Yakuza Kiwami 2 demo hits Japanese PSN in late November

yakuza-kiwami-2-and-fist-of-the-north-star-game-announced-fo_mhjtYakuza Kiwami 2 is coming out this December 7th in Japan, so SEGA is starting to get their hype train going over there. They have promised a Yakuza Kiwami 2 demo by the end of November, starting on December 2nd to the 17th, SEGA will be launching TV advertising campaign for the game. SEGA will also be holding signing events in November.

As far as what the demo will contain, that is all a mystery but I hope it gives us a glimpse at some of the Goro Majima content that is exclusive to this title. This will also give us a look to see how this title is running on the Yakuza 6 Dragon Engine, since this is the second title by the studio to use the new engine. The first Kiwami game actually ran on the Yakuza 0 engine.

[Via: Gematsu]

SEGA silently puts Castle of Illusion back on Steam, PSN and XBLA

We talked about SEGA losing the Mickey Mouse license this past September and having to pull Castle of Illusion from online stores, it seems something has changed since they have silently put them back on sale across all major digital platforms. When SEGA was warned about pulling Castle of Illusion they put it on sale as low as a dollar and now that its back its at regular price of $14.99. No idea what happen over at SEGA to make them change their mind or if this is some sort of mistake. Regardless Castle of Illusion is back on digital platforms, if you never picked it up I suggest get a copy while they are live.


Castle of Illusion is also available on mobile platforms, but those were published by Disney, so I didn’t mention them in the pull.  Maybe SEGA has a World of Illusion remake under their belt or Disney came to their senses? If SEGA is renewing old licenses and bringing back pulled games, maybe its time to bring back Afterburner Climax and OutRun 2? What are your thoughts on Castle of Illusion coming back to digital platforms?

SEGA Talk Podcast #10: Jet Set Radio (2000)

This is DJ Professor K, baby, the master of mayhem you know what i’m sayin’ bringing you another Tokyo underground pirate SEGA Talk radio broadcast from Jet Set Radio! On this nitro driven episode we discuss the creation of Jet Set Radio, the game’s iconic soundtrack, regional changes, and a whole lot more. Shake your spray cans, tighten up your skates because we are diving into Jet Set Radio and never leaving Tokyo-to! Calling all GG’s! Like always let us know all your Jet Set Radio memories in the comments below, thanks for listening.

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If you want to give us feedback, suggest a topic for the next podcast or want to ask a question for us to answer on the next episode you can add them as a comment below or send theme directly to our email. Make sure you use subject line ‘SEGA Talk’ and as always, thanks for listening!

Yakuza 6 demo is out now on Japanese PSN

Yakuza-6Yakuza 6 might be only announced for release in Japan, that doesn’t mean you can’t try it out early. The Yakuza 6 demo is now live on Japanese PSN and if you didn’t know, making a Japanese PSN isn’t that hard. We posted details before on what will be in the Yakuza 6 demo, but you basically get to play the opening chapter in the game and best of all your save file will transfer over if you decide to import the game. Of course the Yakuza 6 demo will also have limited access to play spots.  The Yakuza 6 demo will weigh in at a impressive 33.8 gigabyte. That’s quite the size.

Yakuza 6 hits Japan, exclusively for PlayStation 4 on December 8th. Are you going to give the demo a spin? Let us know what you thought in the comments below!


Yakuza 6 demo hits Japanese PSN on November 29

Yakuza-6_2016_10-27-16_031If you have been waiting to play the Yakuza 6 demo before the game hits Japanese retail on December 8th, you are in luck! SEGA has announced that the Yakuza 6 demo will hit Japanese PSN on November 29th! Yeah, it does seem that the free public demo is hitting a bit close to the release date, but this might be normal for the series. We did a post about what content will make it to the Yakuza 6 demo.. The demo will basically allow you to play the first chapter and even carry over your save data to the full game. Play spots are available during the demo, but are you are limited to the ones placed in the first chapter’s area. If you are live outside of Japan and want to try the Yakuza 6 demo, you can always make a Japanese PSN account for free.

Famitsu will also be releasing a article tomorrow, revealing new information on Yakuza 6. If anything noteworthy is shown we will update the blog. I’m pretty excited to finally give Yakuza 6 a try, even if its a demo.  How many of you are going to give Yakuza 6 demo a try? Let us know in the comments below!

