Welcome to SEGAbits Model 5: New Redesign For a New Generation


Welcome to SEGAbits Model 5, the new look for our blog! Our web designer has been hard at work coming up with a new look that modernizes the blog with a more responsive layout, making it easier to access our featured content. Unlike most blogs, we decided to go custom instead of just buying a pre-made skin, wanting to give the site a unique feeling. I hope you guys enjoy navigating through our content and news that we all worked hard on putting together.

So tell us in the comments what you think about the site and any features you want implemented. We are working on adding more things to the new look as time goes on, especially next year when we will be having some really exiting new content. It should be a great ride! Welcome to the next level!

We are celebrating our 4th anniversary!


Holy Sonic balls, we are now 4 years old. I know that if you have been scrolling through the site lately you probably have noticed that there has been quite a lack of ‘George’ written posts and I’m here to inform you that I have not abandoned the site. If anything, I missed it. It’s just something I have been doing since I first got internet on my Dreamcast back in 1999! It started off with chats on IRC rooms, moved over to forums and eventually ended up blogging! This lead me to wanting to own my own SEGA site, thus here we are at SEGAbits.

Thankfully I have had great people on board here to help me come up with ideas, this site might have been started by me, but decisions are group based. I want to thank the awesome staff we have here, who work very hard on the site and usually have some of the most brilliant ideas. One of the big reasons the site looks so well is because of our web designer Will, who is working on a new look for the site and has been with the site since before it was even launched! I want to thank A.J. for single handily making our YouTube channel relevant, thanks to Nuckles and Shigs for going to events for us and running the Sonic Talk podcast, thanks to Ben for all that work he does behind the scenes with his editing skills and I also want to thank Barry The Nomad who came in and created some great images for the site, while also helping me make the Swingin’ Report Show podcast awesome. One of the biggest help we had on the site last year was our partnership with Sonic Retro/SEGA Retro, so I definitely want to thank those guys. Its been a great partnership!

But mostly I want to thank everyone that reads the site! You guys make our little fun hobby way more enjoyable. What’s 4 more years?

2014: The Year of the SEGA Console – join us as we celebrate SEGA hardware all year long!

Twenty-five years ago, the SEGA Genesis graced American shores, where it would come to dominate the console market for years and make SEGA a household name. Twenty years ago, the Saturn was released in Japan and went on to become SEGA’s biggest success in their home country, though success that would unfortunately not be repeated abroad. That same year, the SEGA Pico and 32X left some US gamers scratching their heads as they introduced weird concepts of what gaming hardware could be. Finally, fifteen years ago on 9.9.99, SEGA released their swan song, the Dreamcast.

We at SEGAbits love a good anniversary, and 2014 is full of them. Throughout 2014, we intend to honor these core pillars of SEGA’s hardware legacy with 2014: The Year of the SEGA Console. We’ll be devoting entire weeks to certain games, entire months to certain consoles, and we have several special guests planned for the SEGAbits Swingin’ Report Show. We’ll write about the Genesis and how it introduced many of us to SEGA. We’ll look back at SEGA’s quirky art house console, the Saturn, and the many ups and downs the console experienced. We’ll remember the Dreamcast for the good times and unique and innovative experiences it delivered in the twilight years of SEGA’s time as a platform maker. We’ll give the 32x some overdue respect. Finally, we’ll all get SEGA Picos so that we can tell you about games like Tails and the Music Maker and The Great Counting Caper With the 3 Blind Mice!

Hope you’re looking forward to 2014 as much as we are, it’s gonna be a blast!

SEGABits @ New York Comic Con 2013 Panel Video: SEGA Through The Years

Hello SEGABits readers, Kori-Maru here back from my trip from New York Comic Con with coverage of SEGA and Hardlight Studios panel titled “SEGA Through Out The Years” with special guests from SEGA attending the panel such as Ethan Einhorn, Chris Olsen, and Masayoshi Kikuchi-san as they explain SEGA’s history, focus on mobile, a few announcements, and the company’s future followed by Q/A and trivia contest. During the Q/A session, there were a lot of interesting questions from the audiences that may interest a lot of SEGA fans, so stay tuned for that. I also have tons of pictures of a few SEGA cosplayers and employees for our readers to look at. To view the video of the panel and pictures from the convention, hit the jump!

Find out how to get a SEGAbits themed shirt


[This is a pre-order, last day to order is 6/10/13]

I usually get messages from users asking how they can support and help the site. Honestly, the first few years we launched the site we tried advertisements, but it’s hard to run a site on such things for multiple reasons I won’t get into. Now, we run a great ad-free website and frankly I like it better this way. But it still costs money to do things, especially things we want to do for the future of the site. So if you want to help, pick up a SEGAbits shirt. You get a shirt, we get some cash to give you more ad-free content. Everyone wins!

