SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Space Port Gameplay And Infinite Boss Battle Revealed

Sonic Forces comes out next month and SEGA is getting ready to let new information out of the bag. Earlier today they revealed the Space Port gameplay, Rental Avatar hero mode and even the first glimpse at a Infinite boss battle. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we discuss all the new information, talk Sonic Forces‘ marketing and did Sonic Team referencing Rent-A-Hero? Let us know what you think of the ‘new’ Space Port gameplay, the Rental Avatar hero mode and of course the first look at Infinite in action in the comments below.

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SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces PSN Trophies Leak, Reveals New Info

Welcome to a new SEGA News Bits, today we will be discussing the Sonic Forces early PSN trophies leak that happen yesterday. On this episode I’ll be going through all the interesting information that the leaked PSN trophies revealed including Silver Moon Rings, Secret Stages, Daily Missions, and lots more. So tune in and let us know what you think of Sonic Forces’ PSN Trophies and are you planning on getting a Platinum on it? Let us know in the comments below.

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SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Reveals ‘New’ Chemical Plant Zone Discussion

Sonic Forces has just revealed a sorta, not really new stage with Chemical Plant Zone. While the name suggests its the same stage, its actually quite different now that Eggman took over in the world of Sonic Forces. On this episode we discuss the new Sonic Forces stage reveal, the new wisp costume hero drill and theorize that we could be seeing a Episode: Knuckles? Tune in on the discussion and let us know what you think in the comments below.

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SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces 2 & Sonic Mania 2? House of the Dead Remake?

Today on the SEGA News Bits we take questions from our audience, this is the second question and answer segment we have done. You can catch the last one over here. On this Q&A episode we discuss the possibilities of Sonic Forces 2, Sonic Mania 2, our favorite Sonic the Hedgehog vocal song, are we really excited for Sonic Forces, Our favorite SEGA community stories, and we talk The House of the Dead Remake possibilities. Watch the episode and tell us what you thought, we are always open to suggestions on the format.

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SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Trailer Shows New Cutscenes, Teases Infinite’s Secret

The SEGA Japan YouTube channel unleashed a brand new Sonic Forces trailer, this one being titled ‘Promotion Trailer’. The brand new trailer featured brand new cutscenes, teased a brand new stage, showed of Rogue the Bat, and even gave us more hints about Infinite’s origins. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we break down the brand new Sonic Forces trailer and try to find neat things that you might have missed. If we missed anything, you can go ahead and let us know in the comments below. What did you guys think of the new Sonic Forces trailer?

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SEGA News Bits: Shenmue I & II HD & Bayonetta / Vanquish Double Pack Leaked Reaction

This weekend we had a couple of big retail leaks that we reported on, including the Bayonetta and Vanquish double pack and the Shenmue I & II HD; both are set to be coming out for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we discuss both these leaks as we discuss if we think they are real, thoughts on the ports not being announced for Nintendo Switch and what other SEGA games we want to get double pack releases on modern consoles. Listen in and let us know what you think of the retail leaks in the comments below!

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SEGA News Bits: SEGA Dreamcast 18th Anniversary Discussion

On 9/9/1999 the SEGA Dreamcast released in North America, and now 18 years later we’re still talking about it. On this SEGA News Bits, we celebrate the birthday of SEGA’s final home console by recommending the best exclusives, looking at the indie games released in 2017 and looking ahead to what indie games are coming in 2018 and beyond!

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SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces to have Jet Set Radio, NiGHTS & Monkey Ball DLC

We posted about the Sonic Forces Day One Edition leak earlier today, labeling it as a rumor. If you didn’t hear the news, Sonic Paradise found an Amazon and Xtra Life store page for a Sonic Forces Day One Edition which was set to have customizable avatar items as pre-order DLC that are said to be based on in-house SEGA IPs such as Jet Set Radio, NiGHTS into Dreams, Super Monkey Ball and Puyo Puyo Tetris. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we discuss our thoughts on pre-order DLC, guess what the items from these franchises might be, talk about other SEGA franchises that should get cameos in Sonic Forces, and more. So tune in and let us know in the comments below what you think of the Sonic Forces Day One Edition! What other franchises from SEGA would you like to see cameo in the game?

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SEGA News Bits: Sonic the Hedgehog comics coming to IDW in 2018

While we are a bit late on talking about this due to the long weekend away from technology, we are covering the big news that Sonic the Hedgehog comics are back but this time with IDW as a publisher. If you guys didn’t hear, Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog series ended less than a week ago and SEGA was quick to announce their new partnership with IDW! If you guys watched our previous SEGA News Bits episodes discussing all things Sonic the Hedgehog comics related, you’d know that we have wanted the Sonic the Hedgehog brand to end up at IDW for a long while. So on this episode of the SEGA News Bits we talk about Sonic joining IDW, the potential crossovers, and our hopes for how the transition is handled. There is still a lot of details to hash out on how IDW will be handling their own series, but what do you wanna see? Let us know in the comments below and will you be picking up the new IDW Sonic the Hedgehog series come 2018?

