Sonic Monopoly gets officially announced

We knew this was coming, USAopoly had a listing for it awhile back. Now it is official via USAopoly’s facebook, which announced Sonic Monopoly this morning. So what do we know about this board game beside that it’s a Sonic themed Monopoly game? Nothing much sadly. All we have is the picture above and the quote below.

“Here is a sneak peek at a few Sonic The Hedgehog titles speeding their way to retail shelves in the near future, also be on the lookout for a new Sonic puzzle as well!”

Yeah, there is also going to be a puzzle game based on the Sonic the Hedgehog IP. Not that its as exciting to fans as a monopoly game. If you don’t have the money for it, you can check out BarryTheNomad’s free print out Sonic Monopoly project here.

First4Figures reveals their modern Sonic statue

Via their Facebook page, First4Figures have revealed the first in their modern line of Sonic statues: Sonic the Hedgehog. Like the photo says, pre-orders start May 15th, 2012 and there will be a very limited number of statues available. I have to say, when I heard of a modern line I was iffy, but this statue looks great! While I won’t be getting it, the F4F statues are too rich for my blood, I do love looking at photos of them. What do you think, dear readers? Would you let this hedgehog into your home?

Spoiler Alert: See every page of The History of Sonic book

Pix’n Love Publishing’s The History of Sonic book has finally released… in French! So while English readers await the release of the English version, which is coming, enjoy this spoileriffic page by page video of the book. The book looks to be very impressive, with a lot of artwork and screens as well as a good amount of text, a nice balance of pictures and words in my opinion. The most awesome aspect of the book is that it has never before seen artwork! After the break, part two of the book.

SEGA in the Media: Tosh.0 reveals how Sonic died

I’m starting to think comedian Daniel Tosh is a Sonic fan. Back in 2010 his Comedy Central show Tosh.0 did a segment on real life speed runs, based off of a Sonic 2 speed run video. On the March 13th episode of this year, Sonic got another mention in a segment on a failed parkour video. After showing a woman smashing her face into a concrete wall, Tosh quipped “of course the greatest parkourer of all time was Sonic the Hedgehog – who died turboing through a triple corkscrew. He got greedy.” You can see the full segment at the Tosh.0 show page, tell them SEGAbits sent you.

Check out this Sonic the Hedgehog hack, the prequel “Dr.Robotnik’s Creature Capture”!!

Ever wonder how Eggman captures all those little animals and stuffs them into a capsule? A recently released hack of Sonic the Hedgehog answers this question with “Dr.Robotnik’s Creature Capture”! The game has you, as Robotnik aka Eggman, running about the first Sonic the Hedgehog’s stages catching animals with a net and placing them in a capsule. Once the capsule is full, you must find the sign post and turn it from Sonic to Robotnik, thus setting the stage for Sonic the Hedgehog. Hurry and fill that capsule before Sonic begins his own game! So in essence, it’s a prequel.

You can find the game at, so give it a play and if you’re inclined to leave them a comment, let them know SEGAbits sent you.

Check out these hand painted Sonic the Hedgehog shoes

lumpyheadedbunny over at Reddit has posted their ‘Sonic the Hedgehog‘ hand painted shoes. Oh, yes, they look nice and flashy. So how long did it take them to paint the shoes? 45-65 hours per pair. You are probably going to ask how much it would cost to have lumpyheadedbunny make you a pair. The answer is: $350+. Yes, too rich for my blood.

He says he is working on a site to put all his designs. That is cool, what do you guys think? Is he charging too much? Can you do better?

Check It Out: Sonic the Hedgehog Medley Performed Live!

Full disclosure: I know the bass player in this video, he’s marrying my wife’s best friend. But regardless of whether I know him or not, it’s a good set! I was there live the night they played this. The group is called Beta Test and they perform in and around the Philadelphia, PA area. The night they performed this, March 3, 2012, they also played music from Super Mario Land and the Zelda series. I asked my wife which set she liked most and she said the Sonic one. I asked if she was just saying that because I was the one asking, but she said she honestly liked the Sonic music the most! If she had said “Mario”, it would not have been a good night.

Four Sonic the Hedgehog titles being removed from Nintendo’s Japanese Virtual Console

Most of the retro Sonic titles are being removed from the Japanese Virtual Console service. There has ben no word if these games will also be removed from the American and European Virtual Console. Games removed from Virtual Console can’t be bought by any new users, though they can be redownloaded once bought.

The Sonic titles being removed:

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 1
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  • Sonic and Knuckles
  • Sonic the Hedgehog (MS)
Reason wasn’t given for the pull.

Sonic the Hedgehog is faster than lighting

Can you see Sonic going super speed? Most people would assume he would be a sexy blurry mess. Well, Reddit user josepheatsbrains used the power of the brush to bring this painting alive. Not a super difficult piece, but I like the look of brush strokes.

If you guys stumble upon any other great fan made projects, throw us a line or post them in the comment section!

SEGA in the Media: Breaking Bad plays a Broken, Bad Sonic Game

The AMC series Breaking Bad has depicted some pretty detestable things, including producing and selling meth, but perhaps the show’s biggest offense was the depiction of characters enjoying Sonic ’06. In the eleventh episode of season four, titled “Crawl Space”, the character Jesse plays a two player match of Sonic vs. Shadow in Wave Ocean with his girlfriend’s son. Warning: the following clip features some very bad pretend video game playing.

Tails getting his own collectible statue

If you saw the title and got a bit excited, you are probably a Tails fan. Hi, how are you doing? Good? Great. First things first, who is making the figure? First 4 Figures, they are known for doing other Sonic collectible statues. How much is it going to cost? A cool $199.99. Expensive yes, but it is 12 inches and only limited to 500 units. Did I mention it has two fully spinning tails and a mushrooms that pulse with light?

Its damn impressive, hit the jump to see a ton of pictures of the statue in action.

Sonic 4 Episode 2 is being built for multicore mobile phones

SEGA has just has released a press release which gives us a hint at what kind of game we can expect for Sonic 4 Episode 2. The game is being built for multicore mobile phones, and SEGA is working with nvidia on a version for the worlds first Quadcore mobile phone processor for android.

This news personally has me really excited. It’s great to see that SEGA is putting so much concern for quality for Episode 2. For those who don’t know, the TEGRA quadcore processor is capable of running XBOX 360 and PS3 style games.

Hit the jump for the press release

Sonic games get a 66% discount on Xbox Live

Seems that Sonic fans get a another discount. This time coming from Microsoft’s 12 days of deals promotion. The 9th day of the sale will feature most XBLA Sonic games at a discount of 66%. Sorry no Sonic CD, but if you want that for free, enter our podcast contest.

The following titles will be discounted today (and today only).

  • Sonic 4: Episode 1: 800 320 msp (60% off)
  • Sonic Adventure: 800 320 msp (60% off)
  • Sonic Adventure DX: 400 160 msp (60% off)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog: 400 160 msp (60% off)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2: 400 160 msp (60% off)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 3: 400 160 msp (60% off)
If you have been waiting to get some of these old ports or waited to pick up Sonic 4: Episode 1, now is probably the time.

Check out this Sonic sleeve tattoo

@RossDixon4 tweeted us a picture of his Sonic sleeve. When I usually see Sonic related tattoos I get pretty disapointed, it seems that the artist always seems to screw up the design. This one is pretty well done and I like this Sonic design. This is some dedication right here, a whole sleeve? Well done! Would you ever get a Sonic or SEGA related tattoo?