Total War to enter the world of historical adventure novels – reading as you truly imagined it!

I am a sucker for video game novels. I recall reading Myst: The Book of Atrus for a book report and thinking I was the coolest kid in school. SEGA Europe, in partnership with Pan Macmillan, will soon be releasing historical adventure novels based on the Total War franchise, so now kids can have a reason to read SEGA related books for school! Just tell them it’s world history. Coinciding with the release of Total War Rome II, SEGA plans to release four novels written by acclaimed adventure novelist David Gibbins. The first of these books, entitled Total War Rome II: Destroy Carthage, is due out September 3rd and can be pre-ordered now.

David Gibbons seems enthusiastic about the new series, stating “what really attracts me about the Total War games is their historical authenticity and attention to detail, as well as the contexts ranging from antiquity to more recent times that closely match my own range of interests.My novels will not only enrich the experience for Total War players but also stan alone in the wider market, where I see huge potential and an even bigger audience for the Total War franchise.” SEGA and Pan Macmillan plan to cross-promote the novels, including in-game marketing. Who knows, what you read could very well seep into the game you’re playing, allowing for a richer experience on both sides.

Total War: Rome 2 Gets a Release Date, Pre-order DLC and a Collector’s Edition

While we’ve already seen a whole bunch of neat stuff from Total War: Rome 2, there have been no details for when people can actually play the game. So today SEGA revealed on their blog that the global release date is September 3rd, 2013 for both digital stores like Steam and retail.

Of course, a game launch wouldn’t be complete without some pre-order DLC, which the above video shows off. This DLC is called the Greek States Culture Pack and will feature three new factions: Epirus, Athens and Sparta. This will be available on Steam on the same day as the full game for those who pre-order it. SEGA also revealed a pricey Collector’s Edition for the game, hit the jump to see what it includes.

“Gods, what have we done?” See the first Total War: ROME II gameplay trailer

SEGA has released an epic trailer for Total War: ROME II showing some pretty amazing in-game footage. Ships! Shouting! Giant statue heads! Elephants!

For the first in-game look at the next title in the award-winning series, The Creative Assembly present a glimpse of the epic warfare and phenomenal detail players can expect when Total War™: ROME II arrives in 2013.

The year is 146BC, brilliant tactician Scipio Aemilianus is dispatched by Rome to break the three-year-long siege of Carthage, an unforgivable blight on the glory of the growing Empire. Ruthless determination and an almost suicidal amphibious assault is required, but the young consul is uncomfortably aware that the price of victory may be much higher than the senate realizes.

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Creative Assembly’s Rome II will be ‘Total War’s Saving Private Ryan’

Creative Assembly has been making some of the best strategy games on PC for years, but they want to do more with Rome II. They want to add Spielberg level of drama. It has been confirmed that Total War: Rome II will be the biggest and most detailed Total War game yet. So anything extra is awesome. Studio says it really took inspiration from the film Saving Private Ryan and wants to make the players care about the characters on screen.

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