SEGA Sammy unveils Virtua Fighter and House of the Dead Scarlet Dawn: Battle Genesis for Casinos


SEGA Sammy had recently revealed two SEGA IPs at Global Gaming Expo Asia 2019 to be used as casino equipment under the Battle Genesis name which was trademarked last year by the company. The two SEGA IPs to be used under the Battle Genesis name are “Virtua Fighter” and “House of the Dead Scarlet Dawn” and will be released in Asia this summer. Besides the announcement, there are currently no news on how the casino games operates. What are your thoughts on the Battle Genesis announcements? Be sure to leave us a comment below!

SEGA News Bits: SEGA Plans Revival of Major IPs

On this SEGA News Bits, George and Barry discuss the recent news of SEGA of Japan announcing the revival of major IPs during their “Road to 2020” business presentation. What franchises could they be referring to? Find out as we dig through the news archives to uncover an old survey that just might hold the answer!

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SEGA plans “revival of major IPs” on its “Road to 2020”

Sonic___SEGA_All-Stars_Racing-PCArtwork4539Sonic_Racing_GroupSEGA plans “revival of major IPs”, which is a phrase that a lot of SEGA die hard fans have been waiting to hear from the company in a very long time. SEGA revealed this strategy when the company did their “Road to 2020” business presentation. If you look at the ‘Segment / Business Strategies’ on their latest fiscal report, it highlights the following big points:

Packaged Games Field (example titles: Total War: Warhammer, Yakuza 6: The Song of Life, Football Manager 2017, and Persona 5)

  • Expand existing IPs and obtain new IPs for North American and European PC games
  • Build revenue base by being entrusted with outsourced development
  • Challenge for new IPs
  • Revival of major IPs
  • Effective utilization of development engines

Digital Games Field (example titles: Puyo Puyo!! Quest, Hortensia Saga, Chain Chronicle 3, and Phantasy Star Online 2)

  • Create titles that will become global hits
  • Establish digital marketing business
  • Expand overseas publishing business
  • Maintain profits through long-term operation of existing titles
  • Develop next-generation titles

If you notice, they have a nice section where they highlight that they are planning not only original IPs but also SEGA plans “revival of major IPs”. But what would SEGA consider a “major IP”? One of the challenges SEGA has with reviving IPs is that they want them to be ‘global hits’, so what titles do you think are considered ‘global hits’? SEGA plans “revival of major IPs”, do you believe it or is it a ‘wait and see’ sort of thing?

[via: Gematsu]

SEGA News Bits: SEGA survey includes classic IPs discussion

SEGA wants fans to “Help Us Make Our Games Better” by unleashing a new survey which asks what your favorite classic SEGA franchises are! Did your favorite IP make the list? Find out as George and Barry go through all the classic franchises mentioned in the survey.

Want to take the survey? Check it out here and don’t forget to tick that SEGAbits box when they ask you what fan sites you frequent!

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SEGA Talks Atlus acquisition, Free to use Dormant SEGA IPs

In a recent Famitsu interview, SEGA Sammy’s Chief Operating Officer, Naoya Tsurumi, talks a little bit more about the future of Atlus brands and its relationship with SEGA Corporation.

There are some interesting tidbits in the Famitsu interview as Tsurumi-san explains that Atlus will continue developing their brands, making them bigger and for SEGA to sell them. The interview also mentions a line of SEGA IPs such Sakura Wars, Jet Set Radio, and Space Channel 5 as Tsurumi explains that the company has just started but definitely will give it more thought.

You can read the entire interview here. What are your thoughts about Atlus using dormant SEGA franchises?

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