Skydance to produce a live-action adaptation of SEGA’s Eternal Champions

According to The Hollywood Reporter, American media production company Skydance is set to produce a live-action adaptation of the SEGA Genesis classic fighting game Eternal Champions. Derel Connolly, known for his work on the Jurassic World movies, has been assigned to write the script. David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, and Don Granger will produce the project for Skydance, while Toru Nakahara, who oversaw the adaptation of SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, will produce on behalf of SEGA. Rob Ree, credited with bringing Skydance and SEGA together on this project, will serve as executive producer. Aimee Rivera will oversee the project for Skydance.

Eternal Champions is a 2D fighting game developed for the Sega Genesis (known as the Mega Drive in the UK) by Sega Interactive in 1993. Created by Sega of America to capitalize on the massive success of Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat, the game’s plot centers around the Eternal Champion gathering key individuals from different time periods before their deaths. These individuals compete in a fighting tournament, with the victor gaining the chance to regain their life and alter their fate, while restoring balance to the universe. The losers, however, are doomed to die as history records.

With recent trademarks and announced SEGA live-action adaptations, SEGA seems to be making a strong push to revive awareness of its classic brands. What are your thoughts on a live-action adaptation of Eternal Champions? We will keep you updated with more news on this project as it develops!


SEGA Filed Four Trademarks Of Classic Titles – Including Altered Beast, Kid Chameleon, and Eternal Champions

UPDATE: To follow up with this article, SEGA has filed eight more trademarks of their classic IPs which includes Alex Kidd, After Burner, Crazy Taxi, House of the Dead, Outrun, Shinobi, Streets of Rage, and Super Monkey Ball. We’ll keep you all updated when more news arrive!

Following up with the recent announcement during the Game Awards, SEGA has filed four trademarks of their classic IPs which includes Jet Set Radio (which was recently announced at the Game Awards), and three more titles such as Altered Beast, Kid Chameleon, and Eternal Champions.

With these trademarks being filed publicly, we might see more games in development from SEGA down the line or it could be something completely different from what we could expect. Until then, we will keep you all posted if there are any official announcements regarding these titles. Let us know what you all think of this news in the comments below!

SEGA Talk Podcast #95: Eternal Champions (1993)

Welcome to the world of Eternal Champions, we’ll be your guides as we look at the creation of SEGA’s answer to Mortal Kombat, talk about the characters in the game, talk about the 7-Eleven Slurpee promotions, spin-offs, and even cancelled games!

Support us on Patreon! Get early access, tell us what games to cover, and have your SEGA memories read at the end and more!

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Final 12 Mega Drive/Genesis Mini Lineup Revealed Including Darius MD and Tetris, Accessories

It’s the last 10– no wait… 12! Yes, the last 12 games set for the SEGA Genesis Mini and the SEGA Mega Drive Mini in all territories. SEGA has recently showcased on their most recent livestream the remaining games in the collection along with some other tidbits on accessories you can purchase for your miniature system including a carrying case as well as the ability to “dress up” your system in the tower of power with an attachable (non-functioning) SEGA CD and 32X units along with miniature cartridges of Sonic 1 and Sonic & Knuckles (Actual games not included) to your system. The last two games, Darius MD and Tetris appear as special bonus games. Darius’s inclusion is notable in that this conversion was never before produced and the mini system features official support from the Tetris Company to include the ultra rare Mega Drive conversion of SEGA’s Arcade Tetris.

[Source: SEGA of America Twitter, SEGA Mega Drive Mini Livestream]

Click below to reveal the last remaining titles in the line up as well as pictures of the accessories shown during the livestream.

Eternal Champions spiritual successor gets named, first test renders shown

adam-starcaster-highresscreenshot00203Remember SEGA’s 1993 fighting game Eternal Champions? The title was highly marketed by SEGA America as an ultra violent fighting game that was highly influenced by Mortal Kombat. It seems that Eternal Champions’ original producer Michael Latham has been working on a new fighting game which is set to be the spiritual successor to Eternal Champions and its being called “Eternal Successors“. Have to say, its a pretty damn good name.

Michael Latham said he was trying to get the official rights from SEGA, which they haven’t done anything with since the 1994 release of Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side on SEGA CD (1996 if you count loose spin-off title X-Perts). Michael also shared some test renders of what the game would look like running on Unreal Engine 4. If you want to give Michael Latham some feedback on Eternal Successors, check out his shoryuken forum thread here. He says that they are trying to do justice to the original SEGA Genesis color pallet with the renders and they have done a good job, I think. Not sold on the paint like filter, but the color scheme is pretty great.

More information for those that never got to play Eternal Champions,  the character with the yellow helmet is Trident from the first game, the other character is hard to tell since they have been ‘overtkill’ which is basically a fatality in Eternal Champions. Seeing as it looks like a female wearing high heels, I will have to guess its Shadow Yamoto. The stage that is being rendered is also known as ‘Trident’s Stage’, you can check the original stage here and compare it with the renders.

The Weekly Five: SEGA CD Games that Deserve the Christian Whitehead Treatment

Given the success of the Sonic CD rerelease, both critically and in sales, I think it’s about time SEGA gave Retro Engine creator Christian Whitehead his own studio tasked with rereleasing more classic SEGA games from the Genesis/Mega Drive era. While the Retro Engine can cover more than just SEGA CD titles, I think the SEGA CD library is long overdue for some ports. While the SEGA CD console gets a fair share of shit from the gaming community, there is no denying that the add-on had a number of awesome games. In this week’s Weekly Five we’ll highlight five great SEGA CD games that deserve a rerelease utilizing the Retro Engine. I’ve tried to keep the list tied to games that SEGA could conceivably rerelease, so there is no Snatcher due to that title being owned by Konami.