New cinematic teaser for Aliens: Colonial Marines

Looks cool, that’s for sure.

On a somewhat related note, they showed a 30-second Binary Domain advertisement before this trailer the first time I viewed it on IGN: a promising sign for the marketing of SEGA’s other upcoming shooter.

The recently-delayed Aliens: Colonial Marines will now be hitting the PS3, 360, and PC in the back end of 2012, and though it had also been previously announced for Nintendo’s next generation console, there’s no indication of that version in this trailer.

Rumor: Sonic Dimensions in development for Wii U, Sonic Colors spiritual successor

So, a rumor for a new Sonic game? Not surprising, but this rumor comes with a bunch of details that seem very possible, actually I’d be shocked if this isn’t mostly correct. The title, Sonic Dimensions, is a working title, so that will most likely change.

The game is supposed to take place after Sonic Generations and be the ‘spiritual successor’ to Sonic Colors. Sonic Dimensions is said to take advantage of some Wii U’s specific capabilities, including using the touch screen to activate powers and destroy enemies. Hopefully we can turn this off and not use it. It’s also said to have 4 player multiplayer. The story will be another time-space continuum one. Oh boy.

The game will have Sonic change colors, with each color supposed to represent a new personality for Sonic. Blue Sonic, of course, will be the core Sonic and will be the uniting figure for all the other colors. Five colors are rumored:

Mike Hayes hints at HD Sonic on Wii U?

GoNintendo’s compiled a list of recent quotes from various publishers regarding the Wii U, and Sega West president Mike Hayes is one of several to offer an optimistic view of the system, and interestingly enough, he even makes a passing reference to “HD Sonic.”

“At some point we were the biggest, certainly top three third-party publisher on Wii, so for us it was a great platform… we’ve got absolutely no qualms about [Wii U]. I just think we’re all a bit premature in being a bit glass half full on 3DS. Everyone was clamouring ‘oh please bring it out in March, you must bring it out’ and then it’s like you get to June and it’s all ‘sales aren’t very good…’ Well, they haven’t got the software yet. That controller is absolutely brilliant and we have to think of innovative ways to use it. We’re doing high definition Sonics, we’re doing obviously Aliens: Colonial Marines, so you can bring them across, and that’s relatively low cost, which is good news. Then you spend your money on how do you use that controller effectively to make it unique and differentiate it.”

Hard to say whether he’s simply referring to a port of Sonic Generations, another HD Sonic game entirely, or maybe even Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2. It’s also unclear if he’s simply being theoretical or whether actual plans are in the works to bring any of these titles to Wii U. I wouldn’t get too excited yet simply due to the vague nature of the statement, but coming from Mike Hayes, I’d say it’s from a rather credible source.

[Source: GoNintendo]

Mike Hayes – Aliens: Colonial Marines to be top quality product

SEGA have been on the ropes with the development of Colonial Marines. Everyone thought it was a dead project but it is back. But will it be a shitty cash-in like other SEGA license games or a good product? Mike Hayes reassures you that they are trying to deliver a top quality product.

“As a general point, when you have a great licence, the amount you need to spend on marketing is significantly less. So the two balance each other out. But that’s independent of how much money you invest in the game, because we know how well tie-in licence games have gone recently, we have to create a game that stands on its own two feet. This is a quality-first approach.” – Mike Hayes, President of SEGA West

Another concerning factor is that Gear Box Software’s newest game, Duke Nukem Forever isn’t doing that great with the critics and seems to have disappointed fans that have waited 10+ years for the release of the game.


Aliens: Colonial Marines – Destructoid Interview

Destructoid snagged a pretty informative interview with Brian Martel, Chief Creative Officer at Gearbox Software. In the interview they discuss key elements of the game itself (obviously) such as drop in/drop out Co-op gameplay and new Xeno types like ‘The Crusher’. They also discuss working with such talent as Ridley Scott.

Finally the attention turned to Nintendo’s new console the ‘Wii U’ and the ways it could enhance the Aliens: Colonial Marines experience. The interviewer suggests this might be the most compelling possible use of the Wii-U he has heard so far and I tend to agree. I haven’t see anything that makes me want to rush out and pick up Nintendo’s new console yet, no not even that Zelda tech demo! However the idea of using the controller screen to view the motion tracker, security cameras, hacking mini games or say, my own idea; to see through allies’ head cams would be totally awesome, even more so when they get killed and it snaps to static.

P.S Why does everyone rag on Alien3 like it was a terrible movie? It wasn’t a classic but as far as horror movies go it was pretty cool! Alien Resurrection on the other hand…

Aliens: Colonial Marines coming to Wii U

[UPDATE: Looks like the clip’s made its way to Youtube. ^Check it out, comes up right after Dirt.]

Turns out, two SEGA games made appearances at Nintendo’s E3 2011 press conference. Mario and Sonic at the London Olympic Games for the 3DS got a showing in a montage, but, on a bit of a more surprising note, the Wii U (yup, that’s really the name of their next system) will be getting Aliens: Colonial Marines, which actually got one of the lengthier clips. We’ll update this story with the clip when it becomes available.

[Update 2: Now we have a press release. Hit the jump to read it!]