SEGA Talk #109: Conduit 2 (2011)

We dive back into the conspiracy world of The Conduit, with High Voltage Studio’s sequel Conduit 2. We dive deep into the conspiracies that shaped the game, the changes made and look at the bizarre cliff hanger for the sequel.

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Nintendo pulls the plug on online features for Wii and DS games

Nintendo of America has just announced that as of May 20th, you will no longer have access to WiFi connection service on their Wii, DS and DSi games. That will include features like online play, online leaderboards and anything else that it does online. All games will work perfectly fine online.

Honestly this move makes me more weary of Nintendo and actually makes me reconsider the idea of buying a Wii U. I know most people will post and say that I’m overreacting, saying not many people play DS titles online, but it sucks knowing that if we make a party on our forums to play Phantasy Star Ø, as of May 20th, we won’t be able to play online just because Nintendo decided they didn’t want to support online services going on to the next generation.

To see all SEGA games that will be affected, hit the jump.


Conduit 2 – Intro Trailer

“Conduit 2 fans rejoice, today we reveal new video footage of High Voltage Software’s Wii FPS! The video, which features a cinematic look at Conduit details the ending from Conduit 1 and the intro for Conduit 2.”

Well, the intro looks good at least. I get a bit of a Half Life 2 vibe from it, I think that’s what they were trying to capture with ‘The Conduit’ story line.

Yeah, I don’t expect it to play anything like Half Life either… But it would be nice!

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The Conduit 2 – Gameplay Videos

Check out these two new game play videos of the up coming Wii FPS, The Conduit 2. The original Conduit game boasted an impressive engine for the Wii, some very cool featured HUD customization features and control schemes but ultimately didn’t live up to the hype.

The Conduit 2 actually looks a lot better then the original, fixing many of the complaints and has a brand new art style.

Hit the jump to watch the second, multiplayer video.

The Conduit 2 fact sheet (What you need to know)

Here is a fact sheet about the upcoming (and recently delayed) Conduit 2. Ignore my silly fact above, that is sadly not on the list. Read on to learn all the ‘facts’ about Conduit 2.

Conduit 2 Fact Sheet – Launch Date: 2011, Players: 1-12

Set moments after the explosive finale of The Conduit, Agent Michael Ford finds himself thrust once again into the machinations of the sinister and enigmatic John Adams and his Trust organization. After uncovering and partially thwarting Adam’s fabricated alien invasion, Ford and the alien entity Prometheus set out to end the Trust’s control in an adventure spanning the globe. New and improved weapons and enemies, competitive modes playable both online and in the same room via splitscreen make the follow-up to the best shooter on the Wii a can’t miss experience.

High Voltage and SEGA’s relationship coming to an end?

High Voltage Studios worked on The Conduit 1/2 and Tournament of Legends, but it seems that the developer is having trouble finding a publisher for new titles. According to a developer who works at the studio, after recent layoffs all the remaining workers are polishing up Conduit 2, getting it ready to ship.

This means that their other project called “The Grinder” may be canceled, the main reason is that they can’t find a publisher for the title. Why did they start laying people off? According to the developer it was because no publishers wanted to pick up their other projects, so they had to fire staff they did not need. Does not look good for High Voltage Software at the moment.

[Source: GoNintendo]

SEGA confirms E3 line-up

SEGA has confirmed what they will show at the show, at least on the show floor. Meaning playable in some form.

  • Conduit 2
  • Sonic Colors
  • Shogun 2: Total War
  • Tournament of Legends
  • Phantasy Star Portable 2
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Ep 1

Pretty solid show floor line-up, of course, they will have some surprises for the press. It should be a fun E3 and we will obviously update you on what they have. E3 starts on June 15th and ends on the 17th.

[Source: SEGA Blog]