SEGAbits Round Table: Our Favorite SEGA Games of 2013

Since 2010, it has been a SEGAbits tradition for our writers and editors to share their favorite SEGA games of the year. This year, we aren’t breaking that tradition but we are adding to it. We’re introducing a couple of special digital two-dimensional trophies: the gold SEGAbits Editor’s Choice Award and the platinum SEGAbits Writer’s Choice Award. The gold award is selected by George and I, Barry the Nomad, while the platinum award will go to the game selected as a favorite by the most writers (this year we had a tie!). Not only is 2013 a special year with the introduction of our digital trophies, but we also have some new writers contributing including recent arrivals from Sonic Retro, Bartman and TimmiT, and the newest contributor to our YouTube channel, Liam “Tracker” Ashcroft. What SEGA games were our favorites this year? Read on!

SEGA plans on bringing free-to-play games to the Nintendo 3DS

SEGA seems to really have partnered up with Nintendo for this generation. With the Wii U getting exclusive SEGA IPs like Sonic Lost World, it’s hard not to notice. Where are all those Playstation 4 and Xbox One SEGA games? Well, it seems that SEGA has more games planned for a Nintendo product; the Nintendo 3DS, and these games won’t cost you  a cent! SEGA Japan already announced their first ‘free-to-play’ 3DS title with “Initial D: Perfect Shift Online“.

“We don’t intend to stop with this title, and after looking over its results, we’ll think about what to do next. However, unlike games for smartphones, I believe there’s a perfect shape of ways to do things, somewhere out there, for the Nintendo 3DS. I believe that finding it will be our challenge, and in many ways, Initial D will be our first step.” – Toshihiro Nagoshi

It is not surprising considering the fact that SEGA boosted about the success of their free-to-play titles in their last earning reports. It seems that SEGA’s catalogue for free-to-play games continues to grow, do you think it’s worth SEGA’s investment?

ToeJam and Earl 3 Dreamcast Beta Released


Christmas kept on giving this year for SEGA fans as Assembler user ZakhooiTM has released on the internet the unfinished build of ToeJam and Earl 3 running on Dreamcast hardware. The game was originally found on a dev-kit that was purchased for $1200. ZakhooiTM was initially looking to begin a fundraiser but has instead decided to release the build as-is.

The beta is noticeably different in that it lacks some of the finer details seen in the final Xbox version. It also makes the game mechanics feel much closer to the original ToeJam and Earl game seen on the Mega Drive as there is no jump button and no cutscenes to break up the action or provide hints, likely due to the date while in development drew closer to SEGA’s exit from the hardware business. Be sure to check out their forums for more information as well as a link to download the game.

Valkyria Chronicles 3 Fan Translation Makes First Release


Christmas came…on time apparently. The group behind the fan translation of Valkyria Chronicles 3 has put out their first release on Christmas day. Its not complete, but at least about 90% done. It is only compatible with the Extra Edition that can also be patched with a copy purchased and downloaded from the Japanese store. Further instructions and the patch itself can be obtained from their website.

The release has gone off to a slightly rocky start due to some ISO patching issues which have since been fixed, but congratulations to the team for keeping the project going for it’s dedicated fan base.

Relic Entertainment Doing Work on an Existing Japanese MMO, Likely Phantasy Star Online 2


A recent job posting for Server Engineer found by Nirolak on NeoGAF reveals that Relic Entertainment, a studio acquired by SEGA at the start of this year, is working on an existing Japanese MMO. According to the job posting the employee would need to establish working relationships with the Japanese developers, work for extended periods of time in Tokyo and be fluent in both English and Japanese among other requirements.

Right now the only ongoing MMO SEGA of Japan is running is Phantasy Star Online 2, so that’s most likely the game the job listing is referring to. While it doesn’t specify that the developer is localizing the MMO, it seems weird that SEGA of Japan would have a Canadian studio assist in development instead of one that’s closer to home. What do you think? The entire job posting can be found below the break.

My Life with SEGA battles it out in Marvel Super Heroes for the SEGA Saturn

Marvel Super Heroes was Capcom’s follow-up to their equally successful X-Men: Children of the Atom fighting game.

Like its predecessor, Marvel Super Heroes shares much in common with Capcom’s prolific Street Fighter series with over-the-top anime-style action, combo system and so on. While the arcade game was first released in 1995, console gamers wouldn’t receive a home port until late 1997 on Sony PlayStation and, of course, SEGA Saturn.

The Saturn version is fantastic. The animation is like an explosion of color that’s very faithful to the arcade original, with an energetic soundtrack and kick-ass sound effects. Now that Lauren’s joined the League of Extraordinary Dorks, I feel it’s high-time I make her suffer for NHL ’94.

FUN FACT: The American version is the one and only game outside of Japan that supports the RAM cartridge. To learn more about this delightful peripheral, check out the episode of My Life with SEGA dedicated to it!