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SEGA News Bits: SEGA Genesis AtGames 2017 Hardware Revealed

Today on the SEGA News Bits, we look at the upcoming AtGames SEGA Genesis plug-in-play consoles set to release this 2017 including the AtGames Flashback, AT Games Classic and the Ultimate Portable Game Player. All three of these devices are set to hit store shelves this upcoming September! On this episode we talk about our thoughts on AtGames’ SEGA Genesis plug-in-play releases, our thoughts on the pack-in games and what we want to see improved on these new devices. But in the end, what are your thoughts? Are you picking up any of these AtGames SEGA Genesis devices and if so, which one?

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SEGA News Bits: The End of Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog Comic Discussion

Today on the SEGA News Bits we discuss the news that spread through social media like wild fire earlier today, SEGA has announced that they would be moving on from licensing Sonic the Hedgehog comics to Archie. It has been about six month since Archie Comics released a brand new issue of Sonic the Hedgehog and its multiple side series, but now with  San Diego Comic Con closing in they finally let the cat out of the bag. On this episode we discuss what leaving Archie Comics could mean for Sonic the Hedgehog comics, what happen in the last story arc, what comic book publishers should take over, and what Archie Comics original characters we will miss if the series continues without them. But you let us know what you think of SEGA ending their publishing partnership with Archie Comics in the comments below! Thanks for watching.

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SEGA News Bits: SEGA Answers Our SEGA Forever Questions

On this SEGA News Bits, George and Barry discuss the answers SEGA gave to our questions about the SEGA Forever retro gaming collection. SEGA Forever is an initiative from SEGA Networks to bring games from the SG-1000 through to the Dreamcast to mobile devices and beyond! What future games can we expect? How will the Genesis/Mega Drive emulation improve? How will light gun games play?

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SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Fist Bump Vocal Theme Reaction

On this SEGA News Bits, George and Barry fist bump their way through the recently revealed main theme to Sonic Forces. The track, titled “Fist Bump”, features vocals and lyrics by Douglas Robb of Hoobastank and is composed and arranged by Tomoya Ohtani. How does the tune compare to past title tracks? What do we think of the lyrics? Who… bastank?

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SEGA News Bits: Yakuza 6 & Kiwami E3 2017 Hands On Impressions

Welcome to a new episode of the SEGA News Bits, our YouTube show where we discuss all things SEGA News as they hit. This last week we have been posting our E3 2017 hands on impressions for both Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania, this time we are doing our Yakuza 6 & Kiwami E3 2017 hands on impressions! So give it a listen as SEGAbits staff writers Kori-Maru and Bartman3010 give you the low down on the upcoming remake, the new graphics engine in Yakuza 6, extras found in Yakuza Kiwami, and the overall perception of these games at the event.  So tune in and listen to our Yakuza 6 & Kiwami E3 2017 Hands On Impressions and if you guys have any questions regarding the upcoming Yakuza games, you can ask them in the comments. Now that you have seen our Yakuza 6 & Kiwami E3 2017 Hands On Impressions, what are your impressions of these games so far?

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments and want to support us: Give us a sub and give this video a like so it shows up on more like minded fans YouTube recommendations. You know, how that new YouTube algorithm is. Thanks for the support. If you want to read our full Yakuza 6 & Yakuza Kiwami E3 2017 hands on impressions in written format, check that out here.

SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces E3 2017 Hands On Impressions

Hello fellow SEGA fans, today on the SEGA News Bits we have our Sonic Forces E3 2017 hands on impressions video where SEGAbits staff writers Kori-Maru and Bartman3010 talk about the different types of gameplay in Sonic Forces, level design, musical changes, graphical differences between consoles and much more. This is the first time Sonic Forces has been playable by the pubic, so these early Sonic Forces E3 2017 hands on impressions are important to gauge the quality of the final product. Whatever you might think of Sonic Forces, you have to admit that there is quite a robust package being shown at this year’s E3 event and with this video we discuss all the demos that happened to be playable for the first time. Tell us in the comments below what your opinion on Sonic Forces so far and what did you think of our Sonic Forces E3 2017 hands on impressions?

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments and want to support us: Give us a sub and give this video a like so it shows up on more like minded fans YouTube recommendations. You know, how that new YouTube algorithm is. Thanks for the support. If you want to read our full Sonic Forces E3 2017 hands on impressions in written format, check that out here.