this December 7th in Japan, so SEGA is starting to get their hype train going over there. They have promised a Yakuza Kiwami 2 demo by the end of November, starting on December 2nd to the 17th, SEGA will be launching TV advertising campaign for the game. SEGA will also be holding signing events in November.

As far as what the demo will contain, that is all a mystery but I hope it gives us a glimpse at some of the Goro Majima content that is exclusive to this title. This will also give us a look to see how this title is running on the Yakuza 6 Dragon Engine, since this is the second title by the studio to use the new engine. The first Kiwami game actually ran on the Yakuza 0 engine.

[Via: Gematsu]

Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth Demo Hits 3DS eShop


If you have been waiting for Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth for the Nintendo 3DS, it seems you can now play the demo since it has hit the Nintendo eShop.

The Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth demo will let you create a party with every character and class available. The only limit imposed in the demo, compared to the full version is that it only lets you reach level 10 and explore until the third floor in the tree dungeon. But if you like Etrian Oydssey V: Beyond the Myth demo and you buy the full game, your demo data will transfer over to the full release. Pretty cool and worth giving the franchise a try, if you haven’t already.

Etrian Odyssey V Beyond the Myth will also have a launch edition as shown above that will come with a 24-page art book, six track music CD and an outer box. SEGA fans might also like to know that Etrian Odyssey franchise features music by Yuzo Koshiro (Streets of Rage, Revenge of Shinobi), which to me is a huge selling point. Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth comes out in North America on October 17, 2017 only on Nintendo 3DS.

Puyo Puyo Tetris demo live today


As previously reported, the PAL eShop accidentally dropped information about a free demo for Puyo Puyo Tetris. But now with the Nintendo Direct today it is officially confirmed that the demo will be live, and will be available for play today on the Nintendo Switch. This demo will provide players a sample of how Puyo Puyo Tetris plays, providing a limited selection of options for both solo and multiplayer. All you need to do is go on the Nintendo Switch eShop and download it, free to play and as much as you want.

Please try out the game for yourself to see if Puyo Puyo Tetris will be up your alley when it drops April 25th (North America) or April 28th (Europe).

SEGA Channel Retro: Sonic 06 Unity Demo Today

Sonic 06 has gone down as one of the blue hedgehog’s more divisive adventures. But like it or not some dedicated fans have gone through the trouble to recreate the game in the Unity engine. I’ll be checking it out on today’s shorter stream.

You can now watch our live streams on YouTube or Twitch!