Sonic Colours climbs up UK charts

Sonic Colours has jumped from its 36th place last week to a better standing at number 18. That it is right, cracked the top 20. As for Sonic Free Riders, that debuted last week right below Sonic Colours, it has dropped off the charts completely.

SEGA’s true and blue Football Manager series came in one spot lower than Sonic Colours for the week at number 19th. Still doing pretty solid and staying in the top 20.

[Source: GFK Charts]

Gunstar Heroes arrives on iPhones

One of my favorite Genesis games, Gunstar Heroes, is now on the iPhone (and iPod Touch as well, I assume). The game will run you $2.99. Wow, that is like a cup of coffee for one of the best Genesis games ever.

If that wasn’t enough, the game has bluetooth multiplayer. That is pretty awesome.

[Source: Siliconera]

Round Table: Our favorite SEGA Xbox 360 & XBLA games

You might not know this, but this month, the Xbox 360 turns 5 years old. That is half a decade that the machine has invaded our homes. Sure, it was a rough start, but now Microsoft is a big player in the home console business, selling (so far) about 45 million units.

But what SEGA games are worth getting on the console? We, the SEGAbits staff, give you our favorites. You give us your favorites in the comment section!

Sonic Colours Deal, £17.99 at!

If you are in the UK and you haven’t bought Sonic Colours yet, then shame on you! Sonic Colours isn’t just the best Sonic game in YEARS, it’s the best 3D Sonic game ever… Yes, EVER.

But if you are still on the fence and are in the United Kingdom, then has a great deal for you. At £17.99 this game is a steal.

So go on, redeem yourself. Buy it while stocks last, hell if you already have it, buy it for a friends Christmas present!


First English screenshots for Neptune RPG

We have done our fair share of Neptune RPG related articles, but the last one we announced that NIS America will be releasing the title in America. Well, they changed the name of the game to Hyperdimension Neptunia. Logo above.

NIS America also gives us some chit chat regarding the battle system.

“The battle system itself does share a few similarities with Xenosaga with the combos. Overall the game itself is like a hybrid between Xenosaga and Mana Khemia battle wise.”

What about demo? According to Ryan Phillips, who works for NIS America, they don’t have on planned. Check out the source for more info regarding the battle system.

List of mini games in Yakuza of the End

Well, maybe taking out hostess to dates (did you know they back you up against zombies?) and killing the undead isn’t your thing. Maybe. But if you played the past Yakuza titles, you will know there are mini games scattered across the city. Famitsu has listed some in their newest issue.

SEGA patching Chu Chu Rocket, adding 100 extra levels

Gah, you get a game and then you have to patch it. Isn’t that annoying? Well, this time, you might actually be happy about patching up your game. Not only will this patch fix annoying bugs, it will add 100 extra levels. Full details:
• iPad Game Center for OS 4.2 iPads
• 100 Extra levels added to Puzzle mode
• Ghost arrows added to Multiplayer mode
• Arrow placement UI improved
• Multiplayer lobby UI improved

• Rare crash-at-launch bug fixed
• Bug that occasionally caused some achievements not to unlock fixed
• Mouse-entering-rocket audio issue fixed
• Performance upgrades

Actually a pretty fast patch, considering I have seen SEGA take forever to  patch their other titles or not patch them at all. But it won’t stop here, SEGA says they have ‘more plans’ for Chu Chu Rocket in the future. Exciting.

[Source: SEGAblog]

Sega Reveals Bayonetta Prototype

Sega have posted some neat gameplay videos of Bayonetta in its Prototype stages on their youtube channel. The Prototype almost looks as good as the final product and in a few instances I think it looks better.

Hit the jump to see the second video and what I think should have made it into the final product!

SEGA does something nice for the community, Sonic fanboy complains

[The sky is blue]

Recently Sega of America held a community event, and a limited number of Sega fans were invited along to play various games and have a focus group session. Dinner was provided by Sega, fancy!

The event was limited to 50 people, but they later extended it to 55 with a hefty waiting list. So you would hope that at least some real Sega fans would get in, right?

Sounds like a nice event all round. Sega of America went out of their way to do something genuinely great for the community…  So it’s kind of disheartening when I’m greeted with the impressions of the event by one ungrateful Sonic fan. What’s new right?

