SEGA reveals Tokyo Game Show 2018 line-up

SEGA seems to be going all in at this year’s Tokyo Game Show 2018, what with the announcement of the new IP Project JUDGE (Judge Eyes in Japan), its starting to seem like SEGA finally has a impressive line-up for Japanese fans. But not only that, SEGA is publishing a bunch of Western titles for Japanese audience and some of the games that will have the SEGA logo over there are titles you least expect. It seems that we won’t be getting Sakura Wars information this year, which is a bummer. Check out SEGA’s full Tokyo Game Show 2018 line-up after the jump:

Space Harrier joining the SEGA AGES lineup on Nintendo Switch

The SEGA arcade classic Space Harrier, which has long been a staple in SEGA rerelease collections, has been announced for the SEGA Ages lineup on Nintendo Switch. The trailer, seen above, utilizes characters from the anime Hi Score Girl to make the announcement.

Once we learn more details, including release date and special features, we will be sure to news it, but for now you can enjoy our SEGA Talk episode where we discuss Space Harrier!

[Source: Real Otaku Gamer]

SEGA Ages Thunder Force IV for Nintendo Switch gets over 10 minutes of gameplay shown

SEGA had a live stream recently shown off the the SEGA Ages version of Thunder Force IV for the Nintendo Switch. As you know, SEGA revealed that this release and Sonic the Hedgehog are getting delayed into this month. If you want to know more about whats new in this version of Thunder Force IV, check out my write up.

What do you guys think? They are pricing this release at $8 dollars in Japan. Worth it at that price?

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SEGA Ages Sonic the Hedgehog and Thunder Force IV on Nintendo Switch delayed into September

If you guys didn’t know the SEGA Ages Nintendo Switch versions of Sonic the Hedgehog and Thunder Blade IV was suppose to come out sometime this month, but SEGA has now confirmed that they have been delayed into September. According to them it was because they wanted to further enhance the quality of the titles. But at the same time, SEGA also plans to release the SEGA Ages version of Phantasy Star in September. So, it seems that SEGA will be releasing three whole SEGA Ages releases in the month of September?

I have also been hearing rumors that SEGA Japan have been saying these will be released ‘world wide’, which is also a bit weird considering SEGA West hasn’t said a peep about them. Could these be the most poorly planned re-releases of all time? I mean, I’m sure they will be quality releases, but whoever is managing this whole thing needs to learn to nail release dates, they are still giving is a vague month without actual dates!

SEGA Ages Phantasy Star hits Nintendo Switch in Japan on September 2018

SEGA has now provided the details for their upcoming SEGA Ages Phantasy Star release on the Nintendo Switch. They have confirmed that the game is set to launch in Japan in September 2018, so next month and will cost ¥925 ($8 USD).

Some of the new features for this release include:

  • Accessibility options.
  • Alter difficulty making the game easier
  • Original hiragana text option (from the Phantasy Star Collection‘s SEGA Saturn version) is included.
  • FM Sound Unit Music player with 19 tracks.
  • Auto-mapping option when entering dungeons.
  • Monster Codex: once you fight a monster you will keep a record of it including its name, sprite and other useful information.
  • Pause menu lets you see items, abilities, equipment and other options.

Hit the jump to see screenshots of the new features in the upcoming game.

SEGA AGES debuts on Nintendo Switch with Sonic the Hedgehog & Thunder Force IV next month

It was a surprise to a lot of SEGA fans when SEGA announced that they wouldn’t be porting the SEGA Genesis/Megadrive Collection to Nintendo Switch. Instead SEGA Japan would be bringing its downloadable titles by reviving their SEGA AGES brand. We finally got the first details including the debut games, release date and pricing.

According to the latest Weekly Famitsu magazine where they confirmed that the first two debut titles will be Sonic the Hedgehog and Thunder Force IV! Each title will cost you 925 yen (£6.30 / $8.20) and will release in August. Just like the SEGA 3D Classics, Sonic the Hedgehog will include the added Spin Dash, Drop Dash and the Mega Play arcade version. While Thunder Force IV will introduce online leaderboards and the Styx Mode from the SEGA Saturn version!

SEGA AGES officially releasing to North America and Europe

SEGA of America PR has officially confirmed that SEGA AGES, the recently announced M2 project which will bring Master System, Genesis and SEGA arcade ports to Nintendo Switch, will indeed be releasing to Japan, North America, and Europe. The lineup will begin rolling out this summer with Sonic the Hedgehog, Phantasy Star, Thunder Force IV, Gain Ground and Alex Kidd in Miracle World.

As is the norm with M2 projects, there will be a bevy of bonuses to make your purchase worth while.

After the break, check out a few screenshots and an official description of SEGA AGES.

SEGA FES 2018: New SEGA Ages for Nintendo Switch games and extra features announced

We learned of SEGA AGES, the new M2 retro SEGA game porting project for Nintendo Switch, on Friday night from the opening presentation at SEGA FES. As the event went on, more details were revealed during the SEGA AGES panel. Twitter user @gosokkyu shared updates from the panel, which revealed new details. Sonic the Hedgehog will include the rare Mega-Play arcade version (an example of how the game differs is that the Mega-Play replaces all the extra life monitors). Thunder Force IV will include Styx Mode (the Thunder Force III ship from the Saturn port) and online leaderboards. Phantasy Star will have all the features from the PS2 SEGA AGES Collection version, including options like walk speed, difficulty settings, FM/PSG toggle and more.

Two more games were revealed: Alex Kidd in Miracle World and Gain Ground! Gain Ground will be the arcade version. You can visit the official SEGA AGES website and the collection will debut this summer for Nintendo Switch.

SEGA News Bits: SEGA Mega Drive Mini & SEGA AGES for Nintendo Switch Reaction

SEGA Fes 2018 had four big reveals, and on this SEGA News Bits we take a look at the first two of them. First up is SEGA AGES, M2’s answer to a 3D Classics lineup for the Nintendo Switch. Next we look at the AtGames Mega Drive Mini, a new plug and play from AtGames which is SEGA’s answer to the SNES Classic.

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SEGA FES 2018: SEGA AGES coming to the Nintendo Switch this summer!

Whilst we’re reporting this one last, SEGA started off SEGA FES by announcing SEGA AGES for the Nintendo Switch and to be released this summer in Japan. Details are still being updated as this is a relatively new story but we can see from the image shared that SEGA will be bringing Sonic the Hedgehog, Phantasy Star and for the frst time Thunder Force IV back too modern consoles.

SEGA AGES PS2 games making their way to Japanese PSN

SEGA has announced that Gunstar Heroes Treasure Box and Dynamite Dekka (Die-Hard Arcade) will soon be making its way to the Japanese PSN. They are part of SEGA’s AGES 2500 line, Playstation 2 remakes of classic SEGA games for the Playstation 2. Now SEGA is pulling a inception and putting them on PSN.

But more people here will be interested in the first game SEGA is going to release on the PSN PS2 archives service, Dragon Force (trailer). That one will hit PSN on July 25th. SEGA West, we want these, please?