Here’s that new Persona 5 trailer Atlus doesn’t want you to see

So in Japan, all new copies of Persona 4: Dancing All Night include an exclusive new trailer for Persona 5. Meaning that the normal way to see this trailer is to import an early copy of the game. But of course that’s not going to stop people from putting it online, whether Atlus wants it or not. So if the video above gets taken down, it probably won’t be too hard to find it somewhere else.

The new trailer, which uses a mix of old and new footage, gives some more hints as to what the story is about. Like in other Persona games, you play as a high school student. Except this time around the main character will have a separate identity as a thief during the night. This is also the first time we hear some of the Japanese voice acting. The game will be released for PlayStation 3 and 4 later this year in both Japan and the US.

Dengeki Bunko: FIGHTING CLIMAX hits North America on August 25th

We know that Dengeki Bunko: FIGHTING CLIMAX is coming to the west, we know it will be released within the year but what we didn’t know was the exact date. According to GameStop listing the game is set to release on August 25th in North America while only costing $39.99 on the Playstation 3 and $29.99 on the Playstation Vita. Even cooler is that the Vita and Playstation 3 version each have their own cover.

Dengeki Bunko: FIGHTING CLIMAX mixes popular Dengeki Bunko Magazine characters with SEGA franchises such as Virtua Fighter and puts them in an all out 2D fighting game assault. Learn more by hitting the jump and reading the product description from SEGA:

Heroki gets re-revealed with new trailer

It’s been a long time since we’ve last had a good look at Heroki by the Dutch folks at Picomy. While the studio behind the game has been giving updates on their blog and Twitter throughout the year, we last saw the game in action at PAX 2013. As for why it’s taking so long for the game to be released, one of the game’s developers explains it in a Youtube comment.

It’s because they’re a small team who have been making it in their spare time for the past four and a half years. They’ve also built the game with their own engine, so more work had to be done than if the game would be made in an engine like Unity.

While there’s no release date yet, you can expect the game to be released onto iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch soon. SEGA will still be publishing the game. Also, Picomy recently launched a new website which you can take a look at here.

Classic SEGA Ads: F-Zero GX for Nintendo Gamecube will make your heart race

It has been a little over 14 years since SEGA went third party, and while at the time it was a shock to learn that the company would be releasing games on once rival consoles, now most fans have grown accustomed to third party SEGA. In fact, it has been so long since the announcement that now we have a whole new generation of fans who pinpoint a third party SEGA game as their introduction to the company! I’m not one to use the tired expression “I feel old”, but that realization almost makes me want to utter it (almost). Back in the early 2000s, when third party SEGA went into full swing, fans were seeing the likes of Crazy Taxi on PS2, Sonic Adventure on Gamecube, and Jet Set Radio‘s sequel JSRF on the Xbox. Shocking, sure, but nothing could give SEGA fans whiplash like the announcement that SEGA’s own Amusement Vision team were to develop a new game in a fully Nintendo owned classic franchise – enter F-Zero GX and F-Zero AX.

Gamestop’s Retro Shop is now open, selling SEGA Genesis and Dreamcast games and consoles

Gamestop has now launched its Retro Game Shop, where they are planning on selling a wide variety of old school consoles, games and accessories. Sadly only two SEGA consoles made their retro gaming list which are the SEGA Genesis and the SEGA Dreamcast. Not surprising seeing as those two consoles are the most popular SEGA consoles released in America, but makes me a bit sad that the SEGA Saturn and Master System are getting no love.

While the prices might not appeal to frugal game chasing collectors that are looking for the best bargain, it does have some decently priced items like $10 dollar Dreamcast controllers and a few games on both Genesis and Dreamcast for under $10 dollars.

Sadly the site doesn’t say if the games come complete with manual and case, so know that going in. What do you guys think of GameStop selling retro games once more? 

SEGA 3D Classics upcoming 3D Gunstar Heroes special modes and features detailed

SEGA 3D Classics for the Nintendo 3DS took a short break after the release of 3D Thunder Blade, but the series will return next month with 3D Streets of Rage 2, followed by 3D Gunstar Heroes in August and 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in September. While it’s fun playing classic SEGA games on the go, what makes SEGA 3D Classics so exciting (apart from the 3D) are the new modes added by developer M2! It has been revealed that 3D Gunstar Heroes will feature a Full Spec Mode, which allows players to arm themselves with any of the 14 weapons in the game, while Mega Life Mode doubles the amount of lives available for an easier experience.

