Kingdom Conquest released for iOS devices, it’s free!

A few months back we brought you some early info on SEGA’s new combination town strategy game and 3-D dungeon crawler Kingdom Conquest. Well today, that game is available to download for FREE via the iTunes app store and can be played on any iOS device. Learn more about the game here, and if you own an iOS device download it NOW! It’s free, it’s a new IP and thus far from what I’ve played it’s pretty cool!

Sonic Colours TV Spot

Check out the Sonic Colours TV spot!

I like it, it’s got gameplay, a review score flashes up (Even if it is just Nintendo Power…) and some of that good old fashioned humour which 90’s era Sega commercials were known for.

Take note of the book Sonic is holding near the end of the commercial. The cover says,
“Cracked, the biography of Dr. Eggman.”
Great touch!

Shenmue City screenshots (mobile version)

Here are some screenshots for the upcoming Shenmue City, that we have been posting like crazy rabbits about the past couple of days. As you can see, it isn’t a MMO, but a social game like those you find on facebook that all your friends update about every 2 hours.

Regardless, I like some of the ‘ideas’ behind it, but is sure as hell isn’t Shenmue 3 (Yu Suzuki, you always say it best). The game seems very text heavy, sucks for us on here that don’t know Japanese to save our lives. Hit the jump to see more screens.

Yu Suzuki: Shenmue City is not Shenmue 3

Yu Suzuki sat down for an interview with Famitsu, to discuss the origins of Shenmue City and the future of the Shenmue franchise. He stated that Shenmue City is not Shenmue 3, so this should make most Shenmue fans breath easier.

“Shenmue has the image of grand scale.”But making something of grand scale requires appropriate preparation. I want to make 3 with the same volume as in the past. There have actually been a lot of requests from fans for 3 as well. There were even petitions signed by by tens of thousands of people. I wanted to carry out my obligations for the series.”Yu Suzuki

So what made Suzuki interested in making Shenmue City a social game? Mafia Wars, the popular social game you might have heard of? Well, he said he tried the game, didn’t understand it then came to enjoy it after awhile. He said that having Shenmue in this perspective was odd since it didn’t require top notch graphics and sounds, two things the Shenmue series is known for.

Sonic Colours not off to a good start in the UK

Sonic Colours came out on Novemeber 12th, this chart ended on the 13th, so its only accounting for first day of sales, so take them as you will. If you see the Wii only games chart, it came in at number 11, being outsold bygames like Mario Galaxy 2, The X Factor and Sims 3. The game is way lower in the all format charts, came in at number 36, two spots higher than Sonic Free Riders.

Hopefully it sparks more fire next week on the charts, since these are really just ‘one day sales’, it is hard for the title to chart high. But hey, at least Football Manager 11 is rocking those charts.

[Source: Chart-Track]

SEGA Mega Drive Classic Collection – Volume 1 & 2

Relive old memories and create new ones – the SEGA Mega Drive Classic Collection, volumes one and two now available.

A new trailer for ‘Mega Drive Classics Collection’ available on PC. While I enjoy these games and could do with picking up Galaxy Force 2… Most of these have been done to death now.

Lets move onto Saturn collections shall we Sega?

Shenmue City press event recap

[Two mighty men walk on stage, only one leaves alive]

The press event for Shenmue City has come to a close. What did we learn? Well not too much, but more than we knew before. The event did have a lot of ‘looking back’ at the release of Shenmue, then Sunsoft saying “We will put our full power behind Shenmue Gai (City).” How nice.

Yu Suzuki (along with Takeuchi) took the stage, to explain what Shenmue City will have to offer. They show the game, you are a student in the Hazuki  Dojo and play along side Ryo. They showed the users ‘My Page’ that gives you a list of events (missions), Kung Fu and ‘Search’ options. Search lets you find more events, Yu explains that after you do most events, you will fight a boss in the end to advance to the next stage. In the Kung Fu tab, there will be a move list that you can master.

He also explained that sometimes you will find a ‘Match’ icon in your My Page, this is when someone is challenging you in the game, but this can only happen when you ‘level up’ enough to have your own Dojo. Depending on your success, your Dojo will be ranked, the ranks actually follow the Virtua Fighter ranking system.

Yu Suzuki & Segata Sanshiro to fully unveil Shenmue City

The guys over at Sunsoft have scheduled a ‘proper unveiling’ for Shenmue City, the upcoming social game. The press conference will be at the UDX Theater in Akihabara, where people will be introduced tot he game. The event will be attended by Yu Suzuki, founder of YS.Net and main person behind the Shenmue series. Also invited to the event was Hiroshi Fujioka, who played Segata Sanshiro and for the Japanese version of Shenmue voiced Iwao Hazuki (Ryo’s father).

The higher ups at SEGA, Sunsoft and DeNA (the company that manages Mobagetown platform) will be at the event. Sadly its only for press, so some random fan can’t walk in and scream they want Shenmue 3 for a proper console.

The press conference will be on Monday, you can catch the live stream here from 15:30 to 17:15. Enjoy!

[Source: AndriaSang]

The Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love Premium Pack!

I’m eight months late to the party, but who cares. I’m the first to feature it at SEGAbits!

While SEGA’s Sakura Taisen franchise is insanely popular in Japan, having a number of main series games and spin-offs spanning the Saturn era through to the Dreamcast and Playstation 2, it has had little presence in English speaking regions. The fifth game in the series, Sakura Taisen V: Farewell, My Love, hit the Japanese PS2 in 2005. It wasn’t until 5 years later that the game received a very unexpected English language version. The PS2 received a handsome special edition box (America only from what I can tell) while the Wii received a standard version (which hit both America and Europe). While the game released back in March, it wasn’t until this weekend that I got around to picking up a copy for $30 at GameStop, marked down $10.

So what does this awesome box contain? Let’s take a look!

Click here to read more!

SEGA’s PR team has a sense of humor

Above is a drawing that came with the review copy of Sonic Colors that was sent to Destructoid’s Jim Sterling. It is him as the troll that he is, probably eating some Super Monkey Ball endorsed banana and talking about how horrible and mediocre it is.

Now Jim, put up that long awaited negative review for Sonic Colors, we are waiting.

[Source: Destructoid]

Review: Sonic Free Riders

As the last of his games hit shelves, so ends a big year for Sonic. 2010 brought with it some hotly anticipated Sonic titles: The SEGA Superstars returned for All-Star Racing, 2D Sonic returned to consoles and 3D Sonic has cleaned up his act. Meanwhile, off in the corner sat Sonic Free Riders.

Free Riders, the third game in the Sonic Riders series, made ripples (not waves) in the SEGA community when it was announced to be a launch title for Microsoft’s Kinect. The series itself had earned little respect in the past, and coupled with a new piece of hardware, enthusiasm for the game was mixed. But now the Kinect is here, the game is out. No more speculating, it’s reviewin’ time!

First Valkyria Chronicles 3 commercial has drama

Lots of drama, zero gameplay. But how can I whine about this? At least SEGA of Japan actually advertises their in-house games (not made by Sonic Team) with TV ads. SEGA West, follow their leads.

The commercial features the May’n song that will be the main song for the game. SEGA also released a new video, introducing us to a new character from the game. He is called Kurt. Well, not really new, I he was outlined in the Famitsu reveal.

[Source: AndriaSang]

Sonic Colors running in HD looks brilliant

What would Sonic Colors look like running in HD on the 360 and PS3? Well, we may never find out what it would look like, but the Dolphin emulator will give us a clue. The emulator lets you run Wii games in higher resolutions than the Wii itself can, this time at 1080p.

Just look at these photos, I know one thing. Sonic Colors is the best looking Wii game yet. Now give us a port for PS3 and 360. Hit the jump for the rest of the screens.

[Source: NeoGAF]

SEGA helps raise awareness of declining hedgehog population

Did you know there is a decline of hedgehogs? 300,000 less hedgehogs in Britain than there where 10 years ago. 50,000 of them are killed on roads every year. Now there is a charity, lead by David Wembridge to raise awareness about this issue. They are even teaming up with SEGA.

“The level of our concern about hedgehog numbers is growing because of the mounting evidence of decline in their population. All the indications are that something is going wrong and that in a few decades time, the hedgehog might be under threat as a species.” David Wembridge

SEGA set up a ‘hedgehog road crossing’ in Twickenham, which just happens to match up with the release of Sonic Colors. Can you mark ‘advertising’ as ‘charity’ off of tax forms? Wait, do Europeans pay taxes?

[Source: Dailymail]

Shogun 2: Total War coming out this March

If you are one of those guys that owns a variety of Samurai swords, then you have probably been waiting for a sequel for Shogun: Total War since the original came out in June 2000. Well, now you only have to wait till March 15th, 2011. That is the global release date for the latest installment.

SEGA is using really awesome hype words like “enhanced full 3D battles” to describe the game. This is stuff that you can copyright and slap it on the cover of a game or you can just slap “bonerific gameplay” . Either way, pretty awesome.

[Source: SEGAblog]