New Sonic Lost World Wii U screens reveal a return of Casino Night Zone


The Sonic Stadium got their hands on nineteen new screens from the Wii U version of Sonic Lost World, and they’re quite revealing! Desert Ruin is seen in a few screens, showing off a new giant cactus enemy, as well as iconic loops, a sand tornado, and the drill and eagle Wisps in action. A wild jungle stage is seen, which has been previously revealed in the Color Power trailer, also seen is a night stage filled with robotic owls which are seemingly on the lookout for our hero. Sonic Gear Solid? [Update: ONM UK has revealed that this stage is named Silent Forest] Most exciting for classic Sonic fans is the reveal of a Casino Night inspired zone, a stage which was sadly not a full-on action stage in the console version of Sonic Generations.

After the break, check out a full gallery of all the images!

New Sonic Lost World trailer reveals color powers and release date

Courtesy of IGN comes a new trailer for Sonic Lost World, which based on the latest footage is very much a “Sonic Colors 2” in spirit. Before we get into the gameplay related bits, it should be highlighted that the trailer reveals a US release date for both Wii U and 3DS versions: October 22nd, 2013. New Wisp color powers are revealed, including Eagle – which allows Sonic to soar like NiGHTS, Astroid – a Void-like Wisp which sucks enemies and pieces of the game world into its orbit, and Rhythm – Sonic turns into a music note and moves through difficult areas to the beat. Drill, Laser, and Rocket are returning color powers. Also seen in the trailer are new zones and enemies.

Give it a watch and tell us what you think in the comments section, or discuss the game in our forums!

Operation Rainfall wants to know what SEGA game you want localized

There have been a ton of Japanese SEGA games that haven’t made it West and the guys from Operation Rainfall want to know what game you guys want localized. If you never heard of Operation Rainfall, it was a huge movement started because Nintendo refused to localize Xenoblade Chronicles, after the huge response the campaign got, Nintendo eventually released the game in North America.

Seems they want to help localize other games and are aiming their cross-hairs at some SEGA games.  On their site they have a poll with the following games listed:

  • Valkyria Chronicles 3 
  • Yakuza 5
  • Yakuza 1 & 2
  • Shining Hearts 

Right now Valkyria Chronicles 3 is winning with about 50% of the votes. I, on the other hand voted for Yakuza 5,  since I really want to play that game in English. What game did you vote for and why? Leave your opinions in the comment section.

Conan O’Brien visits E3, falls in love with Bayonetta

Conan O’Brien went to this year’s E3 to check out the console war, what he didn’t expect was that there would be gorgeous women there. This eventually lead him to fall in love with Bayonetta, who he calls Sarah Palin from the future.

Seems this is the closest thing we will be getting to Conan actually having a SEGA published game on his show. Sad. Would have been pretty cool if he played Sonic Lost World.

Sonic Lost World: 3DS version gets online multiplayer, Wii U does not

In an interview with Nintendo News Report, Sonic Team’s Takashi Iizuka confirms that Sonic Lost World will have online multiplayer on the 3DS, but not on the Wii U.

“We’ll have different multiplayer modes on both Wii U and 3DS. On the Wii U, there’s booth cooperative and versus multiplayer. In cooperative play, Sonic will be using the Wii U GamePad and someone can be supporting Sonic in co-op with the Wii Remote. In versus mode, one player will be playing on the TV screen and the other player will be racing using the GamePad so you don’t have to have split screen. You both have your own screen and can race each other. The Wii U multiplayer is not on the Internet. It’s basically everyone sitting on the same couch. The 3DS for the first time we’re having 4-player versus racing over Wi-Fi and the Internet.” – Takashi Iizuka

Pretty intersting. What are your guys thoughts on the lack of online multiplayer on the console version? Does this effect your purchase? Do you even care about multiplayer in a Sonic game?

SEGA silly Japanese ad for Yakuza 1&2 HD on Wii U

Seems that SEGA is making their ads more comedy focused when they are advertising their game on the Wii U, which I think I like. This ad really made me laugh and honestly, Yakuza games aren’t all serious business.

Just remember, don’t tell the hostess in the game how much you love them when your wife is standing right behind you.

E3: Hands-on Mario and Sonic at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics


The Mario and Sonic Olympic titles have been VERY successful for Sega and Nintendo. I mean who doesn’t love to see Mario and Sonic, once the most bitter rivals of the 90’s console wars compete together? While the dream events have always been fun, the main problem with this series has been the regular Olympic events themselves. They’re bland. Vanilla. Just plain…..”Meh”. What this series needs is some good, solid game mechanics. Does Mario and Sonic at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics finally solve this problem? Eeeeh….maybe. Read on.

Round Table: Our favorite games of E3 2013

This year’s E3 is now behind us and all the talk about what games people liked is continuing. So it is only fair for us here at SEGAbits to have a Round Table telling you which games we are looking forward to getting our hands on! After the break, find out what our writers liked most from SEGA, as well as their favorite non-SEGA E3 titles.

Direct-feed footage of Sonic Lost World reveals some awesome music!

The past few days of E3 have given us a lot of Sonic Lost World footage, but a bulk of that was either filmed from the show floor or featured the manly voice of “Men of E3” winner SEGA brand manager Aaron Webber. Now, thanks to Gamespot and TSSMB member Woun comes direct-feed footage of Sonic Lost World in action on the Wii U, free of show floor chatter and commentary. Check out the video above and the video after the break to soak in all the sounds and music we’ll be hearing this holiday season. Should more footage appear, we’ll be sure to add it to this post.

Want to learn more about how the game plays? Check out our hands-on preview.

Hands-on: Sonic Lost World (Wii U)

When Sonic Colors came on the scene in 2010, it was a breath of fresh air for the Sonic franchise which was getting quite stale at the time, and it broke the infamous “Sonic Cycle”. In 2011, Sonic Generations shattered it even further. Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed ran those pieces into dust and finally, Sonic Lost World sweeps up those pieces and dumps them in the trash. You need not worry about the Sonic franchise anymore. Sonic Team has learned from its past, listened to its fans, and has renewed the Sonic series into one you can trust to have great games even when they take risks and change the formula a bit and no game is more proof of that than Sonic Lost World.

Bayonetta 2 will have touch control option and 2-player mode


Platinum Games is really trying to step up their game for the upcoming sequel to their best selling title. This time around they announced that Bayonetta 2 will have a 2-player mode when it comes out next year.

They said that even though Bayonetta 2 is built around a single-player experience, that they included a 2-player mode with new combat features for mid-air battles. Details aren’t all there yet.

Bayonetta 2 will also feature touch controls via the Wii U gamepad and stylus. Nintendo says this is designed for newcomers to the franchise and is obviously optional. The touch controls are actually playable at the E3 show floor, so expect us to have hands-on previews shortly!