Sonic 4: Episode II is the 5th best selling PSN game last month

Sony has put up their chart for the top 20 best selling PSN games of last month. I actually thought Sonic 4: Episode II was going to at least come in at the top 3, but actually came in at number 5. Recently Sonic brand manager Ken Balough stated that Sonic 4: Episode I actually sold best on PSN, then XBLA and lastly Wii (which this one is not available for).

Want to see the top 20 list? Hit the jump. Note this is from the US Playstation blog, so probably only counts for US PSN.


Sonic Talk #9: Sonic 4 Episode II After Party

Sadly this episode is a few days late due to E3. But hey, I hope you guys are enjoying all this E3 content that is coming. The main man Ken Balough is back on Sonic Talk this week to talk to us more about Sonic 4: Episode II, now that the game is already out and we all played it, its an interesting talk. Like every week we have your weekly Sonic news, so take a break from all the E3 news and sit back for some Sonic Talk.


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Check out the Sonic 4: Episode II billboard in San Francisco

Above photo is taken by frostman007

Look at it, its beautiful. Most non-SEGA fans will whine and ask whats so special about a video game billboard. It’s a SEGA billboard, when was the last time you seen this? Me? Probably forever since I don’t live in a big city. Good to see a sizable advertising budget for a digital title.

This is where you insert something negative, like how Sonic games get a nice advertising budget but games like Binary Domain, Rhythm Thief or Anarchy Reigns get ignored.

My five favorite things in Sonic 4 Episode II

While I’ve yet to post up my iOS review for Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2, I can say that after playing a majority of the XBLA version and half the iOS version I am enjoying the game. Not every aspect is perfect, more on that in my review, however there are a lot of things I’m liking. In this week’s Weekly Five we’ll take a look at five things found in Sonic 4 Episode II that I’ve enjoyed the most. My favorites, if you will.

Why Sonic 4: Episode II shouldn’t skip the Nintendo Wii

There have been a lot of talks since SEGA announced that Sonic 4: Episode 2 wouldn’t be headed for the Nintendo Wii. Many long time Sonic fans got angry, mostly because they only own Wiis. I know some of you might grunt at the thought of only owning a Nintendo Wii, but that’s their choice.

Not to mention that the first title appeared on the Wiiware service, got pretty good scores on the service. So why do you think SEGA pulled it and why do I think they should reconsider putting it back on the Wii?