SEGA Talk #113: Sonic Triple Trouble (1994)

On this SEGA Talk we dip back into the world of Classic Sonic with the portable classic Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble! We look at this Game Gear exclusive and the creation of Fang… or is it Nack?

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Sonic Talk #5: This episode is totally Metal!

Sorry for how late this episode is and we have no extra guest this week. But we’ll make up for that next week with IAN FLYNN!! For now, it’s just me and Nux talkin’ all things Sonic.

This week, we talk about the Sonic 2 HD fiasco, the reboot rumor, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic 4-2 Avatar items and of course, Sonic 4 Episode Metal. In comic talk we’ll discuss Sonic Universe #38 along with a little of #39, the weepfest that is Sonic #235 and I’ll tell you EXACTLY who the supposed “traitor” is! (I’m using quotation marks cuz technically, there is no traitor.) If I’m wrong, Ian Flynn can shave my head at the San Diego Comic-Con! All this and our game topic of the week is the awesome Sonic Triple Trouble!

If you have a question for Ian Flynn leave it in our comment section by Thursday morning and it may make it on the air.

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Game Gear games are now on your 3DS

Your Game Gear library restarts now with Sonic Triple Trouble, Shinobi and Dragon Crystal available now on your 3DS. Each priced diffrently (most likely based on probable demand), these games will bring back memories from back in the 90’s. Only this time you don’t need to bring fresh batteries with you when the system drains of power in 2 hours. These games also get a really cool new screen feature. You can have the original blur from the Game Gear system (Why?), have dot-by-dot resolution with a smaller screen showing the GG system on the sides, stretch out the image to fit your widescreen, or just have a standard 4:3 mode. Also, you can now save your game at anytime using restore mode. Let’s look at the game line up shall we?

Sonic Talk #1: “If You Have Time To Worry… Podcast!”

Hello folks and welcome to my first of what I hope is many podcasts related to the world of Sonic. Every two weeks me, nuckles87 and a guest will be discussing all the latest things in Sonic media. Games, comics, cartoons and more! Our first episode was a little rough, but it’s gonna be like that when just starting out. Read on to see what we talk about this week or start listening below.
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ESRB rates two Game Gear Games for Nintendo 3DS

Back in March of last year, Nintendo announced that Sega’s Game Gear games would be coming to the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console. Sadly, we hadn’t heard anything new since…until today! The ERSB has put up ratings for Sonic Triple Trouble and Shinobi. Both these Game Gear games were rated for the Nintendo 3DS. Looks like we’ll be getting them sooner rather than later.