Indie SEGA Dreamcast game Sturmwind releases today!

Indie developer Duranik’s Sturmwind, published by redspotgames, releases today worldwide for the SEGA Dreamcast! We’ll spare you from retelling the long history the game had in development, because today should be a day of celebration. The glorious undead console has a new game! Couple Sturmwind with Dux 1.5, and April is quite an exciting month for indie Dreamcast game fans. Sturmwind can be had as either a standard edition or a limited edition. You can also find the game for sale at Play-Asia – in either the standard edition or limited edition. Have you ordered the game? Have you played it? Share your thoughts below.

Indie Dreamcast games roundup – Sturmwind, Redux, NEO XYX & Pier Solar

As the year draws to a close, as a Dreamcast fan I always like to look back on the indie Dreamcast titles that were released and announced in 2012. While the start of the 2012 looked great for indie Dreamcast fans, it ended up being a less than stellar year. Sturmwind, published by redspotgames and developed by Duranik, was meant to have a release in the second quarter of 2011. But manufacturing delays lead to a November 11th, 2011 release date. However, according to redspotgames ,the release date had been postposed yet again “due to difficulties with the CD factory”. As such, the release date changed to some time in 2012. Now, just a few weeks before 2013, the game has yet to be released and the latest update from redspotgames is that they “decided to work on the game even more. So the weapon system and the HUD has been improved.” A better game is always great, but in my opinion a year and a half delay is uncalled for. Those who put money down for a pre-order are sure to be angry at redspotgames by this point. Which is a shame, given their past high quality efforts including the awesome Wind & Water Puzzle Battles and Rush Rush Rally Racing.

Sturmwind Delayed

Those hoping to have the new Dreamcast game in time for Christmas will be disappointed, I’m afraid, as Sturmwind has ran into some production problems. Unlike the previous delay this has nothing to do with the game itself. Sturmwind has gone gold and is ready to go into production. Unfortunately, the CD pressing company that was slated to print copies of the game has gone bankrupt. Sturmwind’s publisher, RedSpotGames, has already found a replacement manufacturer, but for the time being the game’s release date is now “TBA”. We’ll be sure to update you as soon as a new release date is established. An announcement is expected later in the month.

Until then, if you wish to purchase the game, you can pre-order the regular edition, special edition, or the Wind and Water combo pack here.

Full press release is below the fold.

Sturmwind Delayed

Redspotgames has been busy the past year with their usual promotions and sponsorships at Forumla events (yes, they promoted Rush Rush Rally Racing by sponsoring a BMW driver!) But wasn’t their next big release due this month? Whatever happend to Sturmwind? Well, it has been delayed. Why you ask?

After an internal evaluation as well as constructive feedback from fans, redspotgames and Duranik have decided to put even more efforts into ‚Sturmwind‘. Unfortunately this means that both parties have to announce a delay of the release of the game. The new street day will be 11-11-11.

The option to cancel the preorder has also been made avaialble (although no money will be deducted until unless the product ships, so why would one want to cancel it?)

For more information regarding the delay read the press release at

Redspotgames surveying to cancel PSN port of R4

A Message from Senile Team:

On account of the recent PlayStation Network (PSN) account leaks, publisher redspotgames has started a survey to poll consumer confidence in Sony’s online platform. Is your trust irreparably dented, or will you be happy to hand over all your personal information to Sony as soon as PSN is up again? Speak up and your vote could help decide whether Rush Rush Rally Racing will go portable. And you can even win some goodies!

Tick the boxes here

So what does this news have to do with the Dreamcast-Scene? Well the Sceners who no longer wish to use Sony’s PSN service can inform redspotgames, and if the right amount of people have lost interest in R4 for Playstation, Senile Team would stop developing it, which would free up resources for Age of the Beast and you know what that means right?

Strumwind Gameplay Footage Appears in Destructoid Live Stream

A demo of the upcoming indie Dreamcast shmup Strumwind, published by redspotgames, appeared in a live stream held by gaming website Destructoid. The Strumwind footage appears at 1 hour and 44 minutes into the stream. Seems the Destructoid folks were bitten by the Dreamcast bug and decided to play a number of titles, concluding with Strumwind. At the startup screen, it is revealed that the game will support VGA, arcade stick, VMU and the jump pack. Most of those were obvious, but it’s nice to hear it confirmed. Ignore the dumb commentary that follows and enjoy the gameplay, graphics and music.

Personally, I’m loving the use of “GET READY”.

Watch the stream here, click ahead to 1 hour 44 minutes for Strumwind

[Thanks to Gagaman of The Dreamcast Junkyard for the tip]

NG:Dev.Team partners with redspotgames again

NG:Dev.Team were introduced to the Dreamcast-Scene by redspotgames when the company published the Neo-Geo port of Last Hope. Last year, while Rene Hellwig was doing a promotional interview for his side project DUX (Made by his solo company Hucast.Net in collabration with KonTechs) he revealed that NGDT weren’t satisfied with the way publishing was handled by RSG therefore DUX would be published by Hucast.Net only.

Right after Hucast.Net released DUX, NGDT released Pink Bullets (Director’s Cut version of Last Hope) the following week RSG announced that they would be serving as “Logistic Partners” and take over responsibilities of distribution and promotion for the 2 games. This resulted in the cheapest indie bundles of all things Dreamcast and since Fast-Striker came out, fans have been waiting for the 2 companies to team up again. It took a lot longer than expected and RSG won’t be serving as “Logistic Partners,” but they have stocked Fast-Striker and are offering economical bundles for Dreamcast enthusiast who want more for less.

Hit the jump for the bundles

“Wind & Water Puzzle Battle” PC Port – Free Download

Barry the Nomad’s favourite indie DC game Wind & Water:Puzzle Battle was recently ported to PC and is downloadable for free.

Yuan Work’s are currently optioning an online mode, which could be added depending on the feedback they receive from the community. Head over to to download your copy now or buy the Dreamcast version at redspotgames store for only 13$. 

Read the Press Release at Yuan Work’s Development Blog.

CHRiSTMAS INTO DREAMS: Journey of Dreamcast Deals

Funny Picture by GagaMan of The Dreamcast Junkyard
Note: GagaMan is a registered trade mark of DCJY and is in no way related or affiliated with Lady Gaga

The Dreamcast Scene is going to be very active this fall German Publisher redspotgames won’t have a new Dreamcast game out his year, but they are not letting that get in the way of the celebrations, in order to keep the scene active they have  permanently dropped prices of Wind & Water: Puzzle Battle (13.25) and Rush Rush Rally Racing (29.25).

American Publisher and Pioneer of indie games for Dreamcast GOAT Store have the best offer though, as they will give a free copy of Feet of Fury (the first indie game ever made) to anyone who buys anything from them no price limit (well the cheapest item on the store is 24 cents, just under a quarter), which is perfect cause they run the largest online Dreamcast Store, from batteries for your VMU to Japanese imports they have everything at economical prices.

Lastly Dreamcast fans don’t foget NG:Dev.Team have just released Dreamcast’s only new game Fast-Striker :).

GSP’s heart felt press release after the jump:

redspotgames winter sale: Up To 70% off on Dreamcast games

Alright, Rush Rush Rally Racing is probably the hottest selling Dreamcast game, it is currently on it’s 3rd print run. The Standard Edition sold out with in 2 months and soon after the Deluxe Edition sold out as well. Earlier this year redspotgames did another print run this time with a deluxe box art to go with the deluxe edition.

Those who haven’t bought it yet, this may very well be your last chance. R4DX – Alternate Cover gets a 30% discount making the retail price just below 30$.

Hit the Jump to see the biggest discount ever!

redspotgames reveal new Dreamcast game on TV

PreOrders Started:

This has been a tough year for Dreamcast owners, as we haven’t had a single game released this year and things got increasingly grim when redspotgames revealed this summer that their next game Solar Struggle was for Xbox Live Indie Games, and then at GamesCom they revealed they had started development for Nintendo Wii with the upcoming port of Rush Rush Rally Racing for WiiWare. It started to look like our Dreamcast wouldn’t be able to escape the grim reaper this year, however like Aika’s boomerang redspotgames returned  and revealed STURMWIND for Dreamcast on German television show “neues” (The rsg part starts at -5:10, Sturmwind footage can be seen at 07.45)

(Note: The above paragraph is over dramatic as NG:Dev.Team are currently porting Fast Striker and it is scheduled for release this fall, read our interview with NG:Dev.Team for more information)

Hit the Jump to See the Dreamcast Relevant Clips of the Show (with translation), Game Features List, and Screen Shots

Dreamcast still thinking at Gamescom 2010

Its already 2010 and the Dreamcast just won’t quit, thanks to the guys over at redspotgames. This is their booth at Gamescom, they have a Dreamcast set up with some of their published games on it to play, sitting next to it is a 360 and Wii.

Redspotgames is working on bringing titles to other platforms, but does not mean they will stop supporting the Dreamcast. They have plans and sadly it is too early to know what those plans are, can’t wait.

[Source: Redspotgames]

Dreamcast indie dev expanding, showing a game at GamesCom

Redspotgames, a publisher that has pushed out many Dreamcast titles well after SEGA has stopped supporting the console, will 1up SEGA once again and actually be at Gamescom this year. If you didn’t read, SEGA has said they will not attend the event. Redspotgames is said to be showing off Solar Struggle, a Xbox Live Indie game. But that is not all…

They are also set to announce a new game, which a lot of people think will be Nintendo related do to their presence so close to their booth. They already stated it will not be on Xbox Live Indie Game. If your going to the event, the new game will be playable and redspotgame’s booth will be located at Hall 8, booth A-012. They will also be selling Dreamcast games, shirts and the like at their booth.

*I know that this was posted almost a week late, but I was not here to post it, so enjoy and shut up*

[Source: RedSpotGames]