Racing Apex channels AM2’s low polygon Virtua Racing art style

Back in the early to mid 90s SEGA and AM2 dominated the arcade racing market with their low polygon racing games including Virtua Racing, Daytona USA, SEGA Rally, and many more. Sadly SEGA has sorta abandoned the racing market in recent years, doesn’t mean that indie developers have forgotten especially the Racing Apex developers.

This isn’t the first ‘SEGA arcade racing’ inspired game we have seen in recent years, do you guys recall Drift Stage and Slipstream? According to the developers Racing Apex will take art styles from late 80s to early 90s arcade titles and add modern gameplay elements like multiplayer. Racing Apex will feature 8 playable racers, over 30 playable vehicles and over 16 tracks to race on. Racing Apex will feature items sort of like a kart racing game that includes stuff like Duel Gatling Guns and Smoke. The game will also have a ton of game modes including Arcade, Cat and Mouse, Bomb Tag, and much more. Check their site for more information.


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6 responses to “Racing Apex channels AM2’s low polygon Virtua Racing art style

  1. Monty says:

    This game makes me think of Full Auto.

  2. Monado says:

    Interstate 76

  3. Sestren RK'd says:

    Wow. They nailed the announcer all right. I was almost waiting to see “Insert Coin(s)” appear on the screen at the end.

  4. CrispX says:

    Congrats to the workers of this game. Amazing!

  5. am2model3 says:

    This game looks fantastic!! 90s arcade racer is also most excellent, should be out soon!

    “Back in the early to mid 90s SEGA and AM2 dominated the arcade racing market with their low polygon racing games including Virtua Racing, Daytona USA, SEGA Rally, and many more”

    When we say “low” polygon, that is actually from today’s point of view. At the time, all of these arcade race games were “state of the art” when they released. The Sega Model1,2,3 arcade boards were monster powerhouse 3D cards and nothing but Namco’s boards could come close.

    This game in particular is more homage to VirtuaRacing (aka model 1 style) because the polygons are colored, low count, and essentially no texture-mapping. Texture maps were added on the Model2 games and gave them increased polygons as well as overall more detail which we saw in Daytona and Rally. It makes more sense to just say “virtua racing.”

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