Also supported are wireless multiplayer, which requires both players to own the game, and the option to play either the Japanese or American version of the game. A tube TV filter, seen in past Genesis/Mega Drive titles in the series, is also an option. We can’t wait for the next round of SEGA 3D Classics, what title are you most anticipating?

Yu Suzuki reveals more Shenmue 3 secrets and details in Reddit AMA

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Last night Yu Suzuki held a Reddit AMA, revealing even more Shenmue 3 details for fans. While the event itself was initially confusing, failing to mention if the event was 9:30 AM or PM, what time zone it was in, and where on Reddit it could be found, eventually everything was sorted and the AMA took place at /r/IAMA. Suzuki answered several questions pertaining to the length of the game, how many chapters the entire Shenmue saga would cover, potential gameplay elements, and more. Most interestingly, he laid out the exact numbers he hopes the Kickstarter will hit to make the game not only a reality, but as close to his vision as possible:

I will say this: if we reach the $5 mil mark, one of the things I really want to do with Shenmue 3 will become a reality. At $10 million, it will truly have the features of an open world.

After the break, check out a full breakdown of what Suzuki revealed about Shenmue 3!

Swingin’ Report Show #79: Shenmue 3 E3 Reveal & Kickstarter

We’re still pinching ourselves, because we can’t believe this is real life. Yu Suzuki is finally set to make Shenmue 3, having just announced the long awaited game at E3 and launching a Kickstarter to fund the project this week. On this episode of the Swingin’ Report Show, George and Barry discuss their reactions to the news, share opinions on the Kickstarter, and tackle the misconceptions of Sony’s involvement. We also speculate what Suzuki has planned for the third game based on past interviews and recently revealed details.

Check out Shenmue 3 on Kickstarter at

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SEGA Tunes: Hideki Naganuma brings The Concept of Love to Ollie King

While SEGA’s arcade skateboarding title Ollie King is often given Smilebit credit, as mentioned in our kick-off retrospective, the title is still very much an Amusement Vision game. Still, given the Smilebit talent involved in Ollie King‘s creation, I can easily see why people make the mistake. Hell, I thought the game was a Smilebit arcade game until I played it for the first and only time at a GameWorks in Schaumburg, Illinois back in 2005 and saw that “AV” logo. While Ollie King‘s art style and graphics are very much in the same style as Smilebit’s JSRF, and what really pushes the Smilebit feel over the edge is the incredible soundtrack from SEGA music veteran Hideki Naganuma. Not only does the game feature original tracks including pulse-pounders like “Boarder 70”, “Let It Go”, and “Too Fast”, slower celebrative tracks like “Funk to the Top”, as well as the lovingly wacky “Brother Goes Away”, the game also features two remixes of original tracks from Jet Set Radio Future!

Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida says Shenmue 3 IP deal was between SEGA and Yu Suzuki

While Sony announced Shenmue 3 on stage and even admitted that they are involved with some funding for the project, fans are starting to wonder who owns the IP and what Sony had to do with getting the kickstarter going. If Sony’s involved why don’t they just fund the whole thing? According to Playstation President of Worldwide Studios’ Shuhei Yoshida, the deal for the Kickstarter was done by Yu Suzuki and SEGA.
During a interview with Engadget, they asked Yoshida-San the following: ” Why did Sony PlayStation decide to allow that crowdfunding announcement as opposed to funding it?”

“Ah, no, no, no. It’s a very exciting project and there are lots of PlayStation fans asking for it. But it’s a Sega IP and of course Suzuki Yu-san is the creator. So somehow Suzuki-san was able to work out with Sega to allow them to Kickstart the project. And because we liked the project, our third-party relations team struck a deal to help Kickstart the campaign at the E3 conference. That’s great PR.”

Sony has stated that they are willing to help promote the game and have shown that by allowing the Kickstarter to be announced on their stage at E3 in front of millions. Fans have been a bit angry with Sony’s involvement, in my opinion in the end of the day all the money funded by fans and Sony will go into Shenmue 3 to make it a better game, so in the end the consumer wins. No one is forcing anyone to donate to the Kickstarter, you can always wait for the released product. What are your thoughts?

