SEGA Memories: The Sonic Generations Hype of 2011

Back during the heights of first person shooters and gritty settings & characters, it was also at a time where Sonic looked he was on the up. After Sonic Colors, something interesting happened that hadn’t been as exciting since the unveiling of Unleashed trailers. Odd that I have 11/1/11 etched into my brain but to me this was a countdown: that at the right place, the right time, and the right feeling, turned into what became a good, if not great, if not awesome, if not outstanding, if not amazing game that would be. I would like to take you into back to 2011 and what it was like to be a fan during that time, the expectations, and the outcome of what is still considered my favorite video game of all time: Sonic Generations for the 360/PS3/PC (unless Sonic x Shadow Gens becomes better lol).

SEGA Talk #102: Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing (2010)

Buckle up because on this SEGA Talk, we put the pedal to the metal and hit the road to talk about Sumo Digital’s Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing! What are the origins of this racing franchise? What characters didn’t make the cut? What is a Bentley Jones? Click play and find out!

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SEGA Talk #86: Alpha Protocol (2010)

SEGA Talk is back, for the last show of the year! This time we cover the SEGA x Obsidian espionage RPG Alpha Protocol! Clock your weapons, turn up the volume and let’s dive deep into this spy thrilling episode!

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If you want to give us feedback, suggest a topic for the next podcast or want to ask a question for us to answer on the next episode you can add  them as a comment below or send theme directly to our email. Make sure you use subject line ‘SEGA Talk’ and as always, thanks for listening!

SEGA PlayStation 3 PSN Titles To Buy Before Sony Shuts Down the Store

Come August 27th, 2021, the PlayStation Network Store for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita will be closed forever. That means all those great, PSN exclusives titles (and other easier to get digital titles) will be gone for good. At least, the ability to buy them legally. I thought it would be cool to look at some of SEGA’s PSN titles that are worth buying, some being exclusive, others not so much.

Sadly some of SEGA’s digital backlog has already disappeared, namely OutRun 2006: Coast to Coast (PSP) and After Burner Climax (PS3) due to licensing issues. But SEGA still has a few cult classics that are must buys, lets look at those titles:

Yakuza directors look back on Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4 and Yakuza 5 in new Interview

SEGA America got three different Yakuza directors from three different Yakuza games that are included in the Yakuza Remastered Collection. They got Daisuke Sato (Yakuza 3 director), Jun Orihara (Yakuza 4 director) and Kazuki Hosokawa (Yakuza 5 director) to sit down and look back on the series’ PlayStation 3 outings.

I really love these director, behind the scene looks into the games and its something that RGG Studios does a lot in Japan leading up to game releases. Glad we are getting the same treatment for this collection in the West. They did hint in the end that they will be doing a separate video on the stories for these games.

Let’s Remember Sonic Unleashed 11 Years After Release – Twitter Edition

SEGA’s Sonic Unleashed was a very important game in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, it was the birth of a brand new ‘boost Sonic’ formula that would extend to Sonic Colors, Generations and even the latest Forces video game. At the same time it was also the start of focusing on Sonic and abandoning the friends that became mainstay since the release of Sonic Adventure.

To celebrate, I asked on Twitter what our audience thought about Sonic Unleashed, all these 11 years later. First we had a 3 hour long poll that got 459 votes and hot takes from fans:

Yakuza Kenzan could get a Kiwami remake teases producer

Let’s start this article with a big old Tim Taylor grunt because we got Yakuza Kenzan back in the news. If you never heard of this Yakuza series spin-off, its a samurai themed Yakuza game that features characters from historical Japan’s Edo period and follows legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi (played by Kiryu of course).

In an event in Taipei, Yakuza producer Daisuke Sato was there to celebrate the release of Yakuza 5 PS4 port over in China, which now means the whole Yakuza main series has been released in the region (when are we getting those Yakuza PS4 ports?). At this event people got to ask questions about the future of the franchise.

The following questions were brought up about a possible future Kiwami style remakes. Via Siliconera:

Alpha Protocol removed from Steam by SEGA, rights to IP going to Obsidian?

[Edit: It seems that SEGA has updated and said that the reason Alpha Protocol was pulled from Steam was because in-game music license had expired.]

After a decade of SEGA doing nothing with the Alpha Protocol IP, it finally did something. They removed it from digital sales on Steam. Not the type of move I was hoping for and according to SEGA it was due to the ‘rights expiring’.