[Via: Yakuza Fan]

SEGA releasing a Yakuza 6 demo soon

Yakuza-6_2016_10-27-16_029SEGA has recently announced via a live stream hosted by Famitsu that Yakuza 6 will be getting a playable demo in Japan before its release, which is December 8th. The Yakuza 6 demo allows players to experience the first chapter of the game.

SEGA has also confirmed that the Yakuza 6 demo will be level capped but save data will transfer over to the full game. This is a great way to get into the game early before you purchase Yakuza 6, considering that the first chapter in Yakuza games is always a bit slow. The demo will also allow you to visit all the play spots within the designated areas, which is fantastic because there are plenty of great looking play spots in this game. While the Yakuza 6 demo is only for Japanese audiences, its rather easy to make a Japanese PSN account. Are you guys going to give Yakuza 6 demo a chance?

Yakuza 6 hits Japanese store shelves on December 8th, 2016. While there hasn’t been a western release date for Yakuza 6, the franchise isn’t dead considering we are still getting Yakuza 0 in January 2017. If you want a English release of Yakuza 6, make sure you support the release of Yakuza 0!

[Source: Siliconera]

SEGA planning a third Valkyria: Azure Revolution demo

ValkyriaAzurreRevolutionSEGA is readying itself to release Valkyria: Azure Revolution in Japan. They already released one demo in earlier this year and had the second demo with the latest build at Tokyo Game Show 2016 (where we posted up a hands-on impressions of the game). Unsurprisingly lots of fans have had nothing but negative things to say about the latest demo (including our preview), which was given limited access by SEGA. Well, soon anyone with a Japanese PSN account will be able to try Valkyria: Azure Revolution, at least when the third demo is released:

“We released Ver. 2.0 of the Battle Demo the other day, and starting next week we’ll be holding hands-on experience events across the country. In the future, we’re planning to provide one more, additional demo. At that time, we’re planning for everyone to be able to enjoy it, rather than just a limited amount of users.” – Youichi Shimosato, Valkyria: Azure Revolution producer

But I wouldn’t be expecting major changes, even though they did state that they changed the game due to fan feedback a lot of the issues users had with the first battle demo are still present in the 2nd demo and from what Valkyria: Azure Revolution‘s producer is saying it doesn’t sound like much will change with the latest demo:

“We’re putting in all the elements that should be included, leaving only minor adjustments and bug fixes after.” – Youichi Shimosato, Valkyria: Azure Revolution producer

Valkyria: Azure Revolution hits Japanese store shelves on January 19, 2017 only on PlayStation 4. No western release date has been announced but little birds told me that SEGA Japan did hand out English ‘how to play’ cards at the Tokyo Game Show 2016 for Valkyria: Azure Revolution and Puyo Puyo Chronicle, so anything is possible. But would you be interested in purchasing Valkyria: Azure Revolution if it comes over?

[Source: Gematsu]

Persona 5 screens let you compare PS4 and PS3 versions


Atlus has now opened up Persona 5 digital pre-orders for the game on both the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 3 systems. That means that we get to see what Persona 5 looks like running on a PlayStation 3 and a PlayStation 4. You can see the Persona 5 screenshots below this article.

Atlus has also put up a Persona 5 20th Anniversary PlayStation Store edition for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. This version comes with the following items:

  • Persona 4 Costume & BGM Special Set
  • Persona 3 Costume & BGM Special Set
  • Orpheus & Orpheus Zokujin Set
  • Izanagi & Izanagi Zokujin Set
  • Persona 20th Anniversary All-Time Best Soundtrack
  • 20th Anniversary Special Edition Limited Theme & Avatar Sets

Of course Persona 5 launches in Japan on September 15, 2016 for both the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. The rest of the world has to wait all the way till February 14, 2017 to get our hands on this highly anticipated JRPG. As you can see from the screenshots after the jump, the game doesn’t look much different on either system. What do you think?

SEGA teases Valkyria: Azure Revolution 2.0 demo

Valkyria-Azure-Revolution-1-1280x720SEGA has announced that more information regarding the second Valkyria: Azure Revolution “Battle Demo Ver. 2.0” will be released towards late August, if their official blog is to be believed.

