Shigs here. Wanna win some neat crap I got at the San Diego Comic Con? Then you’d better have some writing skills!
Are you talkin’ about Sonic Generations? Are you bursting to play Aliens? Maybe chomping at the bit for Binary Domain? How about grooving for some Rhythm Thief? Tell us in one Paragraph in the comments section why you’re hyped for a particular 2011/2012 Sega game and you’ll get a chance to win these 3 prizes…
1. A copy of the San Diego Comic-Con Edition of Sonic #226 autographed by Ian Flynn. One of only 1,000 copies made!
2. A pair of Sonic Generations buttons.
3. A full set of the 3 poster prints given out at the Sega Arcade.
One winner will be chosen by me based on the quality of the writing.
All comments need to be made by Tues, Sept 27. The winner will be announced on Sept 28.
One paragraph! I have a lot of entries to read, so keep it short but sweet.
Only one comment per entry. One entry per person. That means if you comment more than once, you’re out.
I will ship to any country that allows giveaways. Some countries may be prohibited depending on laws.
Segabits staff members are non-eligible.
The winner will be announced on the front page on Wednesday, Sept 28. The winner will need to PM me on our forums.
Good luck and believe the hype!
By the way, are you a Sonic fan who wants a second shot at 2/3rds of these prizes? Would you rather have an “Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog” animation cell instead of the Sega posters? Then head to The Sonic Stadium.