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SEGA Tunes: Ristar’s Planet Freon – Ring Rink

As we near Christmas day, I knew a festive Tuesday Tunes was in order. The Sonic the Hedgehog franchise is filled with great wintery tunes, but I felt Sonic has been covered far too much on Tuesday Tunes (and for a good reason, Sonic music is awesome!). Christmas NiGHTS would be perfect, but it’s too obvious. Shenmue‘s Christmas tunes would be perfect, but we’ve aleady covered them. And that’s when it hit me, Sonic Team’s Ristar has an excellent winter tune. The game’s fifth stage, Planet Freon, is a planet made entirely of ice and snow. But you won’t find Imperial Walkers and Wampas on this ice planet, instead you’ll find downhill skiing and a bizarre alien enemy chucking snowballs. The music for the first portion of the stage begins almost as if you’re about to hear Jingle Bells, but what follows is a catchy tune with solid drum beats and a peppy tune perfectly suitable for a winter wonderland. So as the sun goes down on this Christmas eve, why not revisit this SEGA Genesis classic? It’s the best present you can give yourself.

Art contest winners announcement coming soon


I hate making an announcement of an announcement, but we’ve been getting some questions regarding this so I wanted to make a front page announcement.

This was originally supposed to happen last weekend, but I got caught up in other things and didn’t have time to choose a winner. We got some great entries after I last checked the submissions so I had to give some additional thought to who the winner will be. I will be going over all of the submissions and I will hopefully be able to announce a winner very soon. Though to answer some questions:

Any entries we got before today are valid for the contest and submissions meant for other things are also valid. See you soon with an announcement!

SEGA Cinema Holiday Special: Sonic Christmas Blast

Welcome to the third SEGA Cinema! In celebration of the holiday season, Barry the Nomad and Sonic Retro staff members David the Lurker and Bartman settle in around the fireplace, sip eggmanog, and enjoy two episodes of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. The first is the holiday special “Sonic Christmas Blast”, which released three years after the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog aired. The special was planned to be titled “An X-Tremely Sonic Christmas” to tie in with Sonic X-treme. But when X-treme was scrapped, the title was changed to tie in with Sonic 3D Blast.

The second bonus episode is entitled “Sno Problem”, a wintery themed adventure that sees Sonic and Tails taking on Robotnik who has unleashed his Ultra Freeze-O-Matic on mobius. His grand scheme? Watch and find out!

We’ve also added a few surprises, so sit back and enjoy! Like this video? Subscribe to the SEGAbits YouTube channel!

Sonic Talk Lost World Holiday Special

[ MP3 Download ]

On a special holiday edition of Sonic Talk, me, Nux and GX get into a long discussion about Sonic Lost World along with our experiences with the PS4. Also, we have an interview with Aaron Webber about the game as well. This interview was done before the fix so some complaints are now old. All that, and I sing a brand new Christmas song just to torture everyone! (As if the audio wasn’t bad enough in this episode). WARNING! LOST WORLD SPOILERS AHEAD.

Arcade Review: After Burner Climax

After Burner Climax Header

As a SEGA fan, my loyalty has been tested to the breaking point at times. Let’s face it, SEGA has had to make some tough decisions and has made some terrible games over the years, especially over the last fifteen. In 2007 SEGA had lost much of my loyalty after turning out a rash of bad games including the infamously awful Sonic the Hedgehog. Then one day, I walked into a local arcade, played After Burner Climax for the first time and all was well.

3D Streets of Rage and 3D Shinobi III now available on the eShop


Today, the last of M2’s 3D SEGA ports are now available on the 3DS eShop. Both Shinobi 3: Return of the Ninja Master and Streets of Rage can now be had for $5.99 each, completed with new 3D visuals, a classic “SD TV” viewing mode and a level select. If you’re interested in playing some of SEGA’s best games from the 16-bit era, check them out!

Sonic Lost World Wii U DLC available now – Yoshi’s Island Zone

The latest Nintendo Direct broke the news that free DLC is available now for the Wii U version of Sonic Lost World. The unique DLC features a new zone which takes place in Yoshi’s Island, aptly named Yoshi’s Island Zone. Footage shows Sonic running through a 2D Yoshi’s Island, taking out Mario enemies whilst followed by a line of collected eggs. This surprise DLC is quite interesting, as it opens the door to possible future DLC in which Sonic enters other video game worlds from both Nintendo and SEGA franchises. Iwata hinted that Zelda could be next.

Never would I think that someday there would be a game featuring Sonic, Yoshi, and NiGHTS. Download the DLC today and let us know what you think of it!

SEGA Tunes: Panzer Dragoon Orta’s Eternal Glacies

The goal of any good video game soundtrack is to compliment the atmosphere and improve the immersion. As far as I’m concerned, few soundtracks accomplish this better then Panzer Dragoon Orta’s. Given that it’s Christmas time, it seems only fitting that we feature a track from a snow level, Orta’s lonely, beautiful Eternal Glacies. Much like the level itself, the track is beautiful, subdued and majestic.