Remember those rumors regarding a Sonic Colors sucessor incoming for the Wii U? Well, Takashi Iizuka has finally spoken out on thematter in a SPOnG Sonic 4 Episode 2 interview:
SPOnG: Can you say whether the rumour of a game called Sonic Dimensions on the Wii U is true or false? Takashi Iizuka: Sonic Dimensions? [Laughs] I think it’s a complete hoax. [Laughs]
In that same interview, Iizuka commented on Sonic’s future. We have a sample of his comments posted below. For the full comment, as well as the entire interview, please head over to SPOnG.
Ad:SPOnG: Sonic Colours, Sonic Generations and Sonic 4: Episode 1 have all been critically acclaimed and generally very well-received by fans. How do you feel about the Sonic franchise going forward, now that you’ve put it back on track? Takashi Iizuka: Well, thank you very much for your comment on the series! As to your question… there was a period where we had this photo-realistic Sonic, going to loads of different places and offering fans completely different gameplay experiences. I feel that there should be a consistent core experience that defines Sonic, that runs through every major game. During this period, that was missing – there were too many branches of play styles and mechanics, and as a result people didn’t know what was going on with Sonic or what he was really about. I think that caused a lot of confusion with the fans.
You left out the best part where he talks about how the Sonic series image has been restored and he can start including alternate gameplay again
Are you serious?!