Editorial: Gaming sites who failed at reporting last Friday’s news.

Last Friday we learned the sad news that SEGA West was restructuring, downsizing and canceling certain games. I think we’ve all discussed the news enough, what I wanted to focus on in this editorial are the gaming sites who did an awful job of reporting the news. For whatever reason, unpaid fans who write for blogs do a better job reading press releases and reporting on them than big name sites like Kotaku. I also wanted to draw attention to a general gaming blog, toplessrobot.com, who did an equally awful job in reporting on the news.


RUMOR: Sonic Adventure 2, More Vintage Titles Revealed for XBLA

UPDATE: Penny Arcade 3 and Rock Band Blitz have been confirmed giving even more credibility to this list. I believe we can consider SA2 all but confirmed.

A list of upcoming XBLA titles has been leaked onto the web via NEOGAF. Allegedly, the source of this list is Microsoft’s Partnernet service, which has notoriously been the source of numerous leaks in the past, including the infamous Sonic 4 Episode 1 leak back in 2010.

Among the games listed are Sonic Adventure 2 and Vintage titles Streets of Rage and Golden Axe. Another leaked title, Rock Band Blitz, could be the title to make or break the validity of this list, as that game’s developer, Harmonix, is expected to debut their next title this weekend at PAX East. If anything becomes of these rumors, we’ll be sure to report it.

Until then, you can find the complete list of leaked titles at the source below.

Update: Rock Band Blitz has been revealed on G4.

Two more Game Gear RPG’s rated for 3DS E-Shop

Hajya pal! Once again, the Australian ratings board is leaking out more Game Gear info. Two more Game Gear games have been leaked by being rated for the 3DS Virtual Console and this time it’s some serious RPG fanservice! Defenders of Oasis, an old-school traditional 8-Bit RPG done in the One Thousand and One Nights style and Shining Force: Sword of Hajya, another in the line of fan-favorite tactical RPG’s. Both should hopefully be out later this year.

Sonic 4 Episode 2 XBOX avatar items now available!

Face it, your avatar looks like crap. It needs something, like a Tails hoodie or a miniature Snowy the Polar Bear. Well SEGA and Microsoft want you to look your best for when Sonic 4 Episode 2 releases, so they’ve released a ton of new avatar items for you to play with! The new items include: An item monitor hooked up to a SEGA Genesis, complete with a Sonic 4 Episode 2 game case and cartridge for you to play, male and female logo shirts, male and female Sonic and Tails branded hoodies complete with ears and spikes on the hood, a half-pipe special stage for your avatar to run in, Tails and Metal Sonic plush dolls, a badnik buddy two pack, a Metal Sonic mask, a Flicky capsule toy and a full body Tails suit. If you have an XBOX account, you can head on over to the online store now to see samples of these items in action. The item monitor and Genesis console item has an especially funny animation. After the break, a gallery of all the goodies!

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Check out this Sonic the Hedgehog hack, the prequel “Dr.Robotnik’s Creature Capture”!


Ever wonder how Eggman captures all those little animals and stuffs them into a capsule? A recently released hack of Sonic the Hedgehog answers this question with “Dr.Robotnik’s Creature Capture”! The game has you, as Robotnik aka Eggman, running about the first Sonic the Hedgehog’s stages catching animals with a net and placing them in a capsule. Once the capsule is full, you must find the sign post and turn it from Sonic to Robotnik, thus setting the stage for Sonic the Hedgehog. Hurry and fill that capsule before Sonic begins his own game! So in essence, it’s a prequel.

You can find the game at sonicresearch.org, so give it a play and if you’re inclined to leave them a comment, let them know SEGAbits sent you.

SEGA Tunes: Jet Set Radio’s ‘Bout the City

Over the ‘hood, through the streets, and right into your braaaaain!!!!!

Savor the sweet sounds of Reps, because it’s Jet Set Radio month on Tuesday Tunes! Over the course of the next few weeks you’ll be powering through the wave of nostalgia, energy, and the sheer, absolute, unmistakable musical sexiness that we know of as the soundtrack to Jet Set Radio and its sequel, with a little branching out for good measure.

This week’s chosen song is none other than ‘Bout the City, an infectiously catchy track coming from British artist Reps. Though Kogane-Cho is undoubtedly my least favoite of Jet Set Radio’s three main districts, I can’t help but crack a smile when I drop into the level and this is the first track that plays. To me it embodies everything that makes Jet Set Radio what it is; it was a free spirit in an industry that was growing more gritty and “mainstream” by the year. The punk-flavored ‘Bout the City seems to want nothing more than for the listener to have a total blast, and that to me is everything that Jet Set Radio stood for; Poison Jam may have kidnapped the dog, the Noise Tanks may have flooded the Garage with frogs, and they were constantly pursued by a batshit crazy police captain…yet, you never got the feeling that the GGs weren’t enjoying just about every minute of it all.

Their world was always colorful, the funky melodies were beamed directly into their heads, and the streets of Tokyo-to sure looked beautiful when blasted through on rocket-powered skates. For another upbeat but very different tune, hit the jump for Toronto’s Electric Toothbrush, which pretty much sums up everything awesome about not just SEGA, but hell, the year 2000 as well.

Rhythm Thief & The Emperor’s Treasure gets European launch trailer

Even though we recently have been hit by the recent layoff news, SEGA is set to release Rhythm Thief & The Emperor’s Treasure on April 5th in Europe. Here is the game’s launch trailer above. If you want to see the euro website, click here. Has samples of some of the awesome music you will find in the full game.

Sadly if you live in America, like me, you will have to wait all the way till July 10th to get your hands on this game. That isn’t very fair, now is it?