So, new coat of paint… tell us what you think

So, finally a the new theme we’ve been working on for months and months is up. I know some of it might not seem like it’s been worked on for months.. mainly styled stuff that’s specific to wordpress, when I was making the template that stuff I kind of forgot about. So today when I was making the template into a wordpress theme I quickly jammed a bunch of the old code into the new template for wordpress specific stuff, so it’s a bit messy. I’ll be working on getting that stuff looking better throughout the year or so. I mean it doesn’t look super bad, just doesn’t look good as it could.

By major request, the dark theme is back, the dark theme that we had back during segabits 2. This theme is styled a bit differently, but still dark!

At the moment there are no rotating banners, we need to get our current ones re-sized for this new layout, but they will be coming back soon. As always, if you bump into any issues, you can leave a comment here. You can also leave positive comments too, we like positive comments!

Anyways, I apologize for putting up a rushed theme, but I recently got the motivation to finally get it up, and I wanted to get it up before I lost that motivation again.

Today We Celebrate Our 2 Year Anniversary

It’s hard to imagine that we have had the site up for 2 years. When I first started the site, I laid out what I wanted to do in the future. Even though some of the things we set out to do have changed, we are still committed on delivering the best SEGA content on the web.

So it has been 2 years of hard work and there is still so much most of us on staff want to do with the site. We aren’t anywhere near in completing our vision for this site. I hope that in 2012 we surprise and entertain everyone, even non-SEGA fans. We have been around for 2 years and have already made more than 2,000 posts. I’m glad to report that our posts didn’t go unnoticed by readers, we have collected over 10,000 comments. How many Sonic/SEGA fan sites update as much as us? Most likely none.

Below I’ll attach some early images, most are just planned ideas done quickly. But it shows you how far we came to have the site we have now. I want to thank all the staff writers for working hard on posts, for our readers and everyone else that supported us.


Don’t let the US Government Blacklist SEGAbits and other blogs [Update]

Nov 17th: As of now the US Congress still hasn’t voted on this law, so if you haven’t contacted congress yet, you still have time to contact them, and you should!

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who has contacted congress, I would just like to ask for one more favor, contact congress again, one last time, more info here.

You might have been wondering what that STOP CENSORSHIP bar at the top of the page was, well, I’ll explain it to you.

Basically, today the US congress is trying to pass a new law called PROTECT IP to help protect the bigwigs in Hollywood, but if this law passes, the internet will never be the same.

The US government will be able to blacklist any site that has copyrighted content posted onto it; this includes content posted by users who aren’t even staff of the website, such as forums. You could also go to jail for uploading “copyrighted” content such as a song or anything else that gets taken down from youtube for copyright notices.

This is a big deal, I’m not exagerating this. Big sites such as Mozilla and reddit are taking part in this protest even. If you live in the US, do your part and contact congress NOW.

If you own a blog or website, this should matter to you, this is no laughing matter.

More Info | Contact Congress

SEGAbits gets a dramatic new look

So here it is, the new look we have been planning for months. It feels good to finally launch it, after all the teasing and debating. This is what all the work lead to.

You will notice that the color scheme has changed to a ‘minimal’ white. Don’t like it? Do you  need your blues? Go to the right hand bar, select from other color patterns. See, we do care! In the next few months we will be adding new exciting features, so stay tune for that.

As for now, give us all your feedback in the comments page!

SEGAbits 2011 Survey closing soon

The survey will be closing very soon, but you still have a chance to take it if you haven’t yet! The survey will be closing at 12am PST February 4th. So that would be tonight for most people who live in North America.

Thank you everyone that has taken it! It helps a lot. Anyone who hasn’t taken it… we would really appreciate it if you did now! xP

SEGAbits hitting the 1.0 with remixed look

Welcome to SEGAbits 1.0, nothing much has really changed. We obviously have a lighter background and a new feature bar, that is a lot easier to update. That is good for the writers! We moved the login box to the top, to allow us to have more stuff on the right side of the blog (which we will be adding later).

Sorry for the downtime, I hope you enjoy the new look. Tell us what you think.

Community posting goes live!

Alright, so you want to write up some reviews or opinionated articles to contribute to SEGAbits? Well, now you can. There are a few things you should know, first off is that we (editors) have to approve the articles before they golive in the blog.

How to post on wordpress guide

If you have any questions about this feature, you can always PM me or contact me via e-mail. You only need one account for commenting, writing and forum posting. If you want to pitch us a series of articles, comics or even videos; contact us.

SEGAbits teams up with Square-Enix fan site

We promised an exciting future for SEGAbits and we are going to deliver. We have decided to team up with a Final Fantasy website and launch Square-Enix Bits; which we hope will be your number one source for Final Fantasy and Square-Enix related news.

As a way to celebrate our new venture, we have decided to theme our site in celebration of this event. Have fun and remember, blue skies in games.