We don’t know much about what the IP rights for Alpha Protocol where, maybe SEGA had a contract that if they didn’t use the IP after a certain amount of years it reverts back to the developer? Did Microsoft (who now owns Obsidian Software) make a deal with SEGA for the IP? According to PC Gamer, they say that SEGA’s statement about the license expiring aren’t accurate and that SEGA still owns the IP. I thought the original Alpha Protocol was a buggy game, but it had potential to be a big franchise if they followed up the sequels with a more solid made product. Outside of rumors that Microsoft/Obsidian might have made a deal with SEGA for the IP rights, there is also a pattern that when ‘remakes’ of games come out, the publisher pulls the old version of the games from sale (Dark Souls Remake, Darksiders Warmastered).

I also don’t know how I feel about SEGA being so liberal with other publishers making games for their in-house IPs they own including Bayonetta 3, Streets of Rage 4, Panzer Dragoon remakes, Shenmue III, and so on. As much as I like seeing these franchises continue, its bittersweet that it isn’t under SEGA’s publishing arm/funding.

Yakuza 4 trailer for PS4 releases showing off Masayoshi Tanimura’s changed model in action

We posted the other day that Yakuza 4 would release January 17, 2019 in Japan and that the character Masayoshi Tanimura, one of the four playable characters in Yakuza 4 would have a model and voice changed due to the original actor Hiroki Narimiya retiring from acting (which not might all be his choice). This new trailer shows the new voice and model in action, now being played by Toshiki Masuda.

Not only that, SEGA has also released a ton of screenshots including the box art for the game.

Yakuza 4 launches on PS4 January 17, 2019 in Japan, Masayoshi Tanimura being recast

Famitsu has confirmed that the PlayStation 4 port of Yakuza 4 will be launching in Japan on January 17, 2019. Yakuza 5 is set to come out during 2019 as well.

The magazine also ran a story talking about how Masyoshi Tanimura, a main character in the game, will be recast. According to the magazine, SEGA needed to revise and re-record some lines for the character and since the orginal voice actor Hiroki Narimiya has retired from voice acting SEGA decided to recast the role as Toshiki Masuda. This means that SEGA will be changing the model and voice. Quite a bit of work, I guess Japanese men take their retirements very seriously.

[Via: Siliconera]

SEGA News Bits: SEGA Survey Asks About Yakuza Kenzan & Ishin Localizations?

With the recent release of Yakuza Kiwami 2, came a brand new survey asking fans what they wanted to see for the future of the franchise. We go over the important questions of the survey on this episode of the SEGA News Bits. What are your thoughts on the possibility of Yakuza Kenzan and Yakuza Ishin making it over to the West? Any other spinoffs that deserve attention?

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SEGA survey asks fans if they want remasters of Yakuza Ishin and Yakuza Kenzan

If you guys missed the official SEGA Survey for Yakuza: Kiwami 2, you should probably give it a spin because it suggests that the company is considering Yakuza remasters of its Samurai spin-off games Yakuza Ishin and Yakuza Kenzan.

As you know SEGA already announced that they are porting or ‘remastering’ Yakuza 3 through 5 on the PlayStation 4. We already know that Yakuza 3 just released and it topped the sales charts in Japan. The latest spin-off on here, Yakuza: Ishin! came out in 2014 while Yakuza Kenzan came out way back in 2008.

Here are the questions from the survey:

Yakuza 3 PlayStation 4 re-release tops charts in Japan

While a lot of gamers are waiting for Yakuza 3, 4 and 5 to hit PlayStation 4 in the West, the first of these ports has already come out in Japan. I would say its a hit in terms that it topped the Media Create chart this week. Yakuza 3 came out in Japan on August 9th, the charts are accounting for only three days of sales which came into a grand total of 26,047 units. Okami HD came out on the PlayStation 4 the same day as Yakuza 3, that one charted number 11 selling only 14,089 units. A good start for this port.

The real reason these then PlayStation 3 exclusive Yakuza games are heading to PlayStation 4 is mostly due to demand in the west considering a lot of new Yakuza fans never got the chance to try out these titles when they came out. We shall see how they do here in the west, for the full media create sales hit the jump:

[Source: Gematsu]

Going to Evo? Enter the Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown side tournament!

If you are going to attend EVO 2018 and where looking for some Virtua Fighter action, you’re in luck. Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown will have a side tournament at EVO 2018 and you can sign up here if you want to enter. Registration to sign up closes in a week, so don’t wait.

Console: Xbox 360
Where: Evo 2018, Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas USA.
When: Friday August 3, 10AM
Entry Fee: $5 (Plus Evo 2018 Event Registration ($60).)

Here are the rules: