Yakuza Online Tokyo Game Show 2018 Trailer shows Haruka kicking ass

SEGA is gearing up on releasing Yakuza Online over in Japan, with them already launching pre-registration for the title. Its not surprise that they would use Tokyo Game Show 2018 to hype up the title. Here we have a new trailer showing a dream team up of all our Yakuza heroes and new comer Ichiban, teaming up to promote Yakuza Online.

What do you think of a Yakuza Online mobile game? Would you like to see this game brought over to the Western market?

SEGA Game Gear’s Sonic Chaos being re-imagined by fans, demo out now

Its incredible how talented and hardworking some of the Sonic the Hedgehog fans out there are. Not only does the franchise seem to get some sort of fan remake, re-imagining and other game type projects announced a few times a year; they are usually pretty well thought out! This time the fan team over at A+Start is aiming at re-imagining the 1993 SEGA Game Gear exclusive Sonic Chaos.

Even better? The team over at A+Start has released a full playable demo for you guys to try. You can download that right here.

Seeing the trailer, its quite obvious that the team is very influence by Sonic Mania and that is not a bad thing! As you know we love Sonic Mania. Are you guys going to give this fan re-imagining of Sonic Chaos a spin?

[Via: DSOGaming]

SEGA releases What is Shenmue? Part 3, which highlights mini-games and combat

SEGA has released the third part of their What is Shenmue? series of videos, this time focusing on the mini-games and combat found in both Shenmue I & II. Seasoned Shenmue fans know just how packed these games are with mini-games, from classic SEGA arcade games like Space Harrier, forklift races, duck races, lucky hit, arm wrestling, darts, pool and much more. Combat, meanwhile, is just as fun with Quick Timer Events and a full fighting engine. Shenmue I & II releases next week on August 21st. Pre-ordering the physical edition gets you a two sided poster and a reversible cover.

Pre-Order Shenmue I & II:
PlayStation 4 | Xbox One | PC

Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise available to pre-order – new combat trailer released

SEGA has released pre-order details for the upcoming Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, set to release in the Americas and Europe on October 2 for the PlayStation 4. physical pre-orders will include two free deathcry decal stickers that you are encouraged to stick to your console, controller or wherever. Digital pre-orders will include the Destiny Talisman Pack, which add useful abilities to the player. Also included is a theme and avatar set. After the break, check out the new trailer released today which focuses on the game’s combat.

Pre-order Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise

Valkyria Chronicles 4 English prologue trailer released and localization interview

SEGA really seems to be taking localization more seriously these last few years. First we got a new prologue trailer in English for Valkyria Chronicles 4 and not only that we also got a interview with SEGA Associate Localization and lead for Valkyria Chronicles 4 Andrew Davis. He went on to reveal details including that English voice over work took 10 weeks, talked about matching characterization, and the fact that Ragnarok the dog has the same voice for both Japan and the West:

No, Ragnarok has the same voice actor for both English and Japanese. Funny story – we did actually record an English track for Ragnarok, but the feedback from our Japanese team was that even with additional post-processing, he sounded too much like a small dog – Ragnarok is more of a medium-sized dog. The English actor’s growls were really well-received, but the barks weren’t quite there, so we stuck with the Japanese actor. It’s unfortunate, it would have been my big break in a voice acting role…

You can check out the full interview over at the PlayStation.Blog, lots of cool tidbits of information. Make sure to pick up Valkyria Chronicles 4 comes out September 25 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC! Here is a sample of the 100-page art book that will come with the Memoirs from Battle premium edition!

SEGA releases Valkyria Chronicles 4 opening movie

Valkyria Chronicles 4 releases September 25, 2018, and to hold us over SEGA has released the opening movie to the game. You know, that bit that plays when you boot up the game? Check out the video above and in the comments let us know your thoughts on the upcoming sequel.

Valkyria Chronicles 4 will release in the Americas and Europe for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, and will see a “Memoirs from Battle” Premium Edition priced at $99.99. This will include the game for your platform of choice, an exclusive vinyl statue of the “Hafen” Tank, “Claude’s Travel Journal” exclusive 100-Page themed artbook and a pair of DLC adventures featuring Squad 7 characters.

Pre-order the Valkyria Chronicles 4 “Memoirs from Battle” Premium Edition
PlayStation 4 | Xbox One | Nintendo Switch

Catherine: Full Body gets western 2019 release window

Atlus has unleashed a brand new, E3 2018 Catherine: Full Body trailer confirming that it will get a 2019 release windows for us in America and Europe. If you didn’t already know, Catherine: Full Body is a ‘re-imagined remake’ of the orginal that came out last generation. This game is set to add a brand new ‘girl’ to the story, giving you three girls to juggle oppose to two in the original.

Is it a nightmare or a dream come true? A new test of Vincent Brooks’ morality is about to take the stage in Catherine: Full Body! This new twist on the original Catherine, a mature romantic action-adventure puzzle game from the makers of the Persona series, will include a new love interest, “Rin,” with distinct storyline elements for the character, and additional puzzle content. Vincent’s love life has never been so complicated and dramatic!
If you are Japanese, you can play Catherine: Full Body on PlayStation 4 and PS Vita this winter! As for the rest of us, we wait.