If you didn’t know, SEGA released the Valkyria: Azure Revolution Battle Demo Ver. 1.0 a few months back to some very heavy fan criticism. The developer Media.Vision and SEGA said that they would be taking the fan feedback seriously and implementing changes to the core game, now those changes will be displayed in the new upcoming Valkyria: Azure Revolution Battle Demo Ver. 2.0. According to the team, the new demo will be more ‘strategic’ in nature.

But that isn’t all the upcoming news, the blog promises that we will get other information about Valkyria: Azure Revolution before the end of August including confirmations about the game’s Japanese voice cast. Valkyria: Azure Revolution will also be shown at this year’s Tokyo Game Show in September.

Valkyria: Azure Revolution will release on the PlayStation 4 in Japan this winter. There has been no western release announced.

[Source: Gematsu]

English Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X demo coming August 9

Been waiting to get your hands on the English Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X demo for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita? You’re in luck because the wait is almost over. The English Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X demo is set to hit PSN starting on August 9.

While you wait for the English Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X demo, you can gander at the latest released trailer above that shows off the ‘Concert Editor’ mode. SEGA has also confirmed a upcoming free update called ‘Live Edit’ that will make the mode compatible with PlayStation VR. Of course that is for the PlayStation 4 version only.

How many readers are excited for the upcoming Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X game?

Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X PS4 demo out now in Japan

3077071-gameplay_hatsunemikuprojectdivax_20160606_gsHave you been counting the long days for the release of Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X and need something to tide you over the long wait? If you have a Japanese PSN account, you can try Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X on your PlayStation 4 right now! SEGA’s Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X  demo is out now and weighs in at 525mb!

Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X demo features:

Not a bad set of songs for a free demo. Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X hits the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita in North America on August 30th. As for Japan, the PlayStation 4 version hits them a few days early on August 25th, they already got the PlayStation Vita version back in March. Who is giving this demo a try?

[Via Gematsu]

Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X Gets PS Vita demo on March 24th in Japan

HatsuneMikuX.jpgIf you own a PlayStation Vita, have a Japanese PSN and can’t wait to try Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X, you will be able to give it a spin on March 24! That’s right, SEGA will be launching their Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X demo on the Japanese PSN store which will include the following playable songs:

The game will also have a tutorial song (levan Polkka). Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X demo will also let you try the new “Rush Notes” system and the heart-racing modules. At the same time SEGA has oddly announced launch day DLC for the game, which you can view after the jump.

Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X hits PlayStation Vita on March 24 in Japan, later this year on PlayStation 4. No Western release plans announced yet.

[Via: Gematsu]

Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir demo now out for Japanese PSN users

OdinSphereDemoVerDo you have a Playstation 4, Playstation 3 and/or Playstation Vita? Guess what? You can now download the demo for Atlus and Vinalliaware’s remake of Odin Sphere (if you live in Japan or have a Japanese account)! Yeah, that great Playstation 2 game is now coming to all your current Sony consoles.

Seems that each version of the demo has a different file size, for example the PS4 demo weighs in at 442 MB, PS3 at 423 MB, and the PS Vita one at 250 MB.

The demo will allow you to play as all five characters though an action stage that has been configured for the demo and even have a boss battle with “Belial“. Sadly there won’t be any story parts and you won’t be able to use the demo data in the full release.

Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir comes out in Japan on January 14th and later this Spring in North America.

[Via: Gematsu]

SEGA’s Miracle Girls Festival gets a demo in Japan

If your a fan of Hatsune Miku style rhythm games, then you will most likely want to check out Miracle Girls Festival on the Playstation Vita. The Japanese Playstation Store got a demo for the game and its weighing in at 284MB. If you want to download it, click here.

Miracle Girls Festival lets you rhythm tap your way with a huge selectable cast of characters, the game features 47 anime characters from varies shows. What characters are in the game? Hit the jump and find out. Miracle Girls Festival is now available to purchase in Japan, no western release has been announced yet.

Yakuza 5 screens shows off side-activities and play spots

Yakuza-5_2015_10-30-15_015SEGA’s Yakuza series has been well known for its side-activities and play spots sprinkled throughout the game.  But no game takes it further than Yakuza 5!

The game has activities like rhythm dancing, hunting bears, drinking, gambling, trying to get SEGA swag from a UFO catcher, playing Taiko Drum Master in arcades, and even driving taxis! So much to do, so little time.

Check out the screenshots after the jump. Yakuza 5 will hit PSN in Europe and North America sometime this month.

[Via: Gemastu]