Dave the Diver Ichiban’s Holiday DLC coming out April 10th, 2025; only available for purchase for six months


The wait is almost over to see the Hero of Yokohama Ichiban Kasuga join forces with Dave The Diver. The Ichiban’s Holiday DLC expansion for Dave The Diver will become available on April 10th, 2025 and will be the first paid DLC released for the game. The price has not yet been revealed as of this writing, but it will be available on all platforms that Dave The Diver is currently on, which is PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and Steam (For Windows and Mac). A demo is also available for the Nintendo Switch version, if you’d like to try Dave The Diver before buying.

Now for the bad news. Ichiban’s Holiday, like other crossover DLC the game has seen besides the Dredge Content Pack, will only be available to purchase for just six months. It will be delisted in October 2025. Anyone who buys it before then will be able to play with it as long as they want, but it is sad that it doesn’t even get to stick around for a whole year. And they say video games aren’t facing a preservation crisis.

The developers of Dave The Diver have also provided a video showing a more in-depth look at what you can expect to see in Ichiban’s Holiday. You can scope that out past the break.

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance announced from Atlus, available June 21st, 2024

Good ol’ Atlus with their expanded SMT/Persona re-releases. Seriously though, props for the clever logo design here.

If you liked Atlus’s recent hit JRPG Shin Megami Tensei V, then you’re gonna love Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Just announced within the same Nintendo Partner Showcase Direct from February 21st, 2024, which also revealed the new demo for Unicorn Overlord, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance was revealed as an all-new definitive version of the original and highly lauded Shin Megami Tensei V (2021). This all new version of SMT V will include extra locations, demons, and an all new additional story to experience. From a technical side, the game also includes an improved battle, exploration, and demon fusion system, new accessibility features, and all the previously available DLC from SMT V as standard content within the base game.

Journey past the break for links to the game’s official website.

Unicorn Overlord demo now available to download

If you’ve been waiting with baited breath to try the brand new strategy RPG from Vanillaware and Atlus, Unicorn Overlord, you now have your chance with an official demo being available on all consoles’ digital storefronts right now. News of this was revealed in Nintendo’s Partner Showcase Direct livestream from February 21st, 2024 via the above video clip, but the demo has also launched on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox at the same time. Give it a shot right away and see what you’re in for.

Take a look beyond the break for links to each demo.

Limited Run Games announces Rocket Knight Adventures: Re-Sparked! on Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PS5

Rocket Knight Adventures was a cult classic SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive game developed by Konami way back in 1993, since then our hero Sparkster and in 1994 we got Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures! In the same year Konami would release Sparkster on SNES. At one point Sparkster was being printed on all Konami’s promotional material being pushed as a sort of mascot for the company.

Now PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch owners can play these classic 16-bit games in the new upcoming collection! Yep, all three games. Not only that, Carbon Engine has went back and even added dan all-new animated intro by Studio Meala, rewind feature, boss rush mode and museum mode featuring never-before-seen content!  In a nice change of pace, this collection was announced as a Limited Run Games physical release only instead of it coming out digitally first then a physical copy down the line.

Check out Rocket Knight Adventures Re-Sparked! on Limited Run Games. 

Like a Dragon Gaiden’s opening movie and main theme “Katatoki” released featuring Yojiro Noda & Rapper JID

SEGA has released Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name, this opening movie really shows a contrast to Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, which is more upbeat story trailers featuring the main cast on an adventure; Like a Dragon Gaiden shows Kazuma Kiryu on the other hand living in the shadows.

What is Kazuma Kiryu doing? What he does best, hanging out at bars and smoking cigarettes.

Sonic Superstars gets fantastic “Trio of Trouble” animated short

One thing that I have loved about the recent classic Sonic the Hedgehog games have been the animated shorts they’ve been releasing, starting with Sonic Mania Adventures! This time, Sonic Superstars gives us this really nicely animated “Trio of Trouble” short. Sadly, when I say short, I mean too short. I could really go for a classic Sonic, silent cartoon. I love it. Obviously the animated short’s name is a reference Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble, the Game Gear exclusive game that was the first time Fang (or Nack) was introduced! We even did a SEGA Talk discussing the game, which you can listen to! 

Sonic Superstars is getting closer to release date as October 17th will be here faster than you can say “Does Fang have a Nack for treasure hunting?” .


Atlus & Vanillaware brings back old school SRPGs with the gorgeous Unicorn Overlord

The last time Atlus & Vinallaware teamed up, they brought us the amazing 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim and now they have announced Unicorn Overlord coming to Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series world wide on March 8th, 2024.

The game in the West will have a standard edition and a Collector’s Edition pictured below:

Check out the press release after the break:

Sonic Superstars animated opening hits the internet

SEGA has released the animated opening for Sonic Superstars and its beautiful. The art style is very reminiscent of the old school Classic Sonic from the 90s, its nice to see a new take on the classic formula. Hopefully the rest of Sonic Superstars matches up with the quality of this opening animation.