Hit the jump for some choice quotes of his impressions and some screens of inside Sega American.

The next Sakura Wars title announced

[Logo is the only thing shown so far]

So you have been waiting for the next Sakura  Wars game for a long time and this day has finally come. You ask yourself what console the title will be  on? Well, it won’t be on consoles, the next Sakura Wars game will be ‘browser based’. You can now comment to complain.

The game will be designed by Red Entertainment (Sakura Wars series, right?), Trinity Game Studio (Fist of the North Star Online) is developing and Rocworks (Kingdom Road and Homage Genesis) will manage the game when it goes online. Sure, not as good as a Playstation 3 or 360 game, but you don’t have to worry about importing… right?

As for release date and all that stuff, we will have more information in the upcoming months. If its like the Battlefield Heroes, like actual 3-D and not Mafia Wars cheap-o stuff, it might be good.

Edit: Scan from Famitsu:

[Source: Siliconera]

Crazy Taxi taking fares on PSN/XBLA

Today brought the release of Crazy Taxi on PSN for $9.99 and the game will most likely be out on XBLA (11/17) by the time you read this for 800 points. I have been playing it and the game looks great on widescreen. Plus the PSN version even supports custom soundtracks, comes useful if you want to load up the game’s original soundtrack. All 360 games have custom soundtracks, so that is a guaranteed for that version already.

So who is buying a digital copy of this craaaaaaaaaaazy title?

GameStop has listing for a retail ‘Dreamcast Collection’

Are you one of those guys that doesn’t trust buying stuff you can’t physically hold? Well, SEGA might have a solution for you. According to Gamestop, they have a ‘Dreamcast Collection’ and will retail for $29.99. As of right now its only listed for the Xbox 360.

The product page says it will be released February 15th, 2011. No idea what will be in the package, but I assume its already released games and by February they will have Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure, SEGA Bass Fishing, and/or Space Channel 5 Part 2 to consider.

[Source: GameStop]
[Via: Scrawl]

Bizarre Creations studio might be sold or shut down

Bizarre Creations, a studio founded in 1994 , found their first big title with SEGA as a publisher. If you didn’t know, Bizarre Creations developed the Dreamcast racing title Metropolis Street Racer. After this the developer expanded its wings with Fur Fighter, a 3rd person shooting adventure with talking animals. Bizarre indeed. Metropolis Street Racer led into Microsoft  partnership for a new racing franchise, Project Gotham Racing.

SEGA and Bizarre Creations  relationship didn’t end there, almost 8 years after Metropolis Street Racer hit the Dreamcast, SEGA wanted to do another IP with the developer, this time The Club. The Club was a unique take on 3rd person shooters, using score based kills. Shortly before the game came out, Activision announced they aquired Bizarre Creations. SEGA had plans to make The Club a series, but turned it into a one title affair after the buy out.

With Activision they did their own IP, this time called Blur, a pretty good arcade racing title. The issue is that the game didn’t sell. Their last game was James Bond 007: Blood Stone that came out at the start of the month. Seems that this title, which was critically panned will be the last title from the studio. SEGA Europe, give these workers a home.

“Over the past three years since our purchase of Bizarre Creations, the fundamentals of the racing genre have changed significantly. Although we made a substantial investment in creating a new IP, Blur, it did not find a commercial audience. Bizarre is a very talented team of developers, however, because of the broader economic factors impacting the market, we are exploring our options regarding the future of the studio, including a potential sale of the business.”

Activision is taking 90 days to decide whether they want to sell, restructure, or close down the studio.

[Source: PCGamer]
[Via: NeoGAF]

Yakuza 4 box art wallpaper – now this is box art

[Right click + save link as + ???? = Profit]

You heard us rave and rant about how SEGA is doing it right with their new Yakuza 4 box art design. Even SEGA of Europe are talking about how they disliked the Yakuza 3 cover, no idea why they simply didn’t just make another one, but I guess its just a cover and I will forgive.

Now you can have the background wallpaper on all your computers and even your consoles like the PS3 while you wait for the game. No worries, SEGA will be releasing other wallpapers throughout the months as we wait for the release of the game.