Gamestop gets Rise of Nightmares pre-order items

With the release of Rise of Nightmares fast approaching, most users that are intrested in the title are already planning to pre-order the game. Well, if you want extras to deck out your Xbox 360, you might want to pre-order it at Gamestop.

If you do you will get the following:

  • “Mini Zombie” from the game that will interact with the player’s Avatar on the Xbox 360® dashboard (pictures above)
  • Gamestop-Exclusive Premium theme for their Xbox 360® dashboard, inspired by some of the game’s most terrifying locations
  • Gamestop-Exclusive Gamer Picture pack that includes a total of ten pictures


Rise of Nightmares is coming exclusively to the Kinect for Xbox 360 on September 6th, 2011 (US release date).

Rumor: Rise of Nightmares is “STAMACSTA” in Australia

Rise of Nightmares: It’s a pretty creepy title. It makes sense in the context of the game, the nightmares are rising and it is up to you to keep them down and defeat them.


According to the Australian Classification Board, a game developed by SEGA’s CS3 team containing “strong horror violence, blood and gore” will be released in Australia. This describes Rise of Nightmares to a T, however the title does not match up. In the classification, this game is titled “STAMACSTA”. Either SEGA’s CS3 team are developing two gory games and we have yet to hear of this other one, or much more likely STAMACSTA is Australia’s title for Rise of Nightmares. Fingers crossed that a classification board employee accidentally let his cat walk on the keyboard rather than this being true. It’s quote an awful title. “Stam-acts-ta”?

After the break, check out the classification information.

Rise of Nightmares gets first gameplay trailer

This game is probably the first really awesome looking game that is coming out on the Kinect. It is set to release in September of this year.

Parts of the trailer remind me of Hostel, while the other parts have The House of the Dead art style that all us SEGA fans grew up enjoying. This might not get mainstream critics hyped, but us SEGA fans are keeping an eye out on this one.

Guess who is directing Rise of Nightmares!

[Ueda is on the left.]

Ryuta Ueda! Who is he you ask? Just a man that worked on games like Panzer Dragoon Saga, Jet Set Radio and the first 3 Yakuza games. Pretty much classy stuff.

Not only is he directing the project, he is also writing scenarios, doing the artwork and more (so teases his facebook page).  So if you are a hardcore SEGA fan, this is a title you might want to keep a close eye on.

[Via: The Forums]

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Rise of Nightmares – E3 2011 Teaser

So here’s another teaser trailer for Rise of Nightmares, Segas’ next game for Kinect. As you may have guessed by now, Rise of Nightmares is going to be horror themed.

From the little we know about the game, you must make your way through a castle filled with zombies and other nasty things to find your girlfriend.

You do so in first person, dispatching enemies with brutal melee weapons Condemned style.

Come on Sega, show us some gameplay please!

Sega Announces E3 2011 Line Up

Sega have today announced their E3 2011 line up and it’s pretty packed! With some really exciting games like Binary Domain, Guardian Heroes, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Renegade Ops, Crush3D and Sonic Generations, not to mention Platinum Games’ Anarchy Reigns already announced, is it too much to ask for some surprises too?

I’m still holding out hope for Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown to console, Valkyria Chronicles 3 to West and any kind of news on Phantasy Star Online 2!

But with or without those games it’s quite a good line up for new and old Sega fans, hit the jump for the full list. I’m personally very excited about Aliens and Binary Domain!

SegaBits writers Nuckles87 and Shigs will be presant at E3 2011 and reporting feedback on all of these games and more!

Rise of Nightmares box art is awesome

The design reminds me of the Condemned box art, but even better. It has a really dirty and creepy feel to it. I just hope the full retail release lives up to at least the awesomely designed box art.

The game is rumored to allow you to use your whole body to fight off the undead. Talk about burning calories!

[Via The Forum]

Rise of Nightmares hits UK on June 15th?

At least that is what the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) is saying, who gave it a 18-rated classification (much like ESRB). According to the source this is the first mature rated game on Kinect, so its an untapped market.

The only thing that is scaring me right now is how little we have seen about the game, usually we get some previews and trailers. We have seen a little teaser from when it was announced, no in-game stuff really or how it will play. If its true that its coming out June 15th, I hope its a decent title at least!

[Source: Gamerzines]

Rise of Nightmares details get leaked by ESRB

Oh ESRB, we love you and your constant game leaking. This time they are leaking Rise of Nightmares. What is the story about? You play an American tourist who has to rescue his wife from a crazy scientist. It already sounds House of the Dead like. Oh, did I mention it takes place in a mansion?

The game will play in first-person-view, players can use an assortment of weapons like chainsaws and hatchets to take down ‘zombie-like’ bad guys.

The game features decapitations and severed limbs. What about female nudity? According to the ESRB there is partial nudity (pasties!). Kinect, you wanted a Mature game? SEGA is here to deliver. Hit the jump to see the full ESRB summary.

[Source: Siliconera]

SEGA Europe confirms 2011 titles

SEGA of Europe has confirmed some of their 2011 line up, yet missed to mention some titles that we all know are coming. Namely the PSN/XBLA games,  Sonic 3DS game, Sonic 20th anniversary game, Binary Domain, and a few unannounced projects hinted. Here is what they gave up though.

  • Conduit 2 – Wii February 2011
  • Shogun 2: Total War – PC 15th March 2011
  • Super Monkey Ball 3DS (Working title) – 2011
  • Virtua Tennis 4 – PS3 2011
  • Rise of Nightmares (Kinect) – Xbox 360 2011
  • Yakuza 4 – PS3 Spring 2011
  • Thor – Spring 2011 Xbox 360/Wii/PSP/PS3/DS
  • Captain America: Super Soldier – PS3/Xbox 360/Wii/DS – Summer 2011

Some AAA titles mixed with license titles that we will most likely hit ignore on. Seems like a confirmation of the first half of the year, hopefully fall is better.  Well,  what titles are you guys looking forward to?

[Source: NowGamer]

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TGS round up would make Toshihiro Nagoshi proud

[Nagoshi having a rest or tanning?]

So now that TGS is behind us and we are sprinting into fall, let us look back at all the awesome SEGA announcements and news bits we posted.

News bits:

Trailers & Videos:

Screenshots & Photos:

Don’t worry, there is still news to come. We will be stalking the internet trying to get all the Phantasy Star Online 2 information we can. As you can tell, I’m are most excited for this title. Best TGS in a long time?
