Play Fatal Smarties, a new scrolling shooter for the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive

At this year’s Global Game Jam a group of indie developers had a special treat for SEGA retro fans, a new scrolling shooter called ‘Fatal Smarties‘ made its debut for the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive.

The game was developed by four students that represent the University of Southampton. The students tried to think out of the box for this co-op game, having an interesting mechanic where one player shoots and the other navigates the on screen characters.

The game was developed on a deadline during the Global Game Jam and seems very promising. Want to try it out on an emulator or flash cart? Get the rom here.

[Via: RetroCollect]


One response to “Play Fatal Smarties, a new scrolling shooter for the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive

  1. Ellie says:

    Nice! the first 25 minute of the music remanded my off the Wonder boy music. . the shooter one. When you first an counter the boss.

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