SEGA PlayStation 3 PSN Titles To Buy Before Sony Shuts Down the Store

Come August 27th, 2021, the PlayStation Network Store for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita will be closed forever. That means all those great, PSN exclusives titles (and other easier to get digital titles) will be gone for good. At least, the ability to buy them legally. I thought it would be cool to look at some of SEGA’s PSN titles that are worth buying, some being exclusive, others not so much.

Sadly some of SEGA’s digital backlog has already disappeared, namely OutRun 2006: Coast to Coast (PSP) and After Burner Climax (PS3) due to licensing issues. But SEGA still has a few cult classics that are must buys, lets look at those titles:

PSN offers a House of the Dead deal that’s a bit “Overkill”

Now here’s a deal to die for! PSN is offering three of Sega’s House of the Dead games for a price so low, it’s six feet under. If you’re dead set on zombie-shooting fun, grab a Move controller and get your rotted hands on House of the Dead 3, 4 and Overkill:Extended Cut for the low price of $21.99 or even better, $15.39 for PSN Plus subscribers. That’s a price so low you’ll think your (grave) robbing them blind! So don’t just sit there rotting on the sofa. Grab this bundle before it passes away!

House of the Dead 4 available now on PSN!

Yes, it’s out. Go buy it and enjoy some HotD goodness.It’s available exclusively on PSN and is compatible with the Move controller. I had a preview written up for this from PAX, but my ultrabook died so I didn’t have access to it until today…since we won’t have a review up for a little while, maybe I’ll still put it up!

House of the Dead 4: Special’s remix level to make it to PSN port

SEGA has confirmed to the guys from Siliconera that they will be incorporating stuff from House of the Dead 4: Special into their PSN port of House of the Dead 4. If you ever played the Special version of House of the Dead 4, you’ll know that the biggest feature of the re-release is sitting on a chair that moves. It’s awesome. But obviously there will be no chair re-released for the port. So what could it be?

Most likely a remixed level that was featured, that includes G. You know you love G and want to suffer like him. Siliconera’s preview was positive and only thing they complained about was the low resolution graphics used for icons like reload and stuff.


House of the Dead 4 for PSN took almost a year to port

So House of the Dead 4 is finally going to hit a home console, I have wanted a home version ever since I first laid eyes on it way back when SEGA released their ‘next gen’ trailer with Virtua Fighter 5 and (cough, cough) Sonic 06. The new PS3 port is built from the Lindbergh arcade board, the same board that runs Virtua Fighter 5, its supposed to make PS3 porting easy.

“It took almost a year to adapt The House of the Dead 4 for the console, from the initial game design to the product,” a Sega representative explained in an e-mail to Siliconera. “The main obstacles in converting The House of the Dead 4 from the Lindbergh board to the PS3 were the OpenGL and the data format conversion.  Also, the PS3 has only 256MB of RAM while the Lindbergh board has 1GB, making the conversion challenging.”

 “We did more than simply upscale the resolution to 720p. We brought the game render buffer up to 720p as well,” says SEGA “This makes the graphic quality and resolution far superior to all of the previous versions. In addition, we have re-made almost all of the UIs [user interface] in HD resolution.”

House of the Dead III recently made its way to PSN, featuring Move support plus a ton of unlockables. I want to say as an arcade fan, I’m glad SEGA is putting in work on these ports. I think SEGA has had a bad reputation due to their Genesis and Dreamcast ports. I’m glad they are willing to sit and make this title look spiffy on screen.