New Alex Kidd and Monster World Collection Screens Show Off Slick Menus!

A little over a week back, we featured screens of two new SEGA Vintage Collection releases. One bundles together three Monster World games, including the newly translated Monster World IV. The second collection brings together three SEGA classics: Alex Kidd in Miracle World, The Revenge of Shinobi and Super Hang On. Thanks to Siliconera, we have even more screens to show of the collections. The coolest of these screens shows off the Alex Kidd menu, which confirms that Hang On will be the arcade version, thus making the collection a sampler of Master System, Genesis and arcade SEGA classics. After the break, take a look at even more screens including more menu shots!

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Bayonetta Saved Anarchy Reigns? SEGA Comments!

Following SEGA West’s announcements, many SEGA fans were immediately left wondering what the new direction means for lesser known and new IPs like Rhythm Thief and Anarchy Reigns. While we don’t know the status of the former, we can comment on the latter. Gaming news site GamingBiz.com reached out to SEGA over the weekend asking what the status is of Anarchy Reigns and SEGA responded:

Anarchy Reigns may appear to be a new IP, but it is actually building on the characters featured in 2009’s MadWorld. In anticipation of the July release, which is still scheduled, expect a series of trailers reminding fans of the MadWorld connection. Also, we know it’s no secret that Bayonetta has been revealed as a bonus character. Given Bayonetta’s popularity, we believe that giving her representation in marketing and on the revised boxart will increase awareness of Anarchy Reigns.

A new title and revised boxart? That’s quite a big change for the game, but it makes sense. SEGA wants to focus on popular established IPs, so putting more emphasis on the game’s MadWorld and Bayonetta connections is a very smart move. This also appears to mean that Bayonetta will not be a DLC character, but rather a guest character much like how Banjo-Kazooie were called out on All-Stars Racing box art. Read the full article at GamingBiz.com and don’t trust everything you read on a day like today, even if it doesn’t sound so crazy.

Shining Force Cross: Elysion gets opening and tutorial

SEGA’s ongoing Shining Force Cross have been given it’s third update in the form of Shining Force Cross: Elysion. Originally announced back in 2009, Shining Force Cross has gone to be one of SEGA’s strongest earners from sales and revenue generated from their own amusement centres and this latest expansion promises new character types for the player, new stages and of course, bosses and enermies. Unfortunately like many of SEGA’s arcade titles, the title has been left to stay in Japan and would be another in the long line of arcade titles people would like ported to consoles. Click after the break to see a video tutorial of the new features added to the title.

Aliens: Colonial Marines on Wii U “has much more to offer”

Seems that Gearbox Software CEO Randy Pitchford is going to pimp the Wii U version of their long awaited shooter Aliens: Colonial Marines. Pitchford told Vox Games that the Alien shooter will take advantage of the system’s ‘innovative’ tablet controller.

“The Wii U version has so much more to offer. No other platform can do what the Wii U can do. If you love [Xbox] 360 games, you are not used to being in a world where you have this new interface. But once you get used to that, you imagine the possibilities. There are some opportunities that are just not possible on any platform that does not have that device. I don’t want to give spoilers away on some of the things we are thinking of or thing we have actually implemented already, but there are a lot of cool opportunities with that device that are going to make a very unique and compelling experience on that platform,”  – Randy Pitchford, CEO of Gearbox Studios

What do I think about this? I think it is a bit of nonsense. Don’t get me wrong, the Wii U might be a good system, but selling me the same game from the Playstation 3/Xbox 360/PC on a Nintendo console with a new ‘second screen’ on my hands isn’t innovative. How is this better for me? Not only that, the game is coming this autumn to PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. The Wii U version is set to come out sometime ‘by the end of the year.

Check out these hand painted Sonic the Hedgehog shoes

lumpyheadedbunny over at Reddit has posted their ‘Sonic the Hedgehog‘ hand painted shoes. Oh, yes, they look nice and flashy. So how long did it take them to paint the shoes? 45-65 hours per pair. You are probably going to ask how much it would cost to have lumpyheadedbunny make you a pair. The answer is: $350+. Yes, too rich for my blood.

He says he is working on a site to put all his designs. That is cool, what do you guys think? Is he charging too much? Can you do better?

Insert Coin shows off new SEGA shirt designs, including Ryo Hazuki inspired hoodie

The fine folks over at Insert Coin Clothing have now released their concept art for their upcoming SEGA Reloaded shirts (and a hoodie). The hoodie above is inspired by Ryu Huzuki’s brown jacket in Shenmue. In the back it has the Hazuki tiger.

To see more of the shirt designs, hit the jump. Shenmue, Jet Set Radio, Streets of Rage, Shinobi, and Golden Axe? Yes, please.

SEGA of America’s official statement regarding changes

There have been a ton of questions flying around, people asking what went wrong. There is quite a bit that sadly went wrong, who is to blame? Probably not the people that got fired, but that isn’t the issue right now. The issue is what SEGA is going to be like in the future. The community has had lots of rumors flowing around. Some are saying SEGA is shutting down SEGA America, which isn’t true.

Now there are questions like, who gave the order? If you guess SEGA-Sammy, you are correct. Check out SEGA of America’s official statement after the jump.

Check out these awesome SEGA Master System shirts

SMS Power! forum member thoja has spotted  two SEGA Master System related shirts in his local mall. He said he found them in Bershka, a chain of Spanish stores from Spain. I have to say, I like the ideas but I don’t like white shirts all that much. I searched their site and only found a page for the Master System one, not the Alex Kidd one.

So what do you guys think of the shirts? Do you like in Europe? Maybe you should go out and check them out.