SEGA Talk Podcast #37: SEGA Superstars Tennis (2008)

Grab your racket, because on this SEGA Talk Podcast, George and Barry are discussing SEGA Superstars Tennis! Learn about how Sumo Digital decided on tennis for their first Superstars/All-Stars game, and hear our thoughts on the franchise lineup, gameplay and shift to racing.

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Rumor: Sonic Kart Racing Game Coming 2018, Won’t Include other SEGA IPs

On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we look at the new rumor that SEGA is working on a Sonic Kart Racing game that won’t be part of the ‘All-Stars’ series or include many or if any SEGA brands (outside of Sonic). Check the out the video above for the evidence, at the end I give you my opinion about the rumor and if I think its in fact a reality. I guess we will find out soon, at SXSW panel, if these rumors turn out to be true.

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments and want to support us: Give us a sub and give this video a thumbs up so it shows up on more like-minded fans YouTube recommendations. You know, how that YouTube algorithm is.

Multiplayer Showcase looks at Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

Multiplayer Showcase is the review show where you get to see me and some friends of mine play multiplayer games that have been long forgotten and give it a proper analysis by sharing our opinions on the game in a roundtable discussion to see how things have held up for gaming’s past brightest stars and lowest points.

This episode compares the boxing gloves to the green shells with the Mario Kart-inspired Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing. I never got to play this game much with friends locally. I’ve certainly played it online some time ago, but as you might recall, there are limitations added when playing online, so playing with a group of people with everything unlocked lets everyone dig in for some four player action coupled with SEGA nostalgia.

Weekly Five: Five After Burner Cameos


Like any beloved SEGA franchise, After Burner has had its share of cameos. Unfortunately, unlike Fantasy Zone and Sonic the Hedgehog, these cameos have been few, so we did have to stretch things just a little bit to fill out this weekly five. As they say though, quality matters over quantity, so even though After Burner’s cameos have been few, they’ve often been quite great. So grab a snack, sit down and enjoy as we look through After Burner’s five best only cameos.

Sega Superstars Tennis plus Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing coming to the Mac this summer

In the “better late than never” category, Sega Superstars Tennis and Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing are finally coming to the Mac from Feral Entertainment. It’s unclear whether they’ll be shipped together or separate. Pricing and a set date have not been announced either. At least we know All-Stars Racing will be have online multiplayer which is more than we can say about the PC version. Here’s a statement from Sega’s press release.

Feral Interactive today announced that Sonic the Hedgehog and over 25 other fan-favorite SEGA characters are coming to the Mac this summer! Developed by Sumo Digital Ltd. and published by SEGA for consoles and PC, Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing and SEGA Superstars Tennis will bring the world’s speediest blue hedgehog to the Mac for the very first time.

A star-studded line-up including Doctor Eggman, Tails, Shadow the Hedgehog, Alex Kidd and Super Monkey Ball’s Aiai will battle it out not only in single player and split-screen multiplayer modes, but also online using Apple’s Game Center technology, a feature of the next version of Mac OS X, Mountain Lion.

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing sees Sonic and friends race cars, motorbikes and even a “bananamobile” across crazily inventive tracks inspired by the incredible worlds of the SEGA games. Players must find secret shortcuts and use hilarious power-ups to give them the edge, making Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing an exhilarating ride for family, friends and online challengers.

SEGA Superstars Tennis pits classic SEGA characters against each other across four smashing (geddit?) tournaments on totally outrageous tennis courts. Players can also put their racket skills to the test in twisted minigames inspired by classic SEGA titles such as House of the Dead, Space Harrier and Super Monkey Ball.

Xbox Live slashing Virtua Tennis 2009 and SEGA Superstars Tennis price to $5

So lets say you haven’t played Virtua Tennis 2009 or SEGA Superstars Tennis. You just don’t the will power to get up, go to a store and purchase a game. Well, thankfully the fine folks at Microsoft are throwing a 75% off Games on Demand sale. So instead of paying $19.99 for the titles, you can now pay $4.99. What a bargain, if you don’t have the games that is. The discount price starts on June 19th and ends on June 25th.

Titles will be available on sale on all regions the game came out. So its available for everyone outside of Japan. I guess you can buy everyone in your family a copy of SEGA Superstars Tennis and force them to play against you now. Fun, fun.

GamesAid bundles SEGA Superstars Tennis for charity

GamesAid is a UK games industry charity for chiildren and young people. To raise some money, they have decided to sell a ‘triple pack’ of 3 Playstation 3 titles. The pack comes out June 25th for the price of £29.99, all profits going to the charity.

“Not only does this triple pack raise money for our charities, it also raises awareness of GamesAid at consumer level. We now look forward to retail getting behind it and giving it the push it deserves.” – Andy Payne, Chairman of GamesAid

The pack comes with Tomb Raider: Underworld, SEGA Superstars Tennis (woot) and FUEL (boo!). Each title was donated by the publishers. What a nice thing to do, right?

[Source: AttackoftheFanboy]