SEGA News Bits: SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive Mini Announces 10 New Titles Including Mega Man: The Wily Wars

SEGA has announced ten new titles for the upcoming SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive, which means we now know 30 of the 40 total titles that will come in the upcoming plug and play console. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we look at the past titles, the ten new titles and a look at some regional exclusives!

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SEGA Talk #15: Golden Axe (1989)

The SEGA Talk podcast has its mighty return talking about the game with swords, dragons and a Golden Axe! On this episode of SEGA Talk we delve deep into not only an arcade smash hit, but also a early SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive classic. This is Golden Axe!  On this episode George and Barry discuss the game’s history, our  exposure to the game and for the we are offering a special YouTube enhanced version of the podcast. We are still working out the  kinks and feedback would be appreciated. If you like the show, make sure  to leave us a positive five star review on iTunes, it always helps!
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What franchise can SEGA resurrect that would excite you?

Its hard being SEGA, the company has a long history of delivering cult classic games and continuously moving on. This has lead to the company always being ‘ahead of its time’ due to them giving their developers freedom and always moving forward, but it also makes older fans miss key franchisees. For example there is a huge fanbase for franchises like Jet Set Radio, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Shining Force (original, not whatever we have now), Shinobi, OutRun, Phantasy Star, Virtua Fighter, and honestly the list can go on forever.

But the question here is, what franchise would you love to see SEGA resurrect?

We all have different tastes, so it should be interesting to read what you guys want. Personally, I have a hard time picking one franchise. Its like trying to pick which one of your kids you like best. Can I want them all? I guess if you forced me into a corner it would be cool to have a legit follow-up to OutRun 2. But what about you?

SEGA Slots mobile released worldwide featuring classic SEGA IPs


SEGA has now launched their mobile app SEGA Slots world wide. This lets you play ‘some of the fastest, most addictive slots machines around!’ according to their product description. These addictive slots machines just happen to have some of our favorite SEGA IPs attached to them. While its cool to see our favorite characters being represented, its a tad sad that they are stuck in a casino style mobile gambling game.

Product Pages: Play Store iTunes 

Regardless SEGA Slots, as of launch, has the following Classic SEGA IPs represented: 

SEGA News Bits: SEGA Opens Official Online Shop in America

SEGA has officially launched their SEGA Shop store in the Americas, allowing the company to extract even more of your hard earned cash in exchange for more SEGA goodness. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we discuss our thoughts on the SEGA Shop, we talk about some of our favorite items and discuss IPs we would like to see represented on the online store in the near future. Give the episode a listen and let us know what you think of the newly launched SEGA Shop in the comments below!

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments and want to support us: Give us a sub and give this video a like so it shows up on more like minded fans YouTube recommendations. You know, how that YouTube algorithm is.

SEGA Shop is open for business!

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The SEGA Shop is open for business at! As we reported last week, the SEGA Shop is a new online retail destination for the Americas (and in the future additional territories) serving the various SEGA brands. At launch, the shop features Sonic, Shinobi, Golden Axe and SEGA Genesis brands with plans to expand. Currently, the shop primarily has wearables like shirts and hoodies, but there are plans to add exclusive items like pins and other items.

Currently, the store has a cool exclusive Sonic Forces shirt, SEGA Genesis blankets, and an Eggman and Metal Sonic mug.

Check the SEGA Shop out for yourself, and in the comments below tell us what you think of their selection!

Golden Axe joins the SEGA Forever mobile lineup

The SEGA Forever lineup expanded today with the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive version of Golden Axe, available free-to-play now on iOS and Android devices. Like Ristar, this release features improved emulation, new screen modes, customizable controls and controller support. As an iPhone 7 owner, the game plays much better than the first wave of SEGA Forever titles. No doubt helped by the improvements to the emulator. It’s a shame this isn’t the superior arcade version, as I would love to eventually see the excellent Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder.

PlayStation Now adds 13 SEGA Games to streaming line-up

Sony has announced that they are celebrating ‘SEGA & Sonic Month’ over on PlayStation Now by adding 13 SEGA titles to its streaming line-up. If you don’t know what PlayStation Now is, its basically a pay-per-month service that allows you to stream titles on a number of devices including PC, PlayStation TV, PlayStation 4 and other smart appliances. Since the service uses ‘the cloud’, you’ll be able to play on one device and pick up where you left off on another. PlayStation Now is a great concept but I only recommend it if you have really fast and stable internet.

These are the 13 SEGA titles that are now available to stream on PlayStation Now this month:

  • Alex Kidd in the Miracle World
  • Altered Beast
  • Comix Zone
  • Fighting Vipers
  • Golden Axe
  • Revenge of Shinobi
  • Sega Bass Fishing
  • Sonic Adventure
  • Sonic Adventure 2
  • Sonic the Fighters
  • Sonic Unleashed
  • Super Hang-on
  • Virtua Fighter 2

If you think your ISP is fast and stable enough to stream playable games, you can give the service a try with Sony’s seven-day free trial. A bit weird that they added SEGA Genesis titles to the service, I would have assumed they would have tried getting more full fledged games like Vanquish, Binary Domain and other bigger titles. What are your thoughts on PlayStation Now?