Sonic Mania Plus trailer arrives – welcome back, Mighty and Ray!

Sonic Mania Plus releases July 17th! Up from the previously reported August 28th!

SEGA has released the trailer for the upcoming physical release of Sonic Mania, dubbed Sonic Mania Plus. The release will contain new content, including playable Mighty and Ray, an Encore Mode and more! If you already own the game digitally, this content will appear via DLC. The physical edition comes with special packaging, a reversible cover, and a 32 Page Art Book.

You can pre-order the game today for Nintendo SwitchPlayStation 4 and Xbox One via Amazon, and in turn support the site.

SEGA releases Yakuza Kiwami 2 extended announcement trailer

SEGA has released another announcement trailer, this one being a bit longer. The first announcement trailer was just over a minute in length, this one is almost two minutes. If you didn’t know, Yakuza Kiwami 2 came out in Japan on December 7, 2017 and we will be getting the game in America and Europe on August 28, 2018. This means that Yakuza Kiwami 2 is the fastest localized version of a Yakuza game ever. Very well done by the translation team!

Like always Yakuza Kiwami 2 comes out this August 28, only on PlayStation 4. You can pre-order the steelbook edition now on Amazon.

Shenmue III Magic Monaco 2018 Trailer leaks online

The new trailer for Shenmue III that was shown behind close doors at the Magic Monaco 2018 event yesterday has leaked online. The trailer is using a lot of the same footage found from last year’s trailer but now shows off what QTEs will look like in this brand new title.

Not only that but this new Shenmue III trailer also shows the return of the Boxing arcade game from Shenmue 1. Regardless of all the new stuff shown the footage looks far from final and a ton of animation, mainly facial, is still missing. Considering its been 3 years, who knows how long this game is ‘still in the works’ for.

Yakuza 6 reveals in-game clan creator for real yakuza action

SEGA has finally released a new trailer showing off Yakuza 6‘s clan creator. The clan creator is a brand new minigame created just for Yakuza 6 where you can find and recruit gang members. The minigame will allow you to train them and have them fight the ‘The Six Lunatics’. Which is funny because we have seen Kazuma Kiryu literally take on armies, but now he needs a clan of people to take down six people?

The trailer also features a in-game code for your clan: BLACKPANTSKOUMEI, which unlocks… I dunno, we will find out when the game launches on PlayStation 4 on March 20, 2018. What do you think of Yakuza 6‘s clan creator?

Yakuza 6: The Song of Life mini-games trailer reminds us that Virtua Fighter 5 is coming soon to PlayStation 4

The Yakuza 6: The Song of Life mini-games trailer has hit, and as expected they are packing a TON of side content into the latest title in the franchise. Everything to batting cage, darts and karaoke to undersea spearfishing, baseball management sims and playable SEGA arcade games including the likes of Hang-On, Space Harrier, Puyo Puyo and Virtua Fighter 5. The latter of which sold as its own game for the PS3 and Xbox 360 over ten years ago, and is now essentially a bonus game.

You can pre-order the Yakuza 6: The Song of Life Essence of Art Edition for the PlayStation 4, and act quickly as SEGA tells us they are just about sold out! The package features the game and a collectible hardcover art book.

Hokuto ga Gotoku unleashes trailer, details Pressure Point Action system

First up we have a new debut trailer for Hokuto ga Gotoku, which was revealed by SEGA via their live stream. This trailer has about six minutes of gameplay. We get to see a few things displayed in this trailer, including the “Pressure Point Action” system, various mini-games and even shows of Kenshiro racing in customized cars. Just like the Manga (wait, was that in the Manga?). Also, we see a SEGA Mark III console!

SEGA releases first Shining Resonance Refrain trailer

If you guys missed the news, SEGA will be porting the PlayStation 3 title Shining Resonance onto the PlayStation 4 as Shining Resonance Refrain. The title will have a slew of new content and aims to give the failed PlayStation 3 game another chance to make an impact. Now SEGA has released the game’s trailer, which you can see above.

The trailer features a brand new theme song that will be exclusive to the enhanced port. Outside of that, there isn’t much new things but we did find out its being typed out as “Shining Resonance Re:frain“, so maybe I should change it on other stories we have done?

Japanese Sonic Forces “Introduction” trailer gives us our most comprehensive look yet at the upcoming game!

If you follow our SEGA News Bits videos, George and I have been quite critical of how little SEGA has been showing of Sonic Forces. The latest trailer to release from SEGA of Japan, however, abates this feeling some as in over three minutes we get a good look at the game. From the three playable characters to the Sonic and avatar combo mode to switching avatar characters on the fly to peeks at new stages and cutscenes, there is a lot to take in! Most notably, we get a good look at Modern Sonic’s Green Hill stage, with open spaces (exploration?) as well as an outer space stage.

What are your thoughts on the trailer? Sound off in the comments below!