More Sonic Generations Details Revealed

As more interviews and previews for Sonic Generations are released, more details have been revealed (so that’s how it works!). Swedish gaming magazine LEVEL has a preview and interview with Iizuka, and G4TV has an interview with Patrick Riley, SEGA’s director of international productions. Check out the G4TV interview video above and head over to the Sonic Stadium boards for the full translated LEVEL article (four posts down). Thanks to TSS forum user Carbo for translating.

After the break, a handy bulleted list of the new details revealed!


See Modern Sonic’s Green Hill Zone in FULL!

Thanks to a new Takashi Iizuka interview with French gaming website, additional gameplay footage of both Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic has been released, playing during and after the interview. While I’ve yet to figure out what Iizuka is saying, it doesn’t sound as though there are any bombs dropped. What is way cool about the video, however, is that we get to see the final portion of Modern Sonic running though Green Hill Zone. I speedily stitched together the available footage to create a full run of the stage. Enjoy!

Sonic fans on Wii: Please Quit Yer Cryin’!

Some folks are never happy.

As with everyone else this week, I was ecstatic to see the new Sonic Generations gameplay trailer. While discussing it over several different forums, I noticed the same topic coming up. “Why isn’t it on Wii?!” “That’s not fair, the Wii should get an anniversary game too!” And my favorite, “LOL typical Sega. screwing over Wii fans”. This line of discussion really ticked me off. Mainly because if you’re a Sonic fan who only owns a Wii, you’ve never had it so good!

Sonic Generations – Extended Gameplay

Check out this blink-and-you’ll-miss-it slightly extended gameplay!

There isn’t much to note, but it does confirm that the QTE’s of Sonic Unleashed and the ‘Good, Great, Awesome etc’ of Sonic Colours has been exchanged with a new trick system which fill your boost meter.

Sonic Generations official logo and details REVEALED! UPDATE: Screenshots added

From the SEGA USA blogs comes information regarding that trailer for that untitled Sonic game. Check it out!

SEGA America, Inc. and SEGA Europe Ltd., today announced details of Sonic Generations, the highly anticipated video game title in development to celebrate Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Anniversary. Delivering the definitive gaming experience for Sonic fans old and new, Sonic Generations sees Sonic the Hedgehog playable as both the much loved classic 1991 character, and the modern day video game hero he has become in this exciting new fast paced adventure. Sonic Generations will speed into stores for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation3 computer entertainment system for Holiday 2011.

Set across three defining eras from 20 years of Sonic the Hedgehog video game history, the instantly recognizable environments of Sonic Generations have been re-built in stunning HD and are now playable in both classic side scrolling 2D from 1991, as well as modern 3D style found in Sonic’s most recent adventures. Each incarnation of Sonic in Sonic Generations comes complete with his trademark special move, Spin Dash and Spin Attack for Classic Sonic, and the Homing Attack and Sonic Boost for Modern Sonic. An innovative new interactive menu system allows for complete immersion in Sonic’s universe with favorite characters and hidden treasures gradually being revealed throughout the game.

“Sonic Generations will certainly be a fitting celebration for Sonic’s 20th Anniversary,” commented David Corless, Global Brand Director for Sonic. “By having the classic 1991 Sonic that many fans know and love team up with his modern day incarnation, we are bringing back the nostalgia of the early days of Sonic and combining it with the innovation and stunning HD technology of the modern gaming era. Sonic Generations will bring to life the last twenty years of Sonic’s universe in a truly unique and imaginative way.”

Sonic’s universe is thrown into chaos when a mysterious new power creates ‘time holes’ which pull him and his friends back through time. As a result, he encounters some surprises from his past history including Classic Sonic, Sonic as he was in 1991.

Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic must defeat this strange new enemy, save their friends, and find out who really is behind this diabolical deed…

Check out the official SEGA Blog post here. After the break, screenshots!

If the blue blur’s next game wasn’t already confirmed to be titled “Sonic Generations”…

If the leaked placeholder box art wasn’t enough for doubters, the websites and now take users directly to SEGA’s website, giving the page the address of This pretty much confirms the title of the game, and hopefully means that SEGA is getting ready to release a formal press release, title reveal and (here’s hoping) screens and gameplay information.

Sorry to dissapoint those hoping it was going to be “Sonic Adventure 3”, lolz.

SEGA promises Sonic trailer tomorrow on Sonic’s facebook

OK, so we posted that on the 7th there was going to be a big update. Well SEGA has said it’s going to be a trailer, but for what? We will have to wait till tomorrow to find out. Here is what they teased via twitter:

SEGA: BRAND NEW TRAILER COMING TOMORROW ONLY ON SONIC’S FACEBOOK! Be sure to come back tomorrow to check it out!”

OK SEGA, you win. Color me excited. What do you guys think this trailer will be? Sonic Generations or Sonic 4 Episode 2? How about if its for something totally unrelated to the game? Then I will be disappointed… Unless it’s for boxers that say “To be this good takes Ages.”

Sonic facebook to have “something big” on April 7th

SEGA is now teasing people that Sonic’s Facebook is going to have something big, most likely on April 7th. Check out the tweets in their uncut glory below.

“There’s something big coming this week to the Sonic Facebook page”

“Sonic’s 20th Anniversary is this year, but SEGA start celebrating on 7th April and you’ll only find out how on the Sonic Facebook page!”

So what could this be? We will find out in 48 hours, no need to have a panic attack. Could this be a Sonic social game to make old school fans even more mad? We can only dream.
