Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse coming to the Americas summer 2016

Atlus USA has just announced that Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final in Japan) will be releasing to the Americas this summer. The game is said to overlap with the original SMTIV, with the game’s story focusing on a Hunter cadet who gets killed by one of the demons wreaking havoc on post-apocalyptic Tokyo. Thankfully, the fallen Hunter is resurrected by the mysterious god Dagda and is set on a path that walks the line between good and evil. The game is set to hit Nintendo 3DS systems physically and digitally for $49.99/CA$64.99.

Check out the trailer above, and after the break check out the Atlus press release and some screenshots.

SEGA in the Charts: Media Create Feb 08 – Feb 14, 2016


This week saw two major releases from SEGA hitting the Japanese charts in the form of Atlus’ Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final and Valkyria Chronicles Remastered. With no major competition this week and with Yakuza: Kiwami still fresh in the charts, SEGA had a real chance of being the top publisher in the top 20 this week with the closet rival being Square and their Dragon Quest Builders title. Hit the jump after to read how the sequel to Shin Megami Tensei IV did and if SEGA managed to take the top spot in publisher marketshare.


Atlus has ‘several unannounced titles for 2016’

newipgamesatlusIn an interview this week Atlus CEO, Naoto Hiraoka told Famitsu of the company’s plans for 2016 and beyond:

“In 2015, we were able to develop existing IP like Persona 4: Dancing All Night and Etrian Mystery Dungeon. In 2016, starting with Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir, we plan to release a large number of titles. In the summer, we’ll launch the long-awaited Persona 5. Of course, in addition to that we have several unannounced titles. I have no doubt this will be a year Atlus’ popular series all gather together.”

Exciting news! So what do we already know about Atlus’ line up in 2016? So far they have the following games set to release: Odin Sphere Leifdrasir , Persona 5, Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final, and Etrian Odyssey V. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say there might be more Persona and Shin Megami Tensai spin-offs in the works. What I am hoping for? Catherine 2!

Atlus announces Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final for 3DS


While at Tokyo Game Show this year, Atlus teased that they had a brand new title to announce. It seems that title could be the newly announced Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final for the Nintendo 3DS, which is due to release in Japan on February 10th, 2016.

Staff working on this game: 

  • Producer: Kazuyuki Yamai
  • Director: Satoshi Ohyama
  • Character Designer: Masashi Doi
  • Sound Composer: Ryota Kozuka
  • Setting Plan and Series Demon Designer – Kazuma Kaneko

Details on what the difference between this version and 2013’s Shin Megami Tensei IV are unknown as of right now, but Famitsu has confirmed its a brand new title (not a re-release like Atlus has been known to do). For now you can check out the game’s teaser page here.

[Source: Gematsu]