Skies of Arcadia Dreamcast mod is amazing

Just like most women, this mod looks better in the dark. Why? Because it has pretty lights.

The mod is all done by hand, making me envious that I don’t have the artistic talent (or drive) to make something this awesome.

[Source: Kotaku]


4 responses to “Skies of Arcadia Dreamcast mod is amazing

  1. Mainkai says:

    Damn… Now if someone would just make something like this with a PSO theme (for example one of the Section ID logos) I would be sold. Maybe I should make such an attempt myself.

  2. Hot. I'd love one with a JSR logo (that little radio dude) and yellow lights.

  3. CrazyTails says:

    That's beautiful

  4. F-D_M says:

    Pure SEGA STYLE!!!

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