Sonic Superstars is coming out this fall for Playstation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth coming in 2024 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and PC

It looks like SEGA really is dropping the Yakuza name from its upcoming releases, while Ichiban’s debut game was called ‘Yakuza: Like a Dragon’, the sequel is being titled ‘Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth‘. The game just game a gameplay trailer shown off via the Xbox Showcase. I guess in Japan this game will still be known as Like a Dragon 8. Yeah, the naming and changing is getting a bit confusing.

Yes, the debut trailer is just one big gag about Ichiban being naked on the beach. Yes, the Yakuza, uh I mean Like a Dragon franchise is back to what we love. I can’t wait for it to come out early 2024!

(Note: I know the franchise has always been known as Like a Dragon in Japan)

Sonic Frontiers becomes the best selling 3D Sonic game racing to 3.5 million units sold

While Sonic Frontiers isn’t the most perfect game ever made (check out our review), it is a huge step in the right direction for the franchise and it seems that Sonic fans have agreed as it becomes the best selling 3D Sonic game. SEGA confirmed the sales figures during their SEGA x Rovio press conference (16:40 in), marking the title as a huge success.

That means that the title sold 300,000 units from April, in just a month. That would mean that Sonic Frontiers has long lasting legs and that probably has to do to the free roadmap that Sonic Team has released. For example Sonic Generations sold 3 million units and it still seems Sonic Frontiers can easily break the 4 million sold marker by this fall!

Are you surprised at the success of Sonic Frontiers?

[Via: Sonic Stadium]

Sonic Frontiers Review: “The Modern Sonic Adventure Sequel”

Sonic Frontiers promises to be the biggest, longest and most open Sonic adventure to date and we here at SEGAbits have been playing the game for a few weeks. Here is our full Sonic Frontiers review, did Sonic Team really nail the open world design or is this just another experiment gone wrong? Find out!

If you enjoy our SEGA reviews and want to support us: Give us a sub and give this video a thumbs up so it shows up on more like-minded fans YouTube recommendations. You know, how that YouTube algorithm is.

Persona 5 Royal, Persona 4 Golden, and Persona 3 Portable coming to PS5, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC

Spread out throughout the month of June 2022 was news that Persona 5 Royal, Persona 4 Golden, and Persona 3 Portable would soon be launching on Xbox consoles, PC platforms (Persona 4 Golden has already been on Steam since June 2020), and PlayStation 5. For Xbox and Windows PC users, all three will also be part of Xbox Game Pass following their launch on Microsoft platforms. It was finally also revealed at the end of Nintendo’s Mini Partner Showcase Direct from June 28th that all three will now finally release worldwide on Nintendo Switch as well. This is all part of Atlus’s celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Persona series of games.

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis to launch on PS4 August 31st 2022

If you’ve been holding out on Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis to play on PlayStation 4, the wait will soon be over. In a surprise announcement at Anime Expo 22, PSO2 NGS will finally launch on PS4 in the western world on August 31st 2022. Both NGS and PSO2 will be fully playable on all PS4 and PS5 consoles, including all updates that have been made to both games up to that point. The game will also extend its cross platform compatibility so that PlayStation players can play with Xbox and PC players. You can also purchase ARKS Cash, the game’s premium currency, directly from the PlayStation Store.

New Sonic Frontiers info – detailing Cyber Space, enemies and more!

A new Nintendo Direct brought with it new footage and information for the upcoming Sonic Frontiers, due out for PC and all major consoles this holiday season. The biggest news was the reveal of a new enemy, named Sage, as well as information about high speed Cyber Space levels which should feel right at home with fans of Sonic Generations. You can check out the new footage above, and after the break read through all the new information from SEGA!

Community Spotlight: What do you want for Yakuza: Like a Dragon 2?

Yakuza 7 or Yakuza: Like a Dragon as its known in the USA, changed the Yakuza formula massively when it replaced its real-time combat with a new turn-based system. Yakuza: Like a Dragon would even change the main cast and city, taking big risks with long time fans. The gamble paid off for Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio as Yakuza: Like a Dragon reviewed favorably and has warmed its way into the hearts of long time fans. For me, Yakuza: Like a Dragon is already one of my top three favorite Yakuza titles and really excited to see what the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has in store for the next game, especially considering that the studio has been known to improve their games with every new entry (for the most part).

I decided to ask people in the Yakuza community what they’d like to see for Yakuza 8 or what it might be called in the West, Yakuza: Like a Dragon 2. We are joined by The Tojo Dojo, Pseudochel and Yakuza Fan as they tell you what they’d like to see in the next blockbuster installment of the Yakuza franchise.