SEGA’s Streets of Rage, Altered Beast to be adapted to film/TV with Walking Dead production company

alteredbeaststreetsofragewalkingdeadSeems that the SEGA established Stories International will be teaming up with The Walking Dead and Fear of the Walking Dead production company ‘Circle of Confusion‘ who has also produced TV titles such as The Talking Dead, Powers, Outcast and Dirk Gently. They have also worked on films such as Spare Parts, American Ultra and Mr. Right. Circle of Confusion also houses executive producer David Engel who produced Straight out of Compton. The interesting part here is that the variety article, where the source comes from, specifically lists Altered Beast and Streets of Rage as the titles that The Walking Dead production company  will be working with.

“These are some of the most well loved SEGA games, and we are thrilled to be working with Stories to adapt them into major film and television franchises,” -Lawrence Mattis, Circle of Confusion producer

If you guys didn’t know, Stories International announced awhile back that they will be making movies or TV show based on SEGA video game franchises including Shinobi with Marc Platt, Golden Axe, Virtua Fighter, The House of the Dead, Rise of Nightmares, and Crazy Taxi. While we have been hearing about these adaptations for years now, we still haven’t seen what it will amount to. Do you think this will turn out to be good for SEGA’s brand? Does having The Walking Dead production company give you confidence? Let us know in the comments below.

[Source: Variety]

Data Discs announces seventh SEGA vinyl release: Golden Axe I & II

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Data Discs has announced the seventh in their line of SEGA vinyls, the soundtrack to the iconic arcade games Golden Axe and Golden Axe II. Featuring awesome artwork on the sleeve as well as two lithographic prints, the records themselves will be pressed in a translucent gold or classic black vinyl. A third limited edition will feature a purple swatch effect, seen in the photo above. Fans of SEGA art should enjoy the albums cover, which is said to be rare artwork from the Japanese release of the game sourced from SEGA’s archives.

The records are completed and ready to ship, priced at £19.99, however Data Discs requires two weeks to fulfill all orders. Sales begin on Saturday, August 27th at the Data Discs website.

M2 wants to release Alien Syndrome as a ‘SEGA 3D Classic’

aliensyndrome-wallpaperIn the latest M2 interview with Yosuke Okunari, Kagasei Shimomura and Naoki Horii, which is posted over at the SEGA blog, the team talks about testing the 3D features with games like Alien Syndrome on the Nintendo 3DS.

KS: So rewinding a little bit, before we settled on Power Drift, we had a couple of titles to choose from for this. We talked about Alien Syndrome, Golden Axe, Turbo Out Run, and even Columns.

NH: (looks at the lineup list) These are pretty bold choices.
– I’d like to see Alien Syndrome someday. Stereoscopic 3D would be really effective in that game.

NH: Oh that game is amazing. We did a little test on it to see how it would turn out and it was great. Although, doing every single stage would be quite an effort.

You can read the full interview here. Its a great interview, they talk about the hardships they encountered while trying to bring Power Drift and Puyo Puyo 2 to the 3DS. You know what we say, more SEGA 3D Classics, the better.

[Via: NintendoLife]

Jet Set Radio, Hell Yeah! and Golden Axe are free on Steam

MakeLoveNotWarBundle1SEGA is giving away free PC games as part of their Make War Not Love event this year, which has been running for three consecutive years. SEGA promised PC gamers that the more they play, they more they win and they weren’t kidding. The following SEGA games are free to download (and own) on Steam:

  • Jet Set Radio
  • Hell Year! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
  • Hell Yeah! Virtual Rabbit Missions (DLC)
  • Hell Yeah! Pimp My Rabbit Pack (DLC)
  • Golden Axe (SEGA Classic)

Download the bundle here. Outside of this, SEGA has also discounted Dawn of War, Company of Heroes and Total War games up to 75% off. According to the site tomorrow we will be unlocking Binary Domain, Alpha Protocol, Condemned: Criminal Origins, and Streets of Rage 2 for free. Even if you don’t have a gaming PC, its worth making a Steam account and adding these to your list. They are free after all.

Rumor: Universal Studios on track to make a movie or TV show based on SEGA’s Golden Axe

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Via superhero movie news site Heroic Hollywood comes a rumor that, if true, shows that SEGA’s plans to turn classic franchises into movies and television shows is progressing. The rumor is that Universal Studios is either interested in or has already made a deal with SEGA to acquire the television or movie rights to Golden Axe. The rumor also states that Universal was interested in other properties as well, but may be playing it safe and is only going with Golden Axe for now.

The idea of a Golden Axe movie isn’t too crazy, given Universal is also at work on the long awaited The Legend of Conan and NBC (owned by Comcast which also owns Universal) is at the moment working on a Xena reboot. Given The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings have completed, and the Harry Potter franchise is in hibernation until 2016, there is a void for sword and sorcery films that studios are likely looking to fill with established franchises.

Universal could be hedging their bets on the genre and are looking to Golden Axe, Conan and Xena to make them big money. Also consider that Universal Studios has Harry Potter attractions at their theme parks. While Disney has cornered the market on sci-fi and superheros, could Universal be eyeing fantasy? Hey, the studio hedged their bets on monsters years ago and look where that took them.

Cook & Becker releases official licensed art prints for Phantasy Star, Shinobi, Streets of Rage, and more

If you have ever wanted to put some cute retro SEGA art on your wall and show people that you too are a retro gaming art snob, you can now pick up prints over at Cook & Becker. These prints are officially licensed by SEGA and being sold by the Dutch art dealer for $99 dollars unframed.

Check out the pieces here:

More should be coming out this summer, if you wallet wasn’t empty already. My favorite prints are Phantasy Star, Golden Axe and Shinobi (yes, in that order). Which are your favorites?