Yu Suzuki will be on Reddit tomorrow answering all fan questions

It has been updated via the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter that Yu Suzuki will be answering questions tomorrow (Friday) via Reddit.  Sadly the post doesn’t really say the time they will be on answering the questions or what subreddit they will be using. I will assume it will be either via /r/IAmA or /r/Shenmue. You’d think they would have details like time ready a day before the event starts, but they did say they will keep us updated.

So get your list of questions ready and keep checking on Reddit tomorrow for your chance to ask one of gaming’s most legendary developers all your questions. We will update you when we find out the time and place of the event, so check back.

This is Saturn gets puzzled, with Puyo Puyo Sun

This is Saturn bounces back with Puyos, Suns, Arle Nadja, Satan, and more!

This time, we’re having a look at the third game in the incredibly popular Puyo Puyo series, Puyo Puyo Sun! Many’s first experience with the puzzler series was Dr Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine; a game I personally still don’t like much. But can the same be said of Sun? Find out in this episode of This is Saturn!

This is Saturn is a video series created by British teenager Liam ‘TrackerTD’ Ashcroft, aiming to give an alternative and in-depth look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of SEGA Saturn gaming, all whilst maintaining a somewhat strong accent.

Like this video? Subscribe to the SEGAbits YouTube channel.

New Shenmue 3 information uncovered including PC version’s publisher

While I jumped in and donated to the Shenmue 3 KickStarter right when it was announced, the whole thing just left me with more questions. I think a lot of fans right now are just so excited (like myself) that most forgot to question some of the aspects of the campaign. I see lots of gaming journalist assuming lots of things, but let’s get some facts out of the way. While the gaming press is discussing Sony stating that they are giving Shenmue 3some funding‘, we don’t know who the publisher is going to be… till now at least.

We know that the PC version (which is getting a physical release) will be published by Shibuya Productions. That would mean that SEGA will not be publishing that version of the game, sadly. They did say that SEGA and Yu Suzuki have a good relationship, so much so that they are allowing Yu Suzuki to use all the elements he needs from the first two games to complete Shenmue 3.

One of the new gameplay systems that the Kickstarter is promoting is the use of scrolls, while the older games had them to learn moves it seems that Shenmue 3 is set to expand on that. Skill scrolls are still part of the fighting system but will also unlock mini-games, gambling and other side quests.

It has also been confirmed that Shenmue 3 will take place right after Shenmue 2‘s cliff hanger. Cédric Biscay has been confirmed to be in charge of the PC version.

[Source: NeoGAF]

Segabits @ E3: Off-screen video and more details on Hatsune Miku Project: VR Tech Demo

Shigs here. I’m at E3 and despite no Sega booth, I’m managing to find some Sega…bits of information here and there. As announced earlier, there is a Hatsune Miku VR demo at Sony’s Project Morpheus booth. In this virtual reality demo, you are at a Miku concert enjoying the music with the large, silhouetted crowd. They all have their glowsticks waving to the song “Viva, Viva, Happy” and you need to do the same (I think). Eventually, Miku brings you up on stage and it gets a little odd as words and random objects are seen all over her. You’re playing a rhythm game with the move controller and waving the stick at Miku and the crowd to the beat. The person playing seemed to be too interested in looking around and was obviously losing,  since X’s and storm clouds were appearing everywhere. Still, it looks like a fun game and I’ll try to get my hands on it Thursday when Project Morpheus demos are open to the public.

I apologize for the quality of the video, but it was taken offscreen.

Sega feat. Hatsune Miku Project: VR Tech Demo announced


SEGA has revealed a new title for Sony’s Project Morpheus VR headset for PlayStation 4 which will transport players to the world of Hatsune Miku! Titled Sega feat. Hatsune Miku Project: VR Tech Demo (doesn’t quite roll off the tongue), the simple demo features Miku singing songs from artist Mitchie M. while dancing (what else did you expect Miku to do?). We don’t know much more about the demo beyond that, so any gameplay or interaction is possible but unconfirmed. Also, it has not been stated if this will lead to a full retail release once Project Morpheus releases next year. Still, this should be an exciting experience for fans who truly want to have some fun with Miku!