Sonic Generations demo impressions

Happy Birthday, Sonic. I think it is fair to say that many of us can thank the blue hedgehog for who we are today (in a sense). I know that part of the reason I work on this site has something to do with the blue blur’s influence on my early life, and when I look at how many comments we get on Sonic articles compared to most other Sega games it’s evident that there is still a lot of passion for the character 20 years on.

My first Sonic game was Sonic the Hedgehog, the original Sonic game. I got it as a pack in with my Sega Mega Drive and I was hooked right from the start. For me, it took what Mario was doing and made it faster and gave it some attitude; it was like a roller coaster and I’ve stuck with the character through the years. Whilst Sonic went through a really rough patch where even I stopped playing his games, I’m happy to report that I absolutely loved Sonic Colours and as I type this, I’m playing the Sonic Generations timed demo which, despite a few hiccups, I’m enjoying quite a bit.

Sonic Generations demo impressions after the jump:

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Sonic Boom t-shirt and buttons giveaway

Celebrating Sonic’s birthday? We are too, by giving away some Sonic Boom swag for those of you that didn’t make it to the event. Here’s what we have to give away:

  • 3 Sonic Boom shirts
  • 3 Sonic Generations buttons
(Winner gets one of each item. Contest open worldwide. Shirt sizes available: S, M, L, XL. Contest closes on Wednesday.)

How do you enter? We want to hear your Sonic story. Tell us how you were introduced to the blue blur and what made you fall in love with the franchise. You can send your e-mails here. Also, make the email subject “Sonic 20th anniversary contest.”

The SOA staff said they are willing to sign the swag. If you win, whether you want your swag signed will be up to you. Thanks to all the SOA people for supporting this site and contest by giving fans sweet swag. We love it.

GameStop Sonic Generations Pre-Order Bonuses Revealed!

So, you say you’re pumped for Sonic Generations, but think it’s too far off for any real reason to place a pre-order this instant? Think again! United States gaming store GameStop is offering digital content for those who pre-order Sonic Generations! You can see what they’re offering for yourself right here. XBOX 360 owners who pre-order will receive a DLC mini-game pinball stage based on Sonic 2’s Casino Night Zone. Think of it as being like Sonic Adventure’s pinball stage. Also included is a Super Sonic avatar costume, basically confirming Super Sonic in Generations, and an exclusive theme for your 360’s menu. PlayStation 3 owners also receive the Casino Night Zone pinball stage and a theme for their PS3 menu.

Still no word on a birthday pack or special packaging, but we’ll keep you posted. In other news, the full stage and boss list as well as a load of other info on the game has leaked due to fans digging through the recently released demo assets. I’ll abstain from mentioning any of the leaked content, as SEGA has yet to officially reveal it, but it’s out there on the Internet.

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Sonic Generations demo coming & Anniversery bundle on PSN [Updated]

[Update: According to the fine fellows at Destructoid, the demo will allow you to play both as modern and classic Sonic.]

For those eager to try out the demo for the latest Sonic game, you will not have to wait much longer. The EU Playstation blog has confirmed that the Sonic Generations demo will be online from tomorrow, which just so happens to be the birthday of Sonic the Hedgehog, so for those all eager to try out the physics and control in the latest Sonic title, the wait is almost over.

But it does not stop there, for a duration of 20 days only, PSN members can purchase the 20th Anniversery Bundle from the 23rd of June which will include the following; Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 (Along with dynamic theme) and Sonic Adventure DX (With DX add-on) all for £13.99/€17.99, a decent price for a good amount of games.

[Source: EU Playstation Blog]

SEGA teases Sonic 20th Anniversary iphone app

SEGA had an event on the 18th in Japan for Sonic Generations. All the big guys from Sonic Team where there to answer fan questions, the public got to play City Escape level on the PS3 and Green Hill Zone (modern) on the 3DS. Then this little app above was teased.

SEGA is calling the app “Sonic 20th Anniversary” app. Featured in the pictures is ‘Soinic the sketch hog’. The app will give you the latest news on how SEGA is celebrating the blue blur’s 20th anniversary and exclusives like wallpapers.

The app is set to debut on the Japanese Apple Store, for free, on June 23rd. Will we be getting a American app? Who knows.

[Source: AndriaSang]

Sonic Generations discovered on STEAM

A Sonic Generations Beta file has been dug up on STEAM by Neogaf member Drkirby through some internal system file in Windows. I would have to assume since it says BETA that it’s not meant for the public. This is good news for people hoping for a PC release of Sonic Generations though, as that means that SEGA is probably testing it on STEAM.

As I have told other people, if there was any game that would make me build a new PC, it would be PSO2 and Sonic Generations. Now we just need the tech specs so I can start planning my masterpiece.

Click here to view a picture of the file details

[ Source: Neogaf ]

SEGA going to Gamescom this year

SEGA in the last couple of years has not been shy on skipping Gamescom, a European game convention. This year? It seems like they won’t be skipping, since they were listed with publishers attending the event.

What will they be showing? I hope for the press, since most of the ones going from big sites are probably the same guys that went to E3, that they have a new demo level of Sonic Generations. City Escape, please? How about a new level unveil?

[Source: Destructoid]

E3: Sonic Generations Q&A With Takashi Iizuka

(NOTE: Because this is a Q&A with questions taken from staff from both Sonic Stadium and Segabits, this article will be posted on both sites simultaneously.)

On the Tuesday afternoon of E3, Alex (nuckles87) and I got the privilege of seeing the first new footage of City Escape from Sonic Generations played by Takashi Iizuka himself. Seeing little classic Sonic going through the famous SA2 level was a thrill. We saw as the large GUN truck made every attempt possible to run down the roly-poly hedgehog as two new remixes of “Escape from the City” played through both levels. As he played through he told some interesting tidbits, including the fact that outside of Green Hill zone, all stages on the 3DS will be different from the HD versions and will have levels based on the portable versions of Sonic’s games. Also, voice overs will be done for all nationalities. Not just Japanese and English. He quit the last level as the GUN truck with it’s giant sawblades ran over modern Sonic as he ran out of boost. Here, our Q&A commenced.

Sonic Boom: Impressions from the Sonic fan event

In the midst of the E3 craziness going on right now in downtown Los Angeles, SEGA chose to honor Sonic’s 20th anniversary and upcoming Sonic Generations game by throwing a free-to-attend-but-hard-to-get-into party for the fans in Club Nokia, just up the street from the famous Electronic Entertainment Expo. The party was probably both, at the same time, one of the coolest and corniest things SEGA’s ever done, but looking back at Sonic’s legacy, that sort of makes sense. Critics may bash the series’ recent installments (some of it well-deserved, don’t get me wrong) for various reasons, but when you have a group of fans in a packed party wearing Sonic hats and begging for an encore presentation after Crush 40’s (earnest as ever) performance, I think that pretty much speaks for itself.

Sonic Generations E3 trailer shows off City Escape level

Sonic Generations gets a new level revealed for E3, the excellent City Escape from Sonic Adventure 2, which was the best stage in that game. At least according to me and I’m always right.

Yes, this game is turning out to be amazing. We should be having some previews on the game later today or early tomorrow.

Edit: Spagonia is teased at the end of the trailer.

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New HD Sonic Generations box art says it supports 3D

If you go to SEGA’s Sonic Generation product page, you will notice that they put up a new cover. This one looks less like a place holder and more like an official retail one. If you look closer, you will see that it has the 3D enabled badge right on it.

That’s right, you will be able to play as both modern and classic Sonic in 3D. So all 3 versions of the game (announced so far